Recap: David Moore on organizational issues on defense


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Excellent summary of a structural flaw the Jones cartel not only doesn’t recognize, it probably wouldn’t care if it did anyway.

One only has to look at this team’s defensive history since winning its last SB in 1995 to see this foundational flaw. Since we hoisted the Lombardi in SB XXX, this team has hired 8 defensive coordinators, including 4 DCs in 9 years: Dave Campo, Mike Zimmer, Brian Stewart, Rob Ryan, Monte Kiffin, Rod Marinelli, Mike Nolan, and now Dan Quinn.

And this team has changed schemes far too often- From the 90s 4-3 to the 3-4 under Parcells and Phillips, then back to the 4-3, then the “hybrid” 4-3 (4-2-5?) under Nolan, and now back to the 4-3 under Quinn. This team changes defensive philosophies like underwear. It’s hard to build a defense when you don’t even know what kind of defense you are trying to be.
And that's the facts Jack!! :hammer::hammer::hammer:


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Is this @Idgit's wife?
JG was not a great HC. But for whatever the reason his teams never were as sloppy as they were last year. Were some of his teams a disappointment, say what you will about mediocrity but right now a mediocre defense after last year seems appealing.


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JG was not a great HC. But for whatever the reason his teams never were as sloppy as they were last year. Were some of his teams a disappointment, say what you will about mediocrity but right now a mediocre defense after last year seems appealing.
Marinate's personnel selection was absolutely awful, but the one thing he did well was make a passable D out of cornnuts.


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Marinate's personnel selection was absolutely awful, but the one thing he did well was make a passable D out of cornnuts.
I agree. His scheme was predictable but the defense was middle of the road except a few games here and there. But he always got his guys to play.


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Who will be the next "big name" DC that Jerry goes after when Quinn is gone in 1-2 years?


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I like David Moore, and I LOVE the Ticket, but here’s my issue with him and many of his takes:

Moore likes to present personal inference as fact. When questioned deeper he’ll admit this, but only if questioned. The Ticket has taken the “anti-Jerry” angle over the years for various reasons, but the point is they present themselves as the “truth tellers” free from Jerry’s or the organizations influence. This combined with the fact that his regular presence on the Ticket is really the biggest outlet for Moore apart from his writing results in a bit of a negative thought bubble when he’s on. His negative takes aren’t questioned and the ticket prefers the viewer believe his views are facts confirmed by sources within the organization.

So while some or all of this may be true, it’s purely David Moore’s opinion. He has nobody in the organization that secretly feeds him this info. And that’s fine, but in context it’s misleading.

And this would be the problem in many "contexts" today.


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This entire organization serves at the pleasure of the owner. Their job, just as it is the HC's, is to make sure he is comfortable and that includes family members.

Everybody in the organization understands their role and none more than McCarthy, how else could he sell himself to the GM in 12 hours? He made him comfortable just as his children do, McClay and his scouts, Dalrymple and anyone else on his payroll.

Dale Hansen was the very first employee, right after Tom Landry, to discover how this team would be run. He made Booger uncomfortable and was gone.

The Dallas Cowboys are a Patriarchy and only one thing is going to change that. Our hope, our only hope, is that the son has been waiting, biding his time and doing it the way his old man wants it done, not the way he would do it along with his siblings. Of course, there's always the chance this become a Matriarchy. Some children were just born to please their parents.