Twitter: Ezekiel Elliott takes the blame for the loss


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I didn't say he didn't suck.....but he's our best player which says a lot!
Or it says a little. He f’ed up big time, why can’t some of you admit that? Do I need to relive each play? It’s torture but I can do it if youn eed a reminder. Where do you want me to start?

How about the 2nd quarter when it was 3rd an 9 with 13 mins left and he drops a perfectly thrown pass (that everyone said he was great at catching) and would have clearly resulted in a first down?

What about when he had a clear TD but no awareness of the sideline? 2nd qaurter and would have resulted in 6 points.

How about the 4th quarter when he fumbles the ball with almost 10 minutes left and an outside chance to comeback?

Sounds like a real winner :rolleyes: I’m gonna go vomit now.


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Or it says a little. He f’ed up big time, why can’t some of you admit that? Do I need to relive each play? It’s torture but I can do it if youn eed a reminder. Where do you want me to start?

How about the 2nd quarter when it was 3rd an 9 with 13 mins left and he drops a perfectly thrown pass (that everyone said he was great at catching) and would have clearly resulted in a first down?

What about when he had a clear TD but no awareness of the sideline? 2nd qaurter and would have resulted in 6 points.

How about the 4th quarter when he fumbles the ball with almost 10 minutes left and an outside chance to comeback?

Sounds like a real winner :rolleyes: I’m gonna go vomit now.

Zeke did not play well this evening for sure, but if you think he is the heart of our problems on offense, welp I don't know what to tell you. The entire O was not prepared to play this game...and it showed.


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So please. Tell us what he needs to say to satisfy your Prince-momma's like perspective?
Say? So if JG says “I sucked to tonight” then that’s excusable?

Sweet gig. No wonder the Cowboys have been surviving off mediocrity for over two decades. Apologies is all it takes. #padJerryspockets


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Zeke did not play well this evening for sure, but if you think he is the heart of our problems on offense, welp I don't know what to tell you. The entire O was not prepared to play this game...and it showed.
We have a lot of problems buddy, that’s obvious and has been obvious. Point being, Zeke dropped the ball, literally twice, and ruined a perfect TD due to inawareness by stepping out of bounds. He literally cost us 14 obvious points. Do the math.


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We have a lot of problems buddy, that’s obvious and has been obvious. Point being, Zeke dropped the ball, literally twice, and ruined a perfect TD due to inawareness by stepping out of bounds. He literally cost us 14 obvious points. Do the math.

I just don't see those 2 plays turning into 14 points.

The out of bounds was def 7 points, but even if he had not fumbled away the ball, you feel confident that the rest of the O could have completed that drive for the TD?

As I said Zeke had a terrible night (outside of statistics), but I think even with all the points possibly lost from his mistakes, do you think Seattle would have just continued to run the clock? Most of yardage we got tonight was when the SEA D started playing off trying to limit the big plays.


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I agree. I would put Dak 3rd right after JG and Linny. ;)

If only they were wearing ruby red slippers...and Garrett was behind the curtain, instead of on the sidelines.


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I just don't see those 2 plays turning into 14 points.

The out of bounds was def 7 points, but even if he had not fumbled away the ball, you feel confident that the rest of the O could have completed that drive for the TD?

As I said Zeke had a terrible night (outside of statistics), but I think even with all the points possibly lost from his mistakes, do you think Seattle would have just continued to run the clock? Most of yardage we got tonight was when the SEA D started playing off trying to limit the big plays.
Zeke was horrendous tonight! I never agreed with drafting him as high as we did but what’s done is done. I’m just so sick of seeing the excuses for him. He played like sheet, plain and simple. I don’t think an apology makes it ok but I do think the plays you (I) mentioned would have absolutely change the course of the game.

He didn’t have one, two but three game changing plays that were solely on him amd no one wants to mention. It’s all JG and Daks fault. Again, JG and Dak sucked but Zeke had easy game changing plays that he blew. Not catching the ball, fumbling the ball, stepping out of bounds with no around you...that’s what I expect out of a 4th round pick, not a first round. Bush league.

I’m disgusted and going to bed. Sorry for the rant man but I’m po’d.


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Is Zeke trying to say he is the whole offense ?

So if zeke has a bad night, the whole offense has a bad night?
And if zeke has a good night, the whole offense has a good night?


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Good leadership to take blame for his obvious part in this loss. QB....OL....WR....coaches...all have blame.

Better leadership would be playing better. That out of bounds on the TD pass and the fumble on the long run completely change the outcome of today's game. He needs to be hard on himself and work to be better.


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Oh don’t get beat in all phases of the game like today if “It’s Zekes fault”. Get real...that team has issues going on right now to work out.


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Cost us 6 games last year and already one this year. Stupid on and off the field.

Great talent but not a leader. Don't EVER want him compared to Emmitt

We'll he's a better leader than any of the players and coaches right now, including Garrett. Garrett was our OC before and were using his playbook. I don't see him taking blame for the fiasco that happened today.


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Better leadership would be playing better. That out of bounds on the TD pass and the fumble on the long run completely change the outcome of today's game. He needs to be hard on himself and work to be better.
Tyron looking like Chaz Green had a big impact on the game. Zack was terrible too.


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Better leadership would be playing better. That out of bounds on the TD pass and the fumble on the long run completely change the outcome of today's game. He needs to be hard on himself and work to be better.

We'll he's admitting to the public that its his fault. I don't see Dak doing it. Heck, I've never heard Garrett taking blame for anything even though we know he sucks.


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We'll he's admitting to the public that its his fault. I don't see Dak doing it. Heck, I've never heard Garrett taking blame for anything even though we know he sucks.

I've seen Dak do it, he knows his level of play isn't good enough. At this point I doubt it matters, this entire offense needs to be rebuilt.


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I've seen Dak do it, he knows his level of play isn't good enough. At this point I doubt it matters, this entire offense needs to be rebuilt.

Im kinda in agreement with you. Dak did miss receivers. But some of the were covered and he was throwing into a tight window. I'm suspecting that its just our dumb playbook. These plays take time to develop and he's expected to hit receivers on a timing route. Dak is not Aikman and it baffles me that the coaches are trying to make him into one.