Dez Signs with Saints


Go Seahawks!!!
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Nooooooooooo.........they wanted to blame Dez (fell off), Witten (too old), Beasley and Williams and anyone else that had to catch balls from Wak Trashcott.
And yet the only thing you can see is mistakes made by the QB. You're simply the opposite side of the extreme.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You wouldn't say that if you had a clue as to how obnoxious they're fans here in Louisiana can be. Uuugh!

I know how they can be, as well as fans from other teams can be.
But I wasn't saying it for any other reason, then being glad to see Dez will have a chance to be on a good team. One that I do not despise as I do the 3 NFCE teams, as well as the Steelers and Packers too.
I do not like NE, but can respect them for their long tenure of winning.

If we do not win out to take the division for which I truly doubt we will, as we may be lucky to win another 3 games. So I will take the Saints as my team to go to the SB for the NFC. Actually any team but the Commanders, Eagles, Packers or Panthers.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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And if he wins a SB with Brees what does that say about our QBs since 2010? :muttley:
It would say more about our leadership than it would say about any cogs we've had in the saddle.

But we already know about our leadership. Some just choose to deflect away from it to that shiny new toy.


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And yet the only thing you can see is mistakes made by the QB. You're simply the opposite side of the extreme.

Right now, it's one extreme or the other.
Either it's Dak, or it's everyone else. There doesn't seem to be much in between with most folks. I will agree with you on that.

However--I look at this like a doctor appointment.

Suppose you went to the Doctor. And they told you the following:

**You have a painful bunion on your foot that is causing you pain and also a loss of full mobility/agility. It's a problem that needs to be solved but you can endure it for a bit if you can deal with the pain. Eventually require surgery and removal if you want to have a normal life and reach your full potential for fitness and enjoyment.
**You have a brain tumor that will kill you in 6-8 months if you don't have it surgically removed right now

Which one you going to focus on, initially?

Same way here. No one is saying that getting rid of Dak solves all the issues with this franchise (or at least, they shouldn't say that). You can get rid of that tumor and still walk with a limp. But which one is more important to focus on first?
In the scenario above, Dak is the cancer. The coaches, etc are an issue. And eventually they need to be removed. But when you have a QB who literally can't make reads and throws that an NFL quarterback needs to make, that's a cancer that will destroy your team in very short order. You have zero chance for sustained success in that scenario. Zero.

It needs to be isolated, and removed/destroyed, for the good of the rest of the body. If it doesn't it will rot you from the inside out.


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WHO DAT!!! My new team. I hope they light us up with Dez 53-3 because I am DONE with this team and the Jones arse-clown carnival. I want to see JJ slamming his fist through the glass in his skybox. My first games were early 60s and I am DONE with the Arkansas drunk baboon/ We hated them in the Southwest conference as well. He can take a flying leap off a short pier.
YOU Sir - are SPOT ON 100%, I am in total agreement and an AVID fan of Dallas. I have witnssed the glory days, stayed true when we went 1-15 and I'm ready to call it QUITS after 45+ years.

I've watched in dumbfounded agony as This RANCID, DISPICABLE, SLOTH of an owner/HC with no heart, no passion, no NFL wisdom has willfully sunk this titanic into the iceberg and dessimated its fanbase as if WE were not the ones who placed the BILLIONS into the pockets of our senile clown owner.

Where is our reward for decades of blind loyalty? How has jerry THANKED the fanbase for building/placing him as the NFL's richest owner?...........with complete ignorant CONTEMPT for us by not placing a REAL GM & HC at the helm to produce a superior nfl team. years ago!

I can say with 100% certainty that WINNING is obviously NOT JJs motivation, otherwise he would have overhauled this imploding disaster a long time ago......and so why should fans continue to siupport an NFL franchise that has no true desire to ever win the SB? What else is the purpose of the DC, becuase it AINT a SB, thats for sure.....


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Thursday Night, Prime time game in the big house?

OMG, Dez is gonna wreck us

Pants runs to store to stock up on popcorn and other snacks

I HOPE that after his first TD against us, he runs the ball right over to the clapper and hands it to him "see?"