Dez himself says he'll miss time if no deal

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Dez, if you're on here, and you probably are off and on, we're thinking about you.

Play the tag, and then do it again next year. That's $28 million guaranteed right there.

Then, you'll still be able to go get $30+ million guaranteed on four years after that, either here or elsewhere.

That's $60 million headed your way at least.

Just relax. You'll be fine.


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It is impossible to reason with people who do NOT understand football. And I just stated this week that I will FINALLY return to watch this team in person....because it is finally running like a real football operation. But if we think we can plug any WR in THIS we think we can do at RB...then once again...I will know that Jerry has pushed aside the football people...and locked everyone out of the room. Hence, I will NOT be going to a game in person!

LOL, it's you and phil that don't know football. It's not won on the outside, it's won at the line of scrimmage. Dallas finally figured that out.


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Dez does have something to gain. You have to remember that he is going to be in this same position a year from now. He will be showing the Cowboys that they don't have absolute power.

This whole thing sucks. We know Dez wants to be a cowboy for life.
People ask what does Dez have to gain....What do the Cowboys have to gain and what are the Cowboys risking with this?
The way I see it the Cowboys are playing with fire and risking turning your teams emotional leader against you. That can be huge.

Setting out games only cost him money and come next year he can still be tagged
Dez has nothing to gain by setting out at all
He would only be costing himself money
The team will be hurt if he is that dumb, but they would be hurt more if they paid him what he wants because that would mean losing the core of your oline
Giving the choice of losing dez or losing the oline I say love us dez but you can't catch passes if the QB is on his back

PA Cowboy Fan

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Why do people keep bring up Dez sitting out the year. HE IS NOT GOING TO SIT OUT THE YEAR.heis going to play football this year. that is not even a question. the question is will he miss a couple games to put pressure on the cowboys if they start 0 and 2 ? and even when he comes in, do you get the same Dez.

How's that putting pressure on them? They can't negotiate with him. All it's going to do is make the fans turn on him. And what if the Cowboys win both games?


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Those of you who are belittling Dez for threatening to sit out this season are only worried about the football side of things. Yeah, I get that he's expected to make 16 million dollars. However, HOWEVER, just because most of us will never get the money this man will. Yeah 16 million dollars is a lot, but it's not the full amount that he's obviously worth. He isn't protected. At the end of the day, it would actually favor the Joneses if he did get hurt. As opposed to making 16 million, he could be getting 40 million with more than 1 year under his belt. Think about what happened to Anthony Spencer. While he made a lot of money with the franchise tag, he probably would've made more with the guaranteed money and a longer contract. 16 million dollars is a lot, but 40 million dollars is a lot more. IF you truly care about Dez Bryant and not the Dallas Cowboys, you'll see he's thinking about himself and his family first over football, as it should be. IN a time in which the owners make the billions of dollars, an athlete should have every right to maximize his value. Because I will tell you this, if the Dallas Cowboys don't want to pay him, somebody else will. This man has done well on the field, he has matured tremendously and is the heartbeat of this team. To say that he only deserves a franchise tag after what he's given to the team for the last 4 years is a bit of an insult if you ask me. The jones and Dallas need to pay up, but pay up wisely.

Could not disagree any more with this post.

The owners (collectively) make billions, yes, but I'm not sure what that has to do with Dez's contract. The CBA negotiated by the players determines the pot they have to share, not the money the owners make. Jerry isn't refusing to give Dez $16M a year and $40M of it up front because he doesn't want to spend the money. Regardless of how much Jerry pays Dez, player salaries are going to cost Jerry pretty much exactly the same pile of cash. The only affect paying Dez more has on Jerry Jones is reducing his ability to improve the rest of the team.

As for what NFL players deserve: They all know what they're signing up for when they decide to play the game for a living, and I think it's pretty sad that they can't "do business" by the rules that they made, even if it means making millions of dollars. Our service men and women make a tiny fraction over their careers of the $12.8M Dez could rake in by signing his tender and doing his job in 2015, much less the 20-million dollars of guaranteed money he has refused. Are the folks who protect our way of life "protected?" What are their guarantees?

So... What Dez is worth? What Dez has given to the team? Really?

I guess I'm way out of whack with what the desire to win means anymore, especially with how it squares with the kind of money that qualifies as "looking out for your family" and the numbers of millions it takes to persuade somebody to do something they supposedly love.


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Jerry has done a number on you and fans like you. AT SOME POINT. THIS IS NOT FANTASY FOOTBALL. AT SOME POINT. WINNING IS THE GOAL. But I guess since have lost for so long...and Jerry has shifted into ensuring that he at least wins on some level (that would be the revenue game)....that as fans we have replaced winning with being draft experts, armchair GMs etc.....WAKE UP PEOPLE! Dallas is FINALLY a good team ready to join the New Englands, Seattles, Baltimores, Pittsubughs of the new millennium....but we have lost and been bad for so long....we don't even see it. We see what players we can draft if Dez will not sign! This is just comical!

You don't do it by overpaying a WR. yes we have a very good team with other top FA coming up who will also need to be signed. These other teams are not staying on top buy overpaying players. What good does it do Dallas to have Dez on a CJ contract without the ability to put other top talent on the field. What is comical is to think a WR no matter how great is going to win a SB. Andrea Johnson could not do it, Fitzgerald has not been able to do it nor as CJ in Det. I want Dez here no question and I want a fair deal for him and the Cowboys but this attitude of sign Dez at all cost is not smart it is what Oakland does and it leads to nothing


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Really? Tom Brady against our defense? Did you see what rodgers did on one leg? Wake up. We need Dez and it's not even funny how much we need him. If you don't want to admit that and keep arguing that good teams don't win superbowl with elite receivers go ahead. You are literally just talking and not making any sense. Seattle didn't have a wr your right. They only have Marshawn Lynch and the best defense in the league. Not to mention a qb that rushed for more yards then some rbs this past season. New England has a mastermind of a coach and a hall of fame qb, and a very good defense. We have Garrett, lost Murray., and your saying we shouldn't give dez a contract even if we overpay a bit because we don't need him based on the evidence of "other superbowl winners don't have them" get real

Romo would have gone up and down the field on New England. It would have been a helluva game.


Regular Joe....
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no kidding, why would Dallas take less than what the going rate is? lol

It's kind of funny if you think about it. On the one hand, you have posters with the mind set that the Cowboys should pay Dez CJ money, even though the market has been set with the franchise tag. Yet, some believe that he is worth more then that and the Cowboys should pay him above market value. At the same time, the idea that the Cowboys should just accept less then market value for Dez so that some other team could pay Dez more money and the Cowboys should, in effect accept less then fair and equal according to the terms of the CBA.

I don't really get it but it's an emotional topic so I understand why it happens.


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Jerry has done a number on you and fans like you. AT SOME POINT. THIS IS NOT FANTASY FOOTBALL. AT SOME POINT. WINNING IS THE GOAL. But I guess since have lost for so long...and Jerry has shifted into ensuring that he at least wins on some level (that would be the revenue game)....that as fans we have replaced winning with being draft experts, armchair GMs etc.....WAKE UP PEOPLE! Dallas is FINALLY a good team ready to join the New Englands, Seattles, Baltimores, Pittsubughs of the new millennium....but we have lost and been bad for so long....we don't even see it. We see what players we can draft if Dez will not sign! This is just comical!

You mean the teams that don't overpay for wide receivers?


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I don't think anyone is brushing it off, and we all realize how important Dez is to this team. I'm sure no one is hoping that an agreement isn't reached (except Cowboys haters). But I think it's more that a lot of us aren't buying what Dez is threatening to do.

I agree
All of us want dez here but there are limits to what you can pay him


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LOL, it's you and phil that don't know football. It's not won on the outside, it's won at the line of scrimmage. Dallas finally figured that out.

I agree football is won at the LOS. But this passing attack relies on beating your man.....who on our team does that better than Dez? Who on our team does that OTHER than Dez? You want to put the tape of Terrance Williams against the Cards this year in your DVR? It was a joke.


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It's kind of funny if you think about it. On the one hand, you have posters with the mind set that the Cowboys should pay Dez CJ money, even though the market has been set with the franchise tag. Yet, some believe that he is worth more then that and the Cowboys should pay him above market value. At the same time, the idea that the Cowboys should just accept less then market value for Dez so that some other team could pay Dez more money and the Cowboys should, in effect accept less then fair and equal according to the terms of the CBA.

I don't really get it but it's an emotional topic so I understand why it happens.

It's kind of fun.

I've never won so many football arguments in one day in my life.


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Really hope that the team can get a contract. As really it would be a huge distraction if Dez is not at camp and misses games over it.


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How's that putting pressure on them? They can't negotiate with him. All it's going to do is make the fans turn on him. And what if the Cowboys win both games?

I don't see where that pressures the Cowboys either
What some don't get is after the 15th the Cowboys can't sign him at all
I don't get why some don't get that


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Nobody is going to give up 2 first round picks. i am talking about a sign trade where Dez get's his money. and the cowboys get Jacksonville first round pick.the Jags would do it. and i believe they would pay Dez.
Oh.... well if the incredibly well-run and successful Jaguars would do it, then it is definitely something Dallas should do as well.

Wait, whuh??? :huh:


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I agree football is won at the LOS. But this passing attack relies on beating your man.....who on our team does that other than Dez? Who on our team does that OTHER than Dez? You want to put the tape of Terrance Williams against the Cards this year in your DVR? It was a joke.

Dez is dang good, but he doesn't beat double coverage like some other receivers do. He draws double coverage, and Romo eats teams alive because of it. Dez is phenomenal against single coverage, but lacks the speed to run through double coverage.

He has some back issues, too, and I know that has Dallas a bit leery.


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Romo would have gone up and down the field on New England. It would have been a helluva game.

After everything u wrote there that's all you have to say? Oh yeah. You definitely won this argument.


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Dez is dang good, but he doesn't beat double coverage like some other receivers do. He draws double coverage, and Romo eats teams alive because of it. Dez is phenomenal against single coverage, but lacks the speed to run through double coverage.

He has some back issues, too, and I know that has Dallas a bit leery.

The problem you don't seem to see is that without dez they are going to stack the box against us knowing we literally have no passing game. Who are they going to double cover? Twill? Come on dude. Now we don't have a RB to beat those stacked boxes. Losing dez would be catastrophic to our season. Period.


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The problem you don't seem to see is that without dez they are going to stack the box against us knowing we literally have no passing game. Who are they going to double cover? Twill? Come on dude. Now we don't have a RB to beat those stacked boxes. Losing dez would be catastrophic to our season. Period.
The Cowboys will do better without Dez than Dez will without playing football at all this year. That's why the Cowboys have all the leverage.
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