Dez Calls Out the "Garrett Guys" With C's On Their Jerseys


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"the player" is dead to me.

Attack Garrett all you want. It's fair.

But stay away from Witten and Lee. Two guys that exemplifiy how to play the game.

But they can go too- one is often injured and the other one is way past his prime.


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With his sit down with Jane Slater, Dez calls out the guys who wore C's on their jerseys and the players he calls "Garrett Guys". Saying they didn't like him and he was whining in typical Dez fashion about how he didn't know why. And he won't call out names but they know who they are and he will text them and let them know. But he kind of gave a lot of them away with the C's on the jerseys statement. In 2017, the players who wore the C were:

Sean Lee, T Crawford, Dak, Witten, Lee, Bailey and Scandrick.

Going to guess Scandrick was always in his corner. Bailey doesn't get involved in that as he's a kicker. They are loners. I doubt Crawford really cared either way. But Lee, Witten and Dak? I am pretty positive they were tired of his tired act. Dak made the comment after the Seattle game that maybe he should put the ball right in his facemask so he can't drop it. Witten was on him in that Detroit game a few years ago when he melted down on the sideline. And left early.

Dez could have easily took the high road and went on about his business. But nope. He thinks him getting cut is some big deal. Players are cut constantly in this league. Even the good ones get this treatment. But remember everyone telling us how mature he has gotten? Lmao. He's still the same immature clown he has always been. This is why Dallas was done with him. His act wore out. And he started to diminish on the field. He was a problem to this team and it's Dez first, winning and team second. He proved that his whole career. But so many fall for his Throw Up the X and team first marketing gimmick he portrays online and they eat it up. Acting like this is some dark day in Cowboys history.

Good riddance Dez. You won't be missed.
C's is possessive, what you meant to say was Cs, which is plural.


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The Garrett guys happen to be right. Dez has Dez to Blame. As of yet,he's blamed everyone else BUT HIMSELF. This should tell us why he's gone. His lack of maturity and accountability.


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That’s the narrative fox wanted you to buy into when they showed him on the sideline and you took it.

The TO narrative. Even though Romo and Butler said Dez is usually nothing but positive on the sidelines. He’s just emotional.

Funny, because Romo said the exact same thing about TO. Like I said, I'm not blaming Dez for 100% of the issues on this team, but he sure didn't help either...
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Don't let your hate of Dez blind you from the truth. On leaving Dallas he leaves us with a golden nuggett..

How many other team's defensive players has stated outright our offense is way too predictable as well?

How long did it take us to realize we needed to keep running the football when toting the ball for 5 yards a clip?

Why would you take Elliott off the field continually on 3rd and 5 when you are a top rushing team in the NFL?

Why was last season the first season they started moving Dez around, meanwhile team's had been doing that with Julio, Beckham, etc?

I guess we shall see regardless..
Better than the brown nuggets he **** all over the field last year.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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We have all of these players, from Dez to TO to Butler to Scandrick to Church and some others all talking about how Garrett manipulates the situation for his own benefit, even at the expense of the players or the team.

Now you can choose to not believe it, but I ask a question......What has Garrett accomplished or earned that makes him so above board that the word of multiple players should be totally ignored? In other words, why such an allegiance to somebody that has accomplished so very little in their entire coaching career?
Mmmm... You make the head nod.


Taco Engineer
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The Garrett guys happen to be right. Dez has Dez to Blame. As of yet,he's blamed everyone else BUT HIMSELF. This should tell us why he's gone. His lack of maturity and accountability.
What's insane is Dez admitted to under producing and being unfocused. He himself said he needed to do a better job and needed to "grind."
A couple of months later it's him against the world? Come on.


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That's right.

Let's see Dez man up and admit he hasn't been very good the last 3 years.

He could have been elite,but didn't want it bad enough. Instead he rather be a immature chump and pass the blame to unnamed staffers/players. THATS THE COWARDS WAY OUT.


"You want some?"
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What they all have in common is they're no longer beholden to Garrett or the Cowboys.

Free to speak their mind.

And none of it is pretty.

Honesty for a change is refreshing.

I consider their overall volume of credibility.

And they ain't knocking my socks off.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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What they all have in common is they're no longer beholden to Garrett or the Cowboys.

Free to speak their mind.

And none of it is pretty.

Honesty for a change is refreshing.


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He could have been elite,but didn't want it bad enough. Instead he rather be a immature chump and pass the blame to unnamed staffers/players. THATS THE COWARDS WAY OUT.

The "coward's way out" is hiding. Like Garrett and Linehan.

Not being man enough or having enough balls to say something to another man's face. But to stab him in the back when he's not looking or not around. To make someone else the scapegoat for your own faults and failings.

It's happened for 10 years now with Garrett, and yet, incredibly, some fans still can't see it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The Garrett guys happen to be right. Dez has Dez to Blame. As of yet,he's blamed everyone else BUT HIMSELF. This should tell us why he's gone. His lack of maturity and accountability.

Its got nothing to do with anyone but Dez. He hasn't produced since he signed the mega deal after his superlative 2014 season. His release has nothing to do with Garret or Witten or anyone but Dez. If he produced on the field, this would have never happened. In fact, if he was putting up his 2012-2014 numbers, his current contract would be a bargain.


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Good news people! The Cowboys can finally allocate more money into the defense. This move to get rid of Dez wasn't about this season it's about building for the future.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The "coward's way out" is hiding. Like Garrett and Linehan.

Not being man enough or having enough balls to say something to another man's face. But to stab him in the back when he's not looking or not around. To make someone else the scapegoat for your own faults and failings.

It's happened for 10 years now with Garrett, and yet, incredibly, some fans still can't see it.

I'm not a Garret fan but i'm not sure he had much to do with this move. The guy is just another puppet in the room taking his marching orders from the FO.