Twitter: Dez trolls Cowboys OC Linehan during loss to Panthers


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LOL at Bryant criticizing routes.
To be fair, he was not criticizing routes, he was saying he knew which routes they were running.

That said, as usual, Dez needs to shutup though if he wants future employment. His immaturity is a major red flag for his next employer.


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Dez was part of the problem but so are Garrett and Linehan.

Dez was part of the problem because he couldn't overcome the scheme that lets defenders know his every move.

It's Garrett. It was never Dez. It's JG and Linehan.

Dez had a very bad year with dropping the football but that was an outlier season as far as Dez's career.

He was a TD scoring machine and he's still only 29 years old in a league where WR's can play into their 30's.

Dak is now going to be another guy screwed by Garrett because of the lack of guys actually being open because of the offenses predictability.

When Romo couldn't overcome all of the obstacles Garrett put in front of him it was his fault too and we said he sucked.

When does the blame get put where it belongs?


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I'm not really sure I understand why this is a big deal. Dez played for Linehan for quite a while. I would hope he had a great understanding of the offense.

It's just a shame it rarely showed up on the field the last few years.

Linehan is trash, but I don't lament getting rid of Dez for one second.


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of course they rolled coverage his way, good chance for a tipped ball
Of Course bracket the primary receiver that way if Dak Air mails the over the top guy gets it, if dak tries to throw to the worms the under guy gets it, if its on target (LOL) Dez gets it. Defense has 67% they will get it before the receiver.

Bull Frog

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Dez was part of the problem because he couldn't overcome the scheme that lets defenders know his every move.

It's Garrett. It was never Dez. It's JG and Linehan.

The fact that Dez knows all of the calls and the routes one year later is an indictment of the predictability of Linehan. Should he? I guess since he's played in the system, but if Dez knows them then so does every Defensive Coordinator in the league. I posted in the chat that when I saw Austin and Thompson in the game during the first series tht I knew based on the personnel that some sort of screen was coming and I was right. I've never seen those guys on the field together, but I knew the call. The system is terrible. The scrubs couldn't even score against other scrubs in pre-season.


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In his first football Sunday without an NFL team, Dez Bryant played the role of social media commentator.

The ex-Dallas Cowboys receiver spent the day on Twitter. When he wasn't suggesting he'd enjoy playing for the New England Patriots or Washington Commanders, Bryant spent most of the time commenting on the Cowboys, who struggled on offense Sunday.

In a Twitter rant during training camp, Bryant called offensive coordinator Scott Linehan garbage. Dez seemed to revel in the OC's struggles in Week 1.

The Cowboys offensive problems on Sunday underscored the lack of a playmaking receiver. With the game on the line, Dak Prescott was forced to target Deonte Thompson in a key spot. The WR could not hang on to the fourth-down pass.

Cole Beasley led the Cowboys with seven receptions for 73 yards on Sunday versus a very good Carolina Panthers defense. No other receiver had more than 27 yards.

The issues moving the ball through the air had many Cowboys fans thinking Dallas could have used Dez's services.

Bryant claimed he's now done talking about the Cowboys -- we'll see if that abstinence can last.

Bryant declined a contract from the Baltimore Ravens soon after his release. He's recently met with the Cleveland Browns, but was not signed. Now that veteran contracts aren't guaranteed, perhaps interest in Bryant will increase in the coming weeks.

Source here...

Pitty Dez didn’t know all the routes etc. When he was actually playing for us.

Now he’s the expert.


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Fire Linehan and Garrett... apologize to Dez and bring him back where he belongs.

It's not his fault our coaches couldn't maximize his performance. That is on the coaches.

And if Dak doesn't like it he can go too.
And Dez is sitting at home because nobody else can figure out how to maximize his performance either.


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Lol at Dez haters holding on to “hes unemployed”

Soon he will be on a contending team that makes the playoffs, while this team is fighting for a top 5 pick
Why isn’t he on a contending team now?


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Wouldn’t have solved the problem of Dak...
So Dak was the problem? He may have been a part of the problem just as is the O-LINE and the coaching staff.
he has to do what he is told, like going for it on 4th and long!
yes, a couple of the throws could've been better and on time, but for the majority of the game he was running for his life.