We only add a vet if DLaw and Gregory will miss more time, particularly Gregory. Given our current roster I'm not expecting any signing. For 4 games we roll with what we have.
I think they could add a vet particularly after the first game.
There's a few there of some interest.
Here's what we have if the list is up to date on the roster:
I count Mayowa, Gregory, and Lawrence as locks for the 53. T Crawford and Thorton are locks at DT. Irving and Collins are likely near locks. That leaves 1-3 spots open. I'm penciling in Tapper. I think J Crawford makes it for four games at least. That leaves maybe one spot open for a time. Maybe. Those numbers do mitigate against a vet UNLESS they take someone like Freeney and gamble with him for the year. That puts McClain, Coe, Russell, Neil, and Macadoo on the big bubble IMO. The others are fodder most likely.