Dez Bryant Says We Are "Unbeatable"


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Idgit;4193470 said:
No, thanks. I like hearing from the players every now and then. And it's a tough sell convincing me that Dez is a problem with this team.

What's getting into everybody here at CZ? Are we just lashing out at everyone until we're over 500 again?

Our offensive coordinator and boneheaded plays from the QB is why we're 2-3.


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CATCH17;4193478 said:
Our offensive coordinator and boneheaded plays from the QB is why we're 2-3.

It's far from the only reason we are, but keep it simple if it helps you sleep at night.


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Idgit;4193470 said:
No, thanks. I like hearing from the players every now and then. And it's a tough sell convincing me that Dez is a problem with this team.

Know what I like more? WINS. I could care less about rah-rah speeches, brilliant press conferences after losses, or anything else that ultimately means nothing. This business is about performing, not talking about how great you think you are.

What's getting into everybody here at CZ? Are we just lashing out at everyone until we're over 500 again?

I guess mediority or below isn't for everyone...



Red, White and Brew...
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Terence Newman700;4193094 said:
In the News Zone...there is a video of him basically saying we will be unbeatable the rest of the season.I love the attitude, hope everybody feels this way...

He also says what we all been saying, we beat ourselves...

I know everybody is tired of the "positive rah rah" Threads, but now at least our players believe it to. The eagles game will prove a lot.

I dunno, kinda easy to say with the Rams on tap.



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CATCH17;4193478 said:
Our offensive coordinator and boneheaded plays from the QB is why we're 2-3.

You are far too concerned with Garrett and are losing sight of how awful our oline is.


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JoeCorrado;4193400 said:
Sarcasm is a great thing. Certainly disagree with the use here though.

Getting Dez Bryant was a steal. I am not sure why normally sane and reasonable people can often realize that the biggest jump for wide receivers is between their 1st and second seasons, and then not realize that Dez has yet to see that. This off season was lost. Dez had no opportunity to realize the growth that could have been. He will get better and he will be all that we could hope for.

Dez has all the physical skills, he has the motivation, he has the mental capacity. Remember he missed most of his last season in college, he missed a large part of his rookie season too, and then came the lockout. Circumstances have not helped in his development. Things have conspired to hinder it, except for the suspension, none of it can be laid at his feet.

How about we give him an honest opportunity and pass on the cheap shot opportunities to complain about his development. He will be a beast for years and years. And he will be a Cowboy because he did slip to us, but remember... we jumped up to meet him part way.

Oh, Dez... one could easily argue that this could also be considered as a form of budding leadership couldn't it? Hmm... I mean, we could always use more of that.

As usual, the struggle at this site is to find balance in the commentary. I haven't read the entire thread. What I read in this post though seems to imply there is no doubt that Dez will deliver on his full potential.

I think its reasonable to doubt whether that will be true. I'm not predicting doom with Dez. Neither am I predicting guaranteed success. It's very fair to say the jury is still out on what his NFL accomplishments will ultimately be. That doesn't have to be considered an insult though some take it that way.


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GloryDaysRBack;4193493 said:
You are far too concerned with Garrett and are losing sight of how awful our oline is.

The OL has been good enough aside from the New England game.

Even then, a completely inability to score in the Redzone is what really cost this team.


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JoeCorrado;4193400 said:
Sarcasm is a great thing. Certainly disagree with the use here though.

Getting Dez Bryant was a steal. I am not sure why normally sane and reasonable people can often realize that the biggest jump for wide receivers is between their 1st and second seasons, and then not realize that Dez has yet to see that. This off season was lost. Dez had no opportunity to realize the growth that could have been. He will get better and he will be all that we could hope for.

Dez has all the physical skills, he has the motivation, he has the mental capacity. Remember he missed most of his last season in college, he missed a large part of his rookie season too, and then came the lockout. Circumstances have not helped in his development. Things have conspired to hinder it, except for the suspension, none of it can be laid at his feet.

How about we give him an honest opportunity and pass on the cheap shot opportunities to complain about his development. He will be a beast for years and years. And he will be a Cowboy because he did slip to us, but remember... we jumped up to meet him part way.

Oh, Dez... one could easily argue that this could also be considered as a form of budding leadership couldn't it? Hmm... I mean, we could always use more of that.

In other words, you get what you pay for, and we got a "bargain" for a very good reason. Thanks, but I knew that already.


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bbgun;4193501 said:
In other words, you get what you pay for, and we got a "bargain" for a very good reason. Thanks, but I knew that already.

I would say if we were winning and sitting at 4-1 or 5-0 no one would care.

Emmitt Smith would fall asleep at meeting but the Cowboys were winning so it was not a story or an issue.


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WoodysGirl;4193204 said:
If nobody else feels that way, at least he should..

It's not like he doesn't know the record, but these guys have to believe in themselves, even if we think they're a bunch of bums

Love the confidence, Dez! Now take it to 'em on the field.

Well said.


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Doomsday101;4193502 said:
I would say if we were winning and sitting at 4-1 or 5-0 no one would care.

Emmitt Smith would fall asleep at meeting but the Cowboys were winning so it was not a story or an issue.

Oh, absolutely. Even Landry looked the other way in the interests of winning. That said, Emmitt didn't have the myriad problems Dez has. Nor was he prone to making public statements that bordered on the arrogant or delusional, save for that "diamond surrounded trash" quip when he was in Phoenix.


Negativity King
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Dez must have just figured out he can play in the second half of games.



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bbgun;4193512 said:
Oh, absolutely. Even Landry looked the other way in the interests of winning. That said, Emmitt didn't have the myriad problems Dez has. Nor was he prone to making public statements that bordered on the arrogant or delusional, save for that "diamond surrounded trash" quip when he was in Phoenix.

Irvin did but we did not take it as arrogant because he and the team went out and got the job done.

I have no problem with Dez making the comments right now no one else is going to stand up for the Cowboys, hell most are trashing them so any player who wants to stand up and make claims good for them.

However as we all know it is a bottom line business where you win or you take the heat.

Go out and start winning no one is going to care about Dez making statements.

Only time I have an issue to players making public statement is when they are pointing their fingers at others.


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Doomsday101;4193524 said:
Irvin did but we did not take it as arrogant because he and the team went out and got the job done.

I have no problem with Dez making the comments right now no one else is going to stand up for the Cowboys, hell most are trashing them so any player who wants to stand up and make claims good for them.

However as we all know it is a bottom line business where you win or you take the heat.

Go out and start winning no one is going to care about Dez making statements.

Only time I have an issue to players making public statement is when they are pointing their fingers at others.

Irvin saved most of his trash-talking for opposing CBs. I don't remember him proclaiming the team "unbeatable." The current Cowboys are eminently beatable. If Dez truly believed what he said, he would have made that boast before the Pats game.

Speaking of Irvin and co, I'm starting to transfer old VHS tapes to digital. Here's some game action highlights from 1990:



Double Trouble
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Doomsday101;4193524 said:
Irvin did but we did not take it as arrogant because he and the team went out and got the job done.

I have no problem with Dez making the comments right now no one else is going to stand up for the Cowboys, hell most are trashing them so any player who wants to stand up and make claims good for them.

However as we all know it is a bottom line business where you win or you take the heat.

Go out and start winning no one is going to care about Dez making statements.

Only time I have an issue to players making public statement is when they are pointing their fingers at others.
I recall Irvin once saying before the '94 NFCC that we would win, but that was after a reporter asked him that. When quizzed about it after the game, he said something like, "What was I supposed to say?"

I don't recall him ever saying anything the equivalent of "we're unbeatable", and even if he had, he was wearing rings and in the midst of one of the greatest periods a WR has ever had. Dez has no such legs to stand on.

It's a stupid comment from a guy who has made a habit of doing stupid things. I wish he'd shut up and play football. And not get lost in what's going on, and not stand on the sideline winded in the 2nd half because he's out of shape.


Double Trouble
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bbgun;4193535 said:
Irvin saved most of his trash-talking for opposing CBs. I don't remember him proclaiming the team "unbeatable." The current Cowboys are eminently beatable. If Dez truly believed what he said, he would have made that boast before the Pats game.

Speaking of Irvin and co, I'm starting to transfer old VHS tapes to digital. Here's some game action highlights from 1990:

Priceless. I'd love to have good copies of games from that era.

Garrett could learn a thing or two from the TD pass to Irvin.


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WoodysGirl;4193204 said:
If nobody else feels that way, at least he should..

It's not like he doesn't know the record, but these guys have to believe in themselves, even if we think they're a bunch of bums

Love the confidence, Dez! Now take it to 'em on the field.

Very well said....:bow:


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Double Trouble;4193574 said:
I recall Irvin once saying before the '94 NFCC that we would win, but that was after a reporter asked him that. When quizzed about it after the game, he said something like, "What was I supposed to say?"

I don't recall him ever saying anything the equivalent of "we're unbeatable", and even if he had, he was wearing rings and in the midst of one of the greatest periods a WR has ever had. Dez has no such legs to stand on.

It's a stupid comment from a guy who has made a habit of doing stupid things. I wish he'd shut up and play football. And not get lost in what's going on, and not stand on the sideline winded in the 2nd half because he's out of shape.

And it is not a big deal, you guys make it a bigger deal than it is. Players are catching hell and rightfully so without saying 1 word if Dez or anyone else has something to say I could careless and not going to make a federal case of it.

What I do expect is this team to go out and start producing and start winning.

You want to get caught up in this stuff be my guest but it is not going to hurt or help the team and if it somehow encourages Dez to go out and backup his statement then great.

One thing about you guys, you get riled up over the things that do not matter.

As I said there really is one thing a player can say or do that does matter to me and that is when they start laying blame at each other.

Outside of that I think what Dez did was nothing more than a defense mechanism that is used even here by the users when they come under fire.


To The Moon
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Joe Realist;4193303 said:
shut up - one thing this team, from Jerry on down has not learned, is to keep your mouth shut. Aren't the Packers 6-0? Most under the radar undefeated team I can remember, but at 2-3, pull up your pants, learn your routes, be on time, pay your bills, grow up and shut your mouth Dez.

:laugh2: The Packers? The most "under the radar" team? You did type that right? You one funny guy! :laugh2:

And still mad about Dez's personal life too. :laugh2:


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stasheroo;4193488 said:
Know what I like more? WINS. I could care less about rah-rah speeches, brilliant press conferences after losses, or anything else that ultimately means nothing. This business is about performing, not talking about how great you think you are.

I guess mediority or below isn't for everyone...


So...your argument is that, because I like hearing player interviews, I don't like wins more? That's what you're taking from this?

And, on top of it, I think I'm reading that you also seem to think a player like Dez does not have time in his schedule to both work hard and answer some media questions.

And, finally, that lashing out at everyone, in your mind, somehow demonstrates a dislike for mediocrity that you can't display by, say, discussing the actual roots of the current problems? We're to assume there's some hidden nobility in acting like a child when you don't get your way?

Some of us like neither mediocrity nor being emotionally out of control. Others tolerate the one, even though it's completely unrelated to the other.