For those defending PacMan


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For those of you who are defending Pac and think nothing should happen...

It makes me sick. Absolutely sick for a person on his 7th chance in this league, gets into a fight WITH HIS OWN BODYGUARD. Jerry hired them (which ridiculous that it had to be done in the first place) to keep Pac out of trouble...and yet he decided to hit his own bodyguard. It's not like the bodyguard started all this nonsense. The guy is a thug who has clearly not learned his lesson.

I also dont care if there was no legal action. Thats not the point. The point is he's had 7 chances, and he's still doing stupid things. Jerry took a gamble on him, yet everyone is too scared to admit the gamble is not worth it and to move on.

He was supposed to be on his last chance before the fight. I'd love to hear what it is now

Don Corleone

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NextGenBoys;2322554 said:
For those of you who are defending Pac and think nothing should happen...

It makes me sick. Absolutely sick for a person on his 7th chance in this league, gets into a fight WITH HIS OWN BODYGUARD. Jerry hired them (which ridiculous that it had to be done in the first place) to keep Pac out of trouble...and yet he decided to hit his own bodyguard. It's not like the bodyguard started all this nonsense. The guy is a thug who has clearly not learned his lesson.

I also dont care if there was no legal action. Thats not the point. The point is he's had 7 chances, and he's still doing stupid things. Jerry took a gamble on him, yet everyone is too scared to admit the gamble is not worth it and to move on.

He was supposed to be on his last chance before the fight. I'd love to hear what it is now

I agree. The bodygaurd and his apartment, which he is "confined to" are part of the contract that he signed. Since there are draft picks involved with his success or failure as a citizen, I'm sure that both the Titans and Cowboys wanted to protect their interests.

He made this bed for himself. I actually want the draft picks instead of this idiot.


I'm Complicated
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So you're saying that he should be forbidden from having a verbal argument with someone for the entirety of his time with the Cowboys?

Are you also saying that you were, in fact, in the room at the time and know who started it? Or is that just the scenario that fits your opinion?

Isn't it true that it wouldn't matter what he did at all, that if you personally felt that he was out of line you would be screaming for his head?

Have fun being miserable.


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I also want to add, that I have not heard anything of PacMan coming out and saying something along the lines of:
"It should have never happened and it was just a miscommunication between my bodyguard and I that we cleared up"

Yet it's the same PacMan. If he did offer some sort of appology, or whatever you want to call it, it would go along way. Just another reason as to how he is still a thug used to getting his way, and has not learned.

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to attack people or their opinion, I just cannot understand for the life of me why this guy has so many people getting his back and supporting him over this


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Faerluna;2322597 said:
So you're saying that he should be forbidden from having a verbal argument with someone for the entirety of his time with the Cowboys?

Where are you getting that? I stated that he punched his bodyguard. Thats what I have a problem with.

Faerluna;2322597 said:
Are you also saying that you were, in fact, in the room at the time and know who started it? Or is that just the scenario that fits your opinion?

No. But considering every report out there says he hit his bodyguard, that's what I have to go off of.
Faerluna;2322597 said:
Isn't it true that it wouldn't matter what he did at all, that if you personally felt that he was out of line you would be screaming for his head?

Dude are you in school trying to be a lawyer or something? Just stop. No it is not true. But when you do something this stupid, yes I will be screaming for his head, considering he's had 7 chances, and is still acting immature.


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Faerluna;2322597 said:
So you're saying that he should be forbidden from having a verbal argument with someone for the entirety of his time with the Cowboys?

Are you also saying that you were, in fact, in the room at the time and know who started it? Or is that just the scenario that fits your opinion?

Isn't it true that it wouldn't matter what he did at all, that if you personally felt that he was out of line you would be screaming for his head?

Have fun being miserable.

exactly. this guy wants to talk about having logic when, in fact, he is just assuming all of this.

for someone who preaches about logic, NextGen, you sure don't have any...


NFL Historian
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Not defending him, but this incident is really overblown.

So he got in an argument with somebody. Big Deal.


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NextGenBoys;2322599 said:
I also want to add, that I have not heard anything of PacMan coming out and saying something along the lines of:
"It should have never happened and it was just a miscommunication between my bodyguard and I that we cleared up"

Yet it's the same PacMan. If he did offer some sort of appology, or whatever you want to call it, it would go along way. Just another reason as to how he is still a thug used to getting his way, and has not learned.

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to attack people or their opinion, I just cannot understand for the life of me why this guy has so many people getting his back and supporting him over this

OK I get it. You don't like Pacman. You don't like thug athletes. Fine, I have no problem with that since I'm not too fond of them myself.

Where do you stand on winning football games?

See that's what I and most Cowboy fans care about.

Pacman = good player Good players = Winning Simple math.


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Audiman;2322609 said:
exactly. this guy wants to talk about having logic when, in fact, he is just assuming all of this.

for someone who preaches about logic, NextGen, you sure don't have any...

Read my above post you donkey


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windward;2322610 said:
Not defending him, but this incident is really overblown.

So he got in an argument with somebody. Big Deal.

not just an argument. he got totally hammered and stabbed his body gaurd. then he went to all the strip clubs in the area and shot them up.

obviously, not a true story. however, if it got reported by any media types, a lot of people(like NextGen) would believe it and start making their own crap up. even if Tank, Jerry, his body gaurd, and the police said it didn't happen.


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sonnyboy;2322615 said:
OK I get it. You don't like Pacman. You don't like thug athletes. Fine, I have no problem with that since I'm not too fond of them myself.

Where do you stand on winning football games?

See that's what I and most Cowboy fans care about.

Pacman = good player Good players = Winning Simple math.

I also want to do it with high character guys, which this team is filled with.
It's just too bad the bad apple is the one that everybody thinks will put us over the top.

It is possible to win games the right way. I do not think PacMan is that.
Although like I said, I accept the fact he will be with us the rest of the year. I just will not support anything he does. But I will always cheer this team on and hope whatever he does helps us win ball games.


Junior College Transfer
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NextGenBoys;2322554 said:
For those of you who are defending Pac and think nothing should happen...

It makes me sick. Absolutely sick /quote]

Relax. Just think of it this way: There are unsavory types everywhere. Playing everywhere. A killah in Baltimore, spousal abusers, shooting suspects (hello, Marvin), substence takers, brawlers, weapons suspects, etc.

Now I am all for letting all our bad boys go. But only if the other teams let their bad boys go too.
Therein lies the problem. It's got to be a level praying field, um, I mean playing field. Why should we let go a good player while others play there's?

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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NextGenBoys;2322554 said:
For those of you who are defending Pac and think nothing should happen...

It makes me sick. Absolutely sick for a person on his 7th chance in this league, gets into a fight WITH HIS OWN BODYGUARD. Jerry hired them (which ridiculous that it had to be done in the first place) to keep Pac out of trouble...and yet he decided to hit his own bodyguard. It's not like the bodyguard started all this nonsense. The guy is a thug who has clearly not learned his lesson.

I also dont care if there was no legal action. Thats not the point. The point is he's had 7 chances, and he's still doing stupid things. Jerry took a gamble on him, yet everyone is too scared to admit the gamble is not worth it and to move on.

He was supposed to be on his last chance before the fight. I'd love to hear what it is now

Wow. You couldn't post this in one of many existing Pacman threads?


I like to have the facts before I jump all over someone. The chill approach works very well for me both in work and at play. If you choose to follow the inflammatory journalism of those with ulterior motives that's your choice. Just don't scream for help when you're sandwiched in with the pack of lemmings as that cliff fast approaches.


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NextGenBoys;2322617 said:
Read my above post you donkey

I've read that there was an altercation. in NO article or report have I seen the words "Adam Jones punched his body gaurd".

way to rebutle with name calling. how old are you? I'm guessing 12


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Audiman;2322621 said:
not just an argument. he got totally hammered and stabbed his body gaurd. then he went to all the strip clubs in the area and shot them up.

obviously, not a true story. however, if it got reported by any media types, a lot of people(like NextGen) would believe it and start making their own crap up. even if Tank, Jerry, his body gaurd, and the police said it didn't happen.

Hey genius, where did I make my own crap up? Please tell me. All I have to go off of, is what is being reported (by MANY) media outlets across the nation. All of which say he punched his body guard. Yes, it could be wrong, but I havent heard anything to believe differently.

And if PacMan, his bodyguard, or Jerry ever say that this was a media story and none of it ever happened, then guess what...I have no problem with the guy.


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NextGenBoys;2322608 said:
Where are you getting that? I stated that he punched his bodyguard. Thats what I have a problem with.

Who said he punched his bodyguard? I thought it was cleared up that they shoved eachother.


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I stated that he punched his bodyguard.
Please provide the source of yours that confirmed that a PUNCH was thrown by Pacman. Otherwise, you're spinning.
It's not like the bodyguard started all this nonsense.
More spin. You don't know who started what... and neither do I.

There was probably some piss-poor judgment on Pacman's behalf... whether it was "blown out of proportion" or not, functional members of society don't generally get into scuffles where they damage property and have police reports filed. I'm annoyed that this is a story.

But try not to jump to spin and jump to conclusions for the sake of your "I told you so" to be valid.
It is possible to win games the right way. I do not think PacMan is that.
Every team in the NFL has a few guys with questionable character. Every Cowboys Super Bowl team has had a few of these types as well. Even the sacred cow himself, Tom Landry, turned a blind eye to our problematic players when it meant a better chance at on-field success.

But by all means, continue with your delusion.


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NextGenBoys;2322629 said:
Hey genius, where did I make my own crap up? Please tell me. All I have to go off of, is what is being reported (by MANY) media outlets across the nation. All of which say he punched his body guard. Yes, it could be wrong, but I havent heard anything to believe differently.

And if PacMan, his bodyguard, or Jerry ever say that this was a media story and none of it ever happened, then guess what...I have no problem with the guy.

none of the media that I've read or heard has stated him punching anyone. if there were, the police wouldn't have much of a choice other than arrest him. you're making this **** up.


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Audiman;2322627 said:
I've read that there was an altercation. in NO article or report have I seen the words "Adam Jones punched his body gaurd".

way to rebutle with name calling. how old are you? I'm guessing 12

You may want to learn how to read.

Jones punched his bodyguard Tommy Jones in the bathroom of the Joule Hotel leading to a fight before both men were separated, several sources said.

btw, I'm 21.


Junior College Transfer
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sonnyboy;2322615 said:
OK I get it. You don't like Pacman. You don't like thug athletes. Fine, I have no problem with that since I'm not too fond of them myself.

Where do you stand on winning football games?

See that's what I and most Cowboy fans care about.

Pacman = good player Good players = Winning Simple math.

Righto, Sonnyboyo.

It's about football. Winning.

We can choose to be ethical and diligent in our real lives, but when it comes to NFL FOOTBALL, a thug is as good as an LDS missionary. Whatever it takes to win a game!!!