Does A Norv Hire Strike You As An "Interim" Hire?...


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...It does to me.

There simply isn't a proven, good/great HC hire available this year and a Norv hire allows Jerry some options next year if Norv doesn't get the team deep into the playoffs.

Also, it seems to me that Norv is the type of guy who knows he is NEVER getting a shot at a HC job anywhere else so he will take the job even if it might be a short term gig.

Agree? Disagree?


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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I think that is the General Opinion here.

He is here to help Romo and tutor Garrett.

The general feeling is that Garrett is being groomed for the future HC job.


The Godfather
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CaptainAmerica;1359491 said:
...It does to me.

There simply isn't a proven, good/great HC hire available this year and a Norv hire allows Jerry some options next year if Norv doesn't get the team deep into the playoffs.

Also, it seems to me that Norv is the type of guy who knows he is NEVER getting a shot at a HC job anywhere else so he will take the job even if it might be a short term gig.

Agree? Disagree?

Just as plausible as many of the other possible explanations. Of course, if you are right, it really wouldn't be validated for another 1-2 years - this type of plan really cannot be voiced publicly.


Hoping to be half the man Tom Landry was.
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What I first thought about Turner is that we would give him a year as the HC. If we go deep in the playoffs then we keep him and call it a good hire. If we don't we hire Cower or Fisher and give him a chance at the OC which he is very good at. Either way it could be a win.


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BrAinPaiNt;1359501 said:
I think that is the General Opinion here.

He is here to help Romo and tutor Garrett.

The general feeling is that Garrett is being groomed for the future HC job.

What I don't understand about that line of thought is how does Jerry start planning for Garrett as his HC when he really doesn't know if Garrett can be a HC?

Maybe there are signs with Garrett that a lot of football people recognize as outstanding leadership qualities, but he seems very young, as a coach, to already peg him as the future HC of a high profile team like the Cowboys.

I do agree that the Garrett hire is what makes this a very unusual coaching search.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CaptainAmerica;1359520 said:
What I don't understand about that line of thought is how does Jerry start planning for Garrett as his HC when he really doesn't know if Garrett can be a HC?

Maybe there are signs with Garrett that a lot of football people recognize as outstanding leadership qualities, but he seems very young, as a coach, to already peg him as the future HC of a high profile team like the Cowboys.

I do agree that the Garrett hire is what makes this a very unusual coaching search.

He, Jerry, won't know...It is just something he believes IMO.

Word is that Garrett was going to be brought in even before Bill Retired.

In other words if Bill had stayed than he, Jason, was still going to be brought in.

I really think Jerry thought Bill was staying and the whole Norv thing was just an "in case" situation that he did not think would happen.


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This is probably going to get me in REAL trouble, but ... I asked the same general question of one of our resident Cowboy fans on ES because I absolutely see it as an interim move and am not sure I've ever seen anything quite like it before.

Here was the post. Forgive the elbow in the ribs vibe in it---HHM and I go way back. :)

You've taken a pretty fatalistic view of the Norv thing I see. That's what I would be doing as well.

I dunno if you can see this from the same perspective the rest of the NFL world probably is given your loyalties bro ... but from out here, it looks like an unimitigated disaster. Norv, at best, is going to become a head coach that EVERYONE in that franchise understands is a temp. And with every loss, the talk will start...

"How long does JJ wait before pulling the trigger?"

And that's true whether it's Garrett or Rivera or whoever else is desperate enough to become a HC under this set of circumstances. What kind of locker room will Norv possible command as a guy his players know is not "the man" before he even straps on a whistle? They'll know from the announcement this coming week that either Garrett or Rivera is the man-in-waiting, and the guy they really need to get in good with and respond to, not the head coach.

I can't recall ever seeing an owner create such a bass-ackwards situation.

And then there's the little matter of proclaiming EITHER Garrett or Rivera as "a talent like him," with the implication being that either will be a star as a head coach. That's wishful thinking. Either could become the next Joe Gibbs circa 1980 or Sean Payton 2006, sure ... but it's every bit as likely they could become the next Rick Venturi or, well ... Norv Turner.

Helluva gamble to take in the first place, and one made even MORE potentially disastrous by introducing a one or two year limbo period waiting for the Designated Steward to screw it up "enough" to where JJ feels it's time to turn the page (again) and gamble on a guy who's never been a head coach before.

You got yourself what looks for all the world like a world-class mess, guy, and that's not just coming from the perspective of a Commanders fan, it's from a 35 year student of the NFL who is simply agog at what is either unbelievable chutzpah or just plain stupidity. Either way, JJ's taking it to a new level.

Which does not displease me at all by the way. :)


Have a Good Day Pilgrims
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I've been saying that since BP left.
This hire is a one year deal barring WINNING the SB.:mad:

Not too optimistic about next year with Norv.:cool:

That being said ,I like the Garret Move and possible Rivera.


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I see it as a way to make your team worse and end up in the lottery


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if you think Dallas has any chance of hitting the lottery any time soon baring major injury...put down the pipe