ESPN Mosley NFC East Chat Wrap - 12/9/08...'Mostly 'Boys blurbs


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Jake (Los Angeles, CA): We've seen several other Andy Reid coached teams get hot in December just in time for the playoff push. Do you think that this year's Eagles squad has it in them to win out and make the playoffs? Which remaining game do you see as their biggest challenge? If they do make the playoffs, how far do you realistically think Westbrook can take them?

Matt Mosley: (12:05 PM ET ) Jake: I love the fact that the Eagles are back in the discussion. Makes things more fun for the NFC Beast blog. That said, I still don't totally trust them. I know you guys are putting the Browns game in the win column, but this team has faltered against inferior opponents before (Cincy anyone?). The Commanders are reeling, but that's too much of a rivalry to think Philly will win that one for sure. But they do have a legitimate shot of running the table. There's a chance that Philly-Dallas game on the final weekend is for the last wild-card spot. How great is that? Let's let Philly qualify for the playoffs first before we start talking about how it will fare.

andy, slidell, tx: Does Wade Phillips actually look bigger in that sideline jacket? Seriously, are the Cowboys players over-rated or under-coached? I think if they are as talented as advertised, they could overcome poor coaching. So I say over-rated, and the O Line is exhibit A-C (I'll cut Big and Columbo some slack).

Matt Mosley: (12:08 PM ET ) Wade's mittens seemed to affect some of his defensive play-calling. But don't knock that jacket. It's the latest rage across the nation. Don't sleep on Members Only. The players and the coaches are overrated. The players bought into the ridiculous hype -- and Wade runs the place like a country club. Does any of this have anything to do with Sparano leaving? Hmmm

Adam, IL: Do you think Barber is gonna play this weekend? How much of a role do you think Choice will have after sunday's game?

Matt Mosley: (12:10 PM ET ) Now that he's been called out by the Cowboys' owner, I'm thinking he'll be on the field Sunday night. And yes, I thought Jerry Jones was completely wrong to question the toughness of Barber. What a joke. Especially since Tashard Choice came out and played well. What did Jones possibly hope to accomplish with that statement -- other than further embarrassment to himself?

Luis (SB, CA): Matt, great work with the NFC East. I know everyone loves to hate the likes of Adam Jones, but they guy came to play on Sunday. He was all over the field making stops, albeit because Pitt made it a point to pick on him. Do you keep this guy next year? I think you have nothing to lose since that HAS to be his last straw right?

Matt Mosley: (12:13 PM ET ) Other than the muffed punt, I thought he had a pretty nice effort. His ball skills were pretty strong, and he filled in nicely when Terence Newman briefly left the game. Pacman Jones is a week to week guy, though. He's not to be trusted. It will all depend on who the next head coach is. Jerry Jones is in love with Pacman, but he's about the only one at Valley Ranch.

Chris (Cali): What is Jason Garrett doing? Where were the slants and hitches? THE CORNER ON ROY WILLIAMS LINED UP 10-12 YARDS OFF HIM 95% OF THE TIME!!! And not one hitch to him. Romo clearly couldn't get the ball down field consistently and I didn't see any adjustment for this. Also, TO in motion would have been nice, but didn't see that either!

Matt Mosley: (12:15 PM ET ) Garrett -- or Red Jesus as he's known to his legion of fans in the Metroplex -- has fallen on hard times. It makes absolutely no sense that he hasn't been able to work Roy Williams into the offense. The guy's a complete non-factor on the field. And he told me after the game that he's known the offense cold since his first week with the team. If you can stop T.O. (and several teams have) and limit Jason Witten's opportunities, it's not that hard to slow down this offense.

Duluth, MN: Why in the world do you think that Brad Childress is sticking with Gus Frerotte over Tarvaris Jackson?

Matt Mosley: (12:15 PM ET ) Are you being serious? Jackson's a longtime friend of the Beast blog, but there's no way he should be the starter.

Max, Woodstock, VT: From Max in Woodstock, VT. Hi Matt. I've been a G-Men fan for over 50 years, and this year's "team" is one of the tightest I've ever seen. Do you think they will rebound from this weekend's loss and go into Dallas and return to form against a very desperate Cowboy's team? Can they put the same kind of pressure on Romo that the Steeler's D did? Can they reestablish the running game against an improved Dallas D? Keep up the good work. Best, Max

Matt Mosley: (12:18 PM ET ) Max: I think I remember seeing you at Woodstock. Anyway, I expect the Giants to bounce back with a much better effort. They were beaten soundly be the more desperate team Sunday. This Sunday night, they'll play with much more intensity. And plus, they have some good memories of their last trip to Texas Stadium. I think we're in for a great game. But I have trouble seeing the Giants losing two straight.

Morris (DC): What do you make of the Portis/Zorn drama after Sundays game? Is Zorn just trying to motivate Portis, or do you think Portis is too hurt to help this troubled offense?

Matt Mosley: (12:20 PM ET ) Two very interesting guys. Both can be a little sensitive at times. I think Zorn knows how much Portis means to this offense, and he's desperate to see the running back from the first half of the season. But yes, I think the injuries have mounted to the point where Portis doesn't have much left in the tank this season.

Mike(Paramus,NJ): Ill keep it simple. Do you see the Jets making the playoffs?

Matt Mosley: (12:20 PM ET ) yep

steve, phila: why does espn feel the need to torture philadelphia fans by letting a dallas reporter handle the nfc east? i am offended by such a motive.

Matt Mosley: (12:22 PM ET ) Steve: ESPN is currently looking into a relocation program for me. No one other than my editor and perhaps my wife and child would know where I was blogging from.

Alex (Medford MA): How do you see the NFC playoff picture ending up when all is said and done?

Matt Mosley: (12:24 PM ET ) 1. Giants (I feel pretty good about this one!)
2. Eagles (10-5-1) sixth wild-card spot
3. Cowboys (10-6) staying home
4. Commanders (9-7) staying home

Luis (SB, CA): to Steve in phila - Read Matt's quote up above, hardly a Cowboys homer: "I love the fact that the Eagles are back in the discussion. Makes things more fun for the NFC Beast blog" I got your back MM

Matt Mosley: (12:24 PM ET ) Luis, you've always been there for me.

Al (INDY): Is anyone more important to their team than B.Westbrook?The Eagles are capable of being a high powered offense with him without him they are a less than average offense.This is why the Eagles could run the table or loose out,they are only as good as Westbrook is healthy.

Matt Mosley: (12:26 PM ET ) Al, it's been too long man. Other than Eli Manning, Brian Westbrook is the best offensive player in the NFC East. When he's healthy, the Eagles are a dangerous team. When he's not, the Eagles are average at best. And it helps that Andy Reid committed to the running game for a change.

Ben (Happy Valley): Love the blog. I'll keep this one short and sweet. Do you think there's any truth behind the belief that McNabb's benching is the reason for his turnaround? Or do you believe it was more that Westbrook is healthier than he has been all year?

Matt Mosley: (12:28 PM ET ) Thanks, Ben. Our numbers are strong in Happy Valley, and you're a big part of that. I think the sudden turnaround has much more to do with Westbrook being healthy than the benching. But Andy Reid will still look a genius if he pulls this thing off.

Chris (az): Please answer this. Why Doesn't the Cardinals Defense get ANY love?

Matt Mosley: (12:29 PM ET ) Because their offense is so fun to watch -- and the Cardinals don't really have any signature wins -- unless you count the one over the Cowboys. They play in a horrid division. I like Clancy Pendergast. Really innovative, smart defensive coordinator.

Jonny B (Washington, DC): Why hasn't the Giants' D caught any flack for the loss on Sunday. They couldn't get off the field, and gave the Giants' O few chances to get in any sort of rhythm. Everyone is blaming Plaxico, either because of his absence in the O or because of the distraction, but watching the game it seemed to me the D was more to blame than anything else. Thoughts?

Matt Mosley: (12:31 PM ET ) Jonny, I think you're right. Seems like I remember seeing that the Eagles were like 12 of 14 on third downs. They just put themselves in a lot of third and shorts -- and actually converted. They even ran the ball for several first downs. All those running plays had to be a sight for Eagles' fans sore eyes.

ACE VEGAS: The NFL is now a two runningback league.Portis and Westbrook huge importance to their teams abilty to win proves you better having a strong num.2 back than constantly putting your eggs in one basket so to speak.Tis being said I think Westbrook is the one player that can change how you have to defense a team.Is anyone's health more important to his team?

Matt Mosley: (12:34 PM ET ) Tony Romo's health is pretty important to his team -- as we discovered. But yes, it helps to have someone else ready to go. The Commanders have Ladell Betts, but he's banged up, too. The Giants obviously have the best situation. They go about four or five deep at RB every season. Correll Buckhalter's not a bad second option, but the Eagles don't use him enough. Based on Tashard Choice's performance against the Steelers, the Cowboys may have stumbled into a nice situation the rest of the season.

Ryan (Buffalo, NY): Matt, what sports do you follow besides football?

Matt Mosley: (12:35 PM ET ) Baylor football, basketball and baseball.

Matt (DC): Great job on the blog, Matt. Shouldn't the Giants just break down and sign Brandon Jacobs and Corey Webster to extensions now (like they did with Tuck, Snee, etc.)? The offseason will only bring higher price tags.

Matt Mosley: (12:37 PM ET ) What a huge discount they got on Tuck last January. Jacobs and Webster will both receive deals. Webster's price tag has gone up exponentially since being benched at the first of last season. We're talking about a $10 million signing bonus. Both of those need to get done fairly soon.

Tim (Baltimore, MD): This may sound ridiculous, but is there any chance the Cowboys are "blown up" after this season? For example, basketball teams will trade or release their entire starting lineup minus the one megastar.

Matt Mosley: (12:38 PM ET ) Unless you're talking about the coaching staff, nope.

John (Philly): Hey Matt, do you still think McNabb is the worst QB in the NFC Beast?

Matt Mosley: (12:38 PM ET ) I'm not answering that.

Matt (chicago, IL): Matt, Did the Giants really just come out flat on Sunday? Or did a good Philly team completely expose the weakspot of their offense now that Plax has imploded? No Plax means no more double-teams. Defenses will happy to cover Hixon one-on-one and stack an extra defender in the box to help against the run. What's to stop every other team from doing the same thing? Should I be losing sleep over this (which I am)? Or do you really see this offense clicking again like it has all year even without our one of our playmakers?

Matt Mosley: (12:39 PM ET ) Relax! The Giants should be fine. But if they lose to the Cowboys on Sunday, I may be singing a different tune.

MJ (Boston): as the #1 Cowboy fan, I decided to talk myself off the ledge. What makes me sick, is if they win that game, everyone says their back and all of ESPN jumps on the bandwaggon. Why was Romo all over the place, the cold? wind? he was overthrowing everyone...Bradie should be in the pro bowl.

Matt Mosley: (12:40 PM ET ) Not sure ESPN ever jumped off this bandwagon.

Cheddar (Philly): No playoff wins since 96 with Jimmy's players. Any chance Jerry finally wises up and hires a "football man" ala Parcells to be the GM.

Matt Mosley: (12:41 PM ET ) I seriously doubt it. He wasn't having any fun when Parcells was here. The only wildcard is the fact that Mike Holmgren is stepping down. Jerry's in love with Holmgren. He'd let him have a fair amount of power, too.

KT (NY): Do you really think Hixon can be the big game receiver they need in Burress' absence? I know G-Men have played well without Plax before, but to go deep in playoffs and superbowl, you need someone to make big catches like Plax did last year. Or you think Smith/Toomer/Moss/Manningham will figure it out?

Matt Mosley: (12:43 PM ET ) It's a question worth asking. It's impossible to predict what Hixon can be, but Sunday was obviously a tough day for him. I think he'll bounce back. Eli Manning has a lot of confidence in him. He doesn't seem like the type of kid who would let this thing carryover.

Jason (Rosemont, PA): Matt, is this the final year of T.O.s contract? If so, would the Cowboys consider letting him go and then spending to land Boldin in the offseason?

Matt Mosley: (12:43 PM ET ) Nope, it's not the final year

Steve in Uptown, DE: But wouldn't Jerry prefer a man with great knowledge of the 3-4 ala Cowher??

Matt Mosley: (12:45 PM ET ) Cowher's the great white whale. It's not going to happen -- unless Cleveland just blows him away with money. Jerry's tried it with a defensive guy. Now, he's ready to flip sides. Have you guys turned your back on the Boy Wonder, Garrett? The best candidate is now in South Florida.

Timothy (Knoxville, TN):: Hey Matt, I seem to recall an NFC East team last year starting 11-1 (actually 12-1) and looking unstoppable, then playing awful in a loss to a desperate Eagles team...Shouldn't the Giants be concerned?

Matt Mosley: (12:45 PM ET ) Concerned? Sure. Worried? Not yet. And I don't think the Giants have any Cabo trips lined up.

Dan (Atlantic City, NJ): Is Jason Garrett still the heir apparent to Wade Phillips?

Matt Mosley: (12:46 PM ET ) this very second -- yes.

Matt (Baltimore): How much will the Samuels injury hamper the Commanders' chances down the stretch?

Matt Mosley: (12:47 PM ET ) It's almost impossible to hamper them anymore than they're already hampered. As much as this hurt to say, the Commanders are out of the playoffs race, according to the NFC Beast blog.

Steve (NJ): What is it with Sinorice Moss that prevents him from being apart of the offense? Does he run bad routes or is he too small to beat press coverage?

Matt Mosley: (12:48 PM ET ) He's tiny. He doesn't have Santana's top-end speed and he doesn't get great separation.

Mikey(Lackawanna,NY): Matt, Do you think the Bills will fire Dick Jauron if they continue to lose out the rest of the way?

Matt Mosley: (12:48 PM ET ) yes

Matt Mosley: (12:49 PM ET ) They should go after Jim Schwartz (Tennessee) or Steve Spagnuolo. Not that they will. Just saying...

Greg - tampa: How much of a fluke was last night's win by Carolina? I mean, that team is the definition of inconsistent. Aside from the abberation last night, don't you think the team the NFC East should fear the most is Tampa?

Matt Mosley: (12:50 PM ET ) I don't usually refer to 38-23 wins as a fluke. They ran the ball down Tampa's throat. How is that a fluke? The Bucs were thoroughly dominated.

Mark (Boston): I seem to remember Hixon blowing by the Eagles secondary for what should have been a long TD catch. He simply dropped it, but if he makes the catch, no one is mentioning Plax and the double teams. People need to just calm down. Everyone is allowed a bad game or two.

Matt Mosley: (12:50 PM ET ) You're not allowed to blow a lot of 85-yard TDs when your name's Domenik Hixon.

Tony (Brooklyn, NY): Hey Matt, How about David Diehl for most improved player in the NFL? He's come a long way from giving up the most sacks in the league last season. Thanks!

Matt Mosley: (12:52 PM ET ) I've said for weeks now. The man deserves consideration for the Pro Bowl. Very, very solid. Same thing goes for Snee. The league has created another category for "Comebacks" of the year. Pacman's making a strong run at that award right now.

VK (DC): Speaking of Zorn, what in the world was he thinking playing a backup center at LT against Suggs, and NOT giving the poor guy a little TE help?! Is he trying to kill Jason Campbell?

Matt Mosley: (12:52 PM ET ) No charges have been filed against Z -- yet.

brian (seattle, wa): Matt, Is it wrong to want your team to lose to get a higher draft pick at this point?

Matt Mosley: (12:53 PM ET ) It's permissible if your team is truly out of the playoff race.

David, Fort Myers FL: Matt, sad to say I agree with you that the Commanders will miss the playoffs. What happened to the offense (the defense has played well all year). Personally, I think the O-line has pass protection issues, and the WR corps is truly suspect. Campbell still has some development, but look at the Commanders season. We can beat teams with great offense (Saints, Cards) but our offense cannot overcome strong defensive teams (Giants, Ravens, Steelers). What do they need to make the next step?

Matt Mosley: (12:55 PM ET ) It hurts when you appear to whiff on three second-round picks. Those guys may eventually come around, but the Commanders thought Devin Thomas and Malcolm Kelly could be difference makers. Right now, they haven't made a lick of difference. And Randle El and Moss simply aren't getting enough separation. Teams don't respect the Commanders' downfield passing game. And it helps that the once vaunted running game has broken down.

Ron (FL): Matt, what do you make of Deangelo Williams? He's fumbled once (over 460 career carries) and consistently gets 4-5 yards a carry. Did the Panthers finally realize what they had here?

Matt Mosley: (12:56 PM ET ) I think he and Jonathan Stewart complement each other beautifully. Williams isn't the type of player who needs 20 carries to find his rhythm. He needs to go all-out for a couple of carries and then get off the field. These guys are just great together.

Mej (Rochester): Any status update on Brandon Jacobs? The cowboys really struggle against bigger backs, and him not playing would be a huge advantage for the boys.

Matt Mosley: (12:58 PM ET ) Coughlin wasn't too helpful on this one yesterday. I think it will be touch and go for Sunday's game. Jacobs looked like he was in some serious pain right after the injury. OK, let's do some rapid fire. We only have three minutes left before Buzz kicks me out.

Jon (Brooklyn): What do you make of the rumors about Marty Schottenheimer coming back to coach in Cleveland?

Matt Mosley: (12:58 PM ET ) Mort reported it. I think there's probably something to it.

Frankie (Brooklyn, NY): I'm a Giants fan, and I love when the Cow-girls are just knee-deep in it. Has Jerry Jones completely went off the deep end in calling out Barber? Your own training staff said he couldn't play! Can he just fire Phillips and hire himself as HC of the DC?

Matt Mosley: (12:59 PM ET ) As I said earlier, I thought Jerry was completely out of line.

David, NC: What do you think of the Panthers?

Matt Mosley: (12:59 PM ET ) Like em

Sal (Allentown): Tra Thomas and Runyan will both be old UFA's in March. Any chance the Eagles draft two OTs with their 1st two picks.

Matt Mosley: (1:00 PM ET ) Too early to say, but they have to address those spots. I know the old guys seemed to play pretty well Sunday.

Trey (VA): I know JCam is a favorite of the Beast, but try to separate feelings from reality. A lot of people are saying it's his fault, but I'm in the camp saying he's getting a raw deal. West coast offenses are predicated on short, quick routes. His WRs are getting bumped off these routes, so it makes him look like he's hesitating plus he's not getting any protection when he needs to go long. Also, I can't find a stat about drops, but ARE has to be close to the league lead.

Matt Mosley: (1:02 PM ET ) They're throwing for eight yards a lot on third-and-10. The running game's in the tank. It's all a mess. This has nothing to do with the fact that I know Campbell pretty well: He's not getting any help. The Commanders would be foolish to pull the carpet out from under him.

Ryan (Buffalo, NY): You should extend the chat 1 hour.

Matt Mosley: (1:02 PM ET ) Write the folks at I'd be happy to do that.

Chris (Broadview Heights, OH): Where is Derek Anderson in 2009?

Matt Mosley: (1:03 PM ET ) Houston

Jeff (Dallas): After the 2007, Jerry Jones said he drafted Marten and Free because they couldn't afford to keep paying huge contracts to all their linemen. Yet he gives 50 million to a 36 year old False start machine and 20+ to an average RT. Free could do just as well at a fraction the price.

Matt Mosley: (1:05 PM ET ) Now how on God's green earth do you know Free could do just as well? You obviously have access to film I haven't seen. But keep reading. And listening to 103.3 FM in Dallas and XM 141. You guys have been awesome. Tip your blog editors on the way out.

Cheez Whit (Philly): Who was the Dallas coaching candidate in South Florida?

Matt Mosley: (1:06 PM ET ) Sparano of course...All my best...Season's greetings



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He has Dallas beating both and Giants and Ravens but losing the Eagles who will go 3-0.

Color me unimpressed. I think if Dallas can somehow muster a win against the other two that they will beat the Eagles as well.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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ESPN must be applying pressure to Mosley because he is definitely starting to sounds very ESPN like with that smut.


Kane Ala
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I think it will be hard to go up there and win if Westbrook is healthy and McNabb plays well. It will be a tight game if turnovers equal out. We are more talented but we're also more beaten up. We'll see. It may not even come down to that.


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He is right on about one thing, and that is it is rediculous that RW is not involved more in this teams offense. I was saying last week we need to run some slants to RW that he is too big for anyone to stop it. It is a joke that Garrett can't get it done with RW, Whitten and TO.


Arch Defender
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Alex (Medford MA): How do you see the NFC playoff picture ending up when all is said and done?

Matt Mosley: (12:24 PM ET ) 1. Giants (I feel pretty good about this one!)
2. Eagles (10-5-1) sixth wild-card spot
3. Cowboys (10-6) staying home
4. Commanders (9-7) staying home

First he said we were losing to the Giants, then he has Philly sweeping their last 3 games to finish 10-5-1 and making the playoffs. But he has us finishing 10-6.

Hey Mosley, 8 and 5 now + 1 and 2 finish does not equal 10-6


The Funcooker
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WoodysGirl;2476845 said:
Jeff (Dallas): After the 2007, Jerry Jones said he drafted Marten and Free because they couldn't afford to keep paying huge contracts to all their linemen. Yet he gives 50 million to a 36 year old False start machine and 20+ to an average RT. Free could do just as well at a fraction the price.

Matt Mosley: (1:05 PM ET ) Now how on God's green earth do you know Free could do just as well? You obviously have access to film I haven't seen. But keep reading. And listening to 103.3 FM in Dallas and XM 141. You guys have been awesome. Tip your blog editors on the way out.

Cheez Whit (Philly): Who was the Dallas coaching candidate in South Florida?

Matt Mosley: (1:06 PM ET ) Sparano of course...All my best...Season's greetings

if Marten and Free aren't playing it's probably b/c the guys ahead of them are just that much better.... of course it's scary to think that Proctor could be better than those guys... makes me wonder how bad those guys look in practice haha


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ddh33;2476874 said:
Mosely's math doesn't work.

Exactly what I was going to say. He first says he doesn't see the nyg losing 2 straight. Yet in his final standings he has us finishing at 10-6 and the eagles at 10-5-1. That is not a possibility.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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ddh33;2476874 said:
Mosely's math doesn't work.

glorydaysrback;2476919 said:
Exactly what I was going to say. He first says he doesn't see the nyg losing 2 straight. Yet in his final standings he has us finishing at 10-6 and the eagles at 10-5-1. That is not a possibility.

It works fine for what it is. ESPN math.


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Hoofbite;2476867 said:
He has Dallas beating both and Giants and Ravens but losing the Eagles who will go 3-0.

Color me unimpressed. I think if Dallas can somehow muster a win against the other two that they will beat the Eagles as well.

I was going to say the exact thing. You've got to be kidding me. 2-1 isn't that unbelievable but the fact he thinks Eagles win out just made everything else he said moot. I guess he's buying a lot into that Giants game.


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Matt Mosley is a dirty leprechaun and should be apprehended and punished accordingly.