Dez Calls Out the "Garrett Guys" With C's On Their Jerseys


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This said a lot......This is why I started the thread This Will Leave A Mark For a While. Right now that locker room is split down the middle. When Dez said "Garrett guys" you better believe other players are taking notes, especially the younger ones.

Garrett guys really caught my attention.

I always considered Dez a Garrett guy. Always seemed like they had a great relationship and I guess that wasn’t the case.

You got Romo acting like he’s not a Garrett fan and now Dez too.


Junior College Transfer
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With his sit down with Jane Slater, Dez calls out the guys who wore C's on their jerseys and the players he calls "Garrett Guys". Saying they didn't like him and he was whining in typical Dez fashion about how he didn't know why. And he won't call out names but they know who they are and he will text them and let them know. But he kind of gave a lot of them away with the C's on the jerseys statement. In 2017, the players who wore the C were:

Sean Lee, T Crawford, Dak, Witten, Lee, Bailey and Scandrick.

Going to guess Scandrick was always in his corner. Bailey doesn't get involved in that as he's a kicker. They are loners. I doubt Crawford really cared either way. But Lee, Witten and Dak? I am pretty positive they were tired of his tired act. Dak made the comment after the Seattle game that maybe he should put the ball right in his facemask so he can't drop it. Witten was on him in that Detroit game a few years ago when he melted down on the sideline. And left early.

Dez could have easily took the high road and went on about his business. But nope. He thinks him getting cut is some big deal. Players are cut constantly in this league. Even the good ones get this treatment. But remember everyone telling us how mature he has gotten? Lmao. He's still the same immature clown he has always been. This is why Dallas was done with him. His act wore out. And he started to diminish on the field. He was a problem to this team and it's Dez first, winning and team second. He proved that his whole career. But so many fall for his Throw Up the X and team first marketing gimmick he portrays online and they eat it up. Acting like this is some dark day in Cowboys history.

Good riddance Dez. You won't be missed.

I have been a huge critic of Witten and Lee. Now, suddenly, With these sour grapes by Dez, I have newfound respect for Witten, Lee and the C guys.
This DAWG can learn new tricks.


Junior College Transfer
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I wonder if that's why we struggle so much. The locker is always divided.
Good lad, lockerroomsc are the most dysfunctional place. Egos, millionaires, guys on the bubbles, stars, scrubs.
If this locker room is divided, then so are 30 other ones, save the champions Eagles who are on a high and loving it.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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If you were fired from your job and believed fellow employees contributed to your termination, would you bend the other direction and say yes sir may I have another?
No. I would spew my emotions to everybody who could here/read/see.


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Folks you do realize Dez has the intellectual capacity of a 8 year old? This yapping is proof he had to go. This guy was a cancer.


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I cant imagine why any player would buy in to Garrett and follow him as a leader of men. You know who Jason Garrett is? Heres my best description.......... Jason Garrett is the young Lt in Vietnam who ends up getting wacked by his own guys out in the field because he keeps leading them into schitt and getting them killed by his own stupidity over and over again as he waves old glory and yells out.......MOVE FORWARD men MOVE FORWARD! LOL THAT.............. is Jason Garrett! Eventually pep talks and cute little slogans dont mean zip!


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Oh, so you're hitching your wagon to the Phillip Tanner now. Yeah, I can't compete with that. You win.

Better that than some liar.

But yeh, throw every player under the bus for your hero.

Each and every single one.

No matter how many show up.

You keep chopping em down.


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TWill and Bease are “Dez” guys. I think it was Dez that convinced Bease not to retire so his comments aren’t surprising.

I also think it’s interesfing that Romo made comments a month ago such as “you won’t last in this league if you’re running the same offense from 8 years ago” and that “we (cowboys) never had anything to beat cover 4”, and it somehow gets glossed over or sugar coated. Romo called out Garrett and this offense a while ago but in a much more PC way.

Cole, and especially Dez, are just being blunt.


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The more I read Dez's comments, the more I am convinced that these are just the rantings of a paranoid mind. He's blamed just about everyone but himself.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Him getting cut is a big deal.

NFL Network is showing Dez’s best games all day tomorrow. Who else has ever had that done for them? This wasn’t a routine departure. It’s a big deal.

He’s probably upset that a bunch of inferior players didn’t have his back.
Sorry, his true self is showing.... No reason for him to hide it now. Starting to feel good about this decision. About time this staff showed some guts instead of unfounded loyalty that is plain bad for the team


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