Felix vs Julius: I'm still not clear


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I'm as hopeful as the next guy regarding Felix' Cowboy future. I want to believe he'll be tremendously productive for years to come.

Of course we all remember Julius entree as a rookie too and the board was giddy over the guy just like with Felix now.

So what is it about Felix that makes us think his performances will continue whereas Julius just faded away. Do you consider him faster than Julius? Better moves? More decisive?

I'm particularly interested in what people think Julius would have done with Felix opportunities in 2008. To me, Felix does not look faster than Julius. We've debated Felix combine 4.47 but it seems Julius could easily match that IMO. Felix big plays, to me, have been because of speed primarily. Moves? Not really. Broken tackles? I don't think so. Great decisions? The holes seemed obvious.

What's the difference that will make Felix productivity lasting?


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you're kidding right? A blind squirrel can see the difference between the two.

Joe Realist

No Kool-Aid here!
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Here are some reasons why Felix Jones is better:

1.) better vision
2.) can get to the corner faster
3.) is stronger, does not go down when the wind blows
4.) can cut better and quicker
5.) better receiver

Julius has some speed but did not read blocks or decided to ignore them


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Joe Realist;2318931 said:
Here are some reasons why Felix Jones is better:

1.) better vision
2.) can get to the corner faster
3.) is stronger, does not go down when the wind blows
4.) can cut better and quicker
5.) better receiver

Julius has some speed but did not read blocks or decided to ignore them

Oh wait... this was a serious thread? for real answers...

My bad!

Good points/post.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CoCo;2318911 said:
Moves? Not really. Broken tackles? I don't think so. Great decisions? The holes seemed obvious.

What's the difference that will make Felix productivity lasting?

You lost me right here. Moves? Are you kidding? Don't you see him causing confusion in the defenders with his moves? Broken tackles? Are you kidding? He carried two Browns into the endzone on his first NFL carry. Great decisions? Are you kidding? He instictively knows where the holes are whether inside or outside. I'm not sure what running back you have been watching.


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Joe Realist;2318931 said:
Here are some reasons why Felix Jones is better:

1.) better vision
2.) can get to the corner faster
3.) is stronger, does not go down when the wind blows
4.) can cut better and quicker
5.) better receiver

Julius has some speed but did not read blocks or decided to ignore them

From your list, and I'm not trying to be critical, I don't know that we have enough evidence to conclude the above.

1) Better vision? Perhaps so. Let's see some more.
2) Faster to the corner? Really? I'm not sure I agree with that yet.
3)Felix may well be stronger but I don't think that's been much of a factor in his success to date. I really don't recall him breaking tackles. Maybe I'm not remembering well.
4) Cut better and quicker? Not ready to buy that either. Go watch the highlight video 50cent put together on Julius first couple years here. He broke his share of ankles though I wouldn't put either runner in the "shifty" category.
5) Better receiver. He may well turn out that way. But how many catches does he have in Dallas to conclude that? Not many. I think it remains to be seen.

Honestly, I think Felix has been set up beautifully this far in Dallas. I'm not ready to conclude that he has been tried, tested and found superior. I'm hoping. But I just don't think we can say that yet.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Felix is already the oldest player on the team, possibly the oldest player in the NFL...therefore his exp is vast.


Sleeps with the fishes
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Moves? go back and watch the 60 yard run against the Pack and the 18 yard run last week on the last drive against the Bengals. He leaves a defender grasping at air, as he cuts left and gets back to top end speed immediately.


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How bout I ask this question a different way.

Who here, when the board was gaga over Julius early, was the voice of reason who said he would eventually be revealed as fools gold?

I'm told there were a couple folks. Honestly, I was never on board with both feet like many were. So if Julius fooled the masses before what makes you so sure that Felix fate isn't eventually the same.

And I'm not talking 2006 & 2007 Julius. Duh, anyone can see the difference in productivity there. I'm talking vintage Julius versus today's Felix.


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Boyzmamacita;2318950 said:
You lost me right here. Moves? Are you kidding? Don't you see him causing confusion in the defenders with his moves? Broken tackles? Are you kidding? He carried two Browns into the endzone on his first NFL carry. Great decisions? Are you kidding? He instictively knows where the holes are whether inside or outside. I'm not sure what running back you have been watching.

Where I am from that phenomenon is called showing defenders ghosts. I can't recall a runner being able to set up two defenders the way Unk does, it is pretty amazing.


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Felix Jones trails Julius Jones by 129 yards rushing, so far, with 51 fewer carries. Felix is doing it with limited reps, Julius is doing it as a starter. Does it really matter why?

The only thing that matters is the right choice was made. Felix is leaps and bounds better than Julius. The "why" is irrelevant.


Fear the Afro
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CoCo;2318911 said:
I'm as hopeful as the next guy regarding Felix' Cowboy future. I want to believe he'll be tremendously productive for years to come.

Of course we all remember Julius entree as a rookie too and the board was giddy over the guy just like with Felix now.

So what is it about Felix that makes us think his performances will continue whereas Julius just faded away. Do you consider him faster than Julius? Better moves? More decisive?

I'm particularly interested in what people think Julius would have done with Felix opportunities in 2008. To me, Felix does not look faster than Julius. We've debated Felix combine 4.47 but it seems Julius could easily match that IMO. Felix big plays, to me, have been because of speed primarily. Moves? Not really. Broken tackles? I don't think so. Great decisions? The holes seemed obvious.

What's the difference that will make Felix productivity lasting?

Please tell me this is a prank thread.:banghead: :shoot6:


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CoCo;2318911 said:
Moves? Not really.

It might be tough to see Felix's moves, because he changes direction so effortlessly and never seems to lose any speed while doing so, but come on...

Last week on his misdirection play to the left side there were about 5 Bengals waiting for him. He was running straight at them, planted and took off to his left, nearly shattering the legs of the closest defenders. It was fantastic.

Who knows whether or not that will continue?

Who cares?

But his ability is clear. He has better vision and patience than Julius. There's a reason we shied away from running the toss with Julius - because he doesn't have the necessary instincts to know when it's time to cut it upfield. With Felix, that's just natural.


Put Pearson in the HOF
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CoCo;2318957 said:
From your list, and I'm not trying to be critical, I don't know that we have enough evidence to conclude the above.

1) Better vision? Perhaps so. Let's see some more.
2) Faster to the corner? Really? I'm not sure I agree with that yet.
3)Felix may well be stronger but I don't think that's been much of a factor in his success to date. I really don't recall him breaking tackles. Maybe I'm not remembering well.
4) Cut better and quicker? Not ready to buy that either. Go watch the highlight video 50cent put together on Julius first couple years here. He broke his share of ankles though I wouldn't put either runner in the "shifty" category.
5) Better receiver. He may well turn out that way. But how many catches does he have in Dallas to conclude that? Not many. I think it remains to be seen.

Honestly, I think Felix has been set up beautifully this far in Dallas. I'm not ready to conclude that he has been tried, tested and found superior. I'm hoping. But I just don't think we can say that yet.

Julius is not in the same category as Felix except that they have the same last name and both played for Dallas.


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YoMick;2319029 said:
3. Extra Gear = Overdrive... Turbo... whatever you wanna call it

So you contend that Felix is faster than Julius?

Do you think he plays faster than his 4.47 combine time because I don't consider 4.47 to be at all special?