Twitter: Darnold: "They just kind of did what they do. They do it every single week."


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Not defending anyone, but don’t all NFL teams basically do what they do? I think it’s called a scheme. Do some teams actually come out and run a different defense or offense some weeks?

It sure looks like "defending".

I'll challenge any of these "all teams" claims with finding examples of where teams are saying things like "we knew what they were going to do 90% of the time" or "we knew their signals", or as here "thy do what they always do" about "all teams."

Show us examples about this happening with "all teams" again and again and again.


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ROFL... who knew after the last 2 teams pretty much man handled and blew our "grand scheme" open, Garret is a JOKE! The heart breaking truth is, were the ones being laughed at. WE all saw this in the NO game, our offense went silent, nothing from the prior first 3 games even looked remotely the same...GARRET took over the game planning, hells bells, don't take my word for it, go back to when Tony was still here and LOOK at this predictable mess we've ran the last 3 loss's and tell me I am wrong!! I'LL WAIT!


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It sure looks like "defending".

I'll challenge any of these "all teams" claims with finding examples of where teams are saying things like "we knew what they were going to do 90% of the time" or "we knew their signals", or as here "thy do what they always do" about "all teams."

Show us examples about this happening with "all teams" again and again and again.

How often in ten years have we heard Garrett getting credited for calling an unpredictable and creative game plan or how often did we see Garrett's coaching make a real big positive difference in a big game? The fact that we can't honestly count on two hands or recall how often Garrett's coaching really made a positive impact on a big game in ten years tells you have awful he is.


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I don’t think Garrett is game planning the defense every week, but he is the head coach. I would think he sits through a defensive strategy meeting with Richard/Maranelli each week. You would also think he’s bright enough to say “uh, maybe we change things up.”

That’s not Garrett’s way...


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How often in ten years have we heard Garrett getting credited for calling an unpredictable and creative game plan or how often did we see Garrett's coaching make a real big positive difference in a big game? The fact that we can't honestly count on two hands or recall how often Garrett's coaching really made a positive impact on a big game in ten years tells you have awful he is.

Compare that to how many times we've read this same thing about how the Cowboys are so easy to predict and how "they do what they do".

This team and its players are playing at a distinct X's and O's disadvantage since the Garrett era started in Dallas.


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Dude, just stop.

Aint you the guy that told everybody to either get on board or get off your ship?

Well, bro...…...I hate to break the news to you, but your ship has hit an iceberg and sunk and is sitting 2.4 miles down on the ocean floor.


Yep, that looks like the cowboys alright. Tell search & rescue to call it off....we've found them.

Schedule an officer out to notify the family.


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We won a lot of Super Bowls doing what we always did on Sunday.
So you're trying to tell us we can still win scheming the way we did 20+ years ago? Because, you know, the game hasn't changed in over two decades.You seriously can't be that goofy, can you???
Or maybe you're actually Rod Marinelli posting here incognito.


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When an organization is fixated on past glory and trying its best and pulling all strings and pushing all resources to relive that glory with no consideration of changing times, changing rules, changing personnel, and changing and evolving game of football, it becomes what you see now.
All teams making a joke of us

What I am referring to is the fixation of this organization with the "triplets" ... every year the whole Cowboy nation talk about triplets, the new triples this and that. This tells me about how the organization is thinking and then consider this thinking on the defensive side and special teams. That thinking tells the fans that we are trying to fit last generation football schemes and plays into today's game.

The game has changed since we had the triplets, it is not all about QB/RB/WR only. First Jerry needs to wake up and realize this, and then get a coaching staff that plays today football. Troy/Emmit/Michael are not walking in from that door any time soon



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
So you're trying to tell us we can still win scheming the way we did 20+ years ago? Because, you know, the game hasn't changed in over two decades.You seriously can't be that goofy, can you???
Or maybe you're actually Rod Marinelli posting here incognito.

Some people take that blue pill:



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So you're trying to tell us we can still win scheming the way we did 20+ years ago? Because, you know, the game hasn't changed in over two decades.You seriously can't be that goofy, can you???
Or maybe you're actually Rod Marinelli posting here incognito.
Oh yes no doubt. It doesn't take a goofy person to figure that out. It's about talent. Cowboys didn't change anything week to week we would line up, and say come get it you know what's comin.

You know another team like that in 2019 with less talent than we had? The patriots. Watch how they execute a very conservative game plan year in and year out. They are fairly successful wouldn't you say?


1st Round Pick
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Oh yes no doubt. It doesn't take a goofy person to figure that out. It's about talent. Cowboys didn't change anything week to week we would line up, and say come get it you know what's comin.

You know another team like that in 2019 with less talent than we had? The patriots. Watch how they execute a very conservative game plan year in and year out. They are fairly successful wouldn't you say?

PAtriots have a very dynamic game plan.

They only go into a shell when the quick passing game isn't working and they run it out of a hurry up.


Cowboys Diehard
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Coach Jerry is the biggest proponent of the running game being the Dallas offense's primary weapon, above all else. If you have any doubt as to why this team persists in featuring it's outdated and highly predictable offensive ways, you need look no farther than its owner. Don't for any one minute think that the offense's coaches are unaware of the demands that are being issued by the one who signs their paychecks. Sam Darnold makes a valid point. The Dallas Cowboys are sorely outdated on both sides of the ball. The blame starts at the top and filters down throughout. GM Jerry has no clue. ;)
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Jeez all team have specific schemes they run, all teams have millions of hours of tape on teams and what they run.. this is not news...they didnt know what was coming and when,

Its simple, we didnt get enough consistent pressure on the QB, and then the DBs couldn't cover... so they new what type of defense we were running but when you dont execute the scheme, this is what happens..

we are losing because players arent in postion , they arent getting to the qb, tackling Rbs , covering Receivers etc etc.. they cleaned it up in the second half but when you spot any team 18-21 points in the first half and the Offense is struggling at the same time, its hard to overcome..

the entire team needs to execute better, period..

limit mistakes, Penaltys, and TOs..


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You know another team like that in 2019 with less talent than we had? The patriots. Watch how they execute a very conservative game plan year in and year out. They are fairly successful wouldn't you say?


This is so wrong that it makes me question if you should even be watching gridiron football. If you think the Patriots are just a "line up and do your thing" team then just lol, their entire identity is predicated on changing everything on the fly to catch teams wrong-footed.

The Patriots are infamous for completely changing their offensive and/or defensive approach from game to game. They go from no-huddle air raid to fullback smashmouth form game to game, sometimes drive to drive. Defensively they swap 4-3 and 3-4 with 5-2 and even 6-1 fronts, and do every combination of man and zone you can imagine. Half their success is their opponents having no idea what they're doing. Their Super Bowl defense was literally a scheme they never used and it killed the Rams.

Even in the low scoring Super Bowl, their TD scoring drive happened because they did a completely nuts offensive shift where they put out their goal line smashmouth players and had them go into spread passing formations.

If you think any Garrett coached Cowboys team was capable of that kind of thing you need your skull x-rayed.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Oh yes no doubt. It doesn't take a goofy person to figure that out. It's about talent. Cowboys didn't change anything week to week we would line up, and say come get it you know what's comin.

You know another team like that in 2019 with less talent than we had? The patriots. Watch how they execute a very conservative game plan year in and year out. They are fairly successful wouldn't you say?

The Patriots are nothing like the Cowboys and the mere fact that you attempted to make the comparison does nothing but serve to indict your credibility.