For those defending PacMan

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NextGenBoys;2322554 said:
For those of you who are defending Pac and think nothing should happen...

It makes me sick. Absolutely sick for a person on his 7th chance in this league, gets into a fight WITH HIS OWN BODYGUARD. Jerry hired them (which ridiculous that it had to be done in the first place) to keep Pac out of trouble...and yet he decided to hit his own bodyguard. It's not like the bodyguard started all this nonsense. The guy is a thug who has clearly not learned his lesson.

I also dont care if there was no legal action. Thats not the point. The point is he's had 7 chances, and he's still doing stupid things. Jerry took a gamble on him, yet everyone is too scared to admit the gamble is not worth it and to move on.

He was supposed to be on his last chance before the fight. I'd love to hear what it is now



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NextGenBoys;2322624 said:
I also want to do it with high character guys, which this team is filled with.
It's just too bad the bad apple is the one that everybody thinks will put us over the top.

It is possible to win games the right way. I do not think PacMan is that.
Although like I said, I accept the fact he will be with us the rest of the year. I just will not support anything he does. But I will always cheer this team on and hope whatever he does helps us win ball games.

I understand your concerns over PacMan, it is not irrational. But let's not overreact to this particular incident. It appears to be verbal clowning around that got out of hand and led to a brief fight resulting in damage to a glass object.

It was so horrific that the two combatants rode home together. No black eyes, lumps, cuts or bruises apparently. PacMan and the bodyguard deserve a rebuke and PacMan needs to be seriously reminded that even a minor incident could endanger his football career thanks to his lengthy troubled off the field track record.

When you think about it the whole process of managing PacMan is quite unnatural and controlling. He has little privacy and he and his bodyguards must get on each other's nerves and even agitate each other.

This atypical and oppressive working relationship is the price PacMan is willing to pay to stay out of trouble and play NFL football. Is it perfect in the absolute no. There is some trial and error and a little give and take in the process. In retrospect allowing PacMan to drink some probably didn't help matters. But you know the Cowboys organization is hoping PacMan will mature enough so that they don't have to babysit him and enable him to manage himself including controlling his temper and drinking.

I think this incident will result in him even being further limited to participating in social gatherings involving alcohol. That stated Goodell must rule on this incident and decide if it was egregious enough to warrant whatever suspension, short term or indefinite.

In my opinion I think PacMan will be issued a very stern warning from the NFL with the caveat that there can't be a next minor incident or it could result in his permanent ouster.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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silverbear;2322904 said:
But he was the direct cause of the violence that led to that shooting...

He basically yelled "fire" in a crowded theater. That's not excusable either, but there needs to be a little perspective here.


if you ain't first, you're last
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Two guys get into a shouting match and it's made out here to be a Pier Six brawl.:bang2:


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NextGenBoys;2322624 said:
I also want to do it with high character guys, which this team is filled with.

Why not worry about our government being filled with high-character guys than a football team first...


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AmishCowboy;2323152 said:
Two guys get into a shouting match and it's made out here to be a Pier Six brawl.:bang2:

I agree it is not a big deal, the problem for Pacman is he can't afford a small incident. Jerry was upset about dealing with this yesterday and for a good reason he is banking on Pacman to do the right thing and in this case walking away from the situation would have been the right thing.


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NextGenBoys;2322659 said:
Then I'll play the card that is being played on me.

Where did you see the report that the broken mirror is a false statement?

Because that right there will give these reports about the punches alot less credibility.

The police report said it wasn't a broken mirror... And the police report doesn't even mention who did it.. It could have been prior to the incident for all we know...


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Doomsday101;2323164 said:
I agree it is not a big deal, the problem for Pacman is he can't afford a small incident. Jerry was upset about dealing with this yesterday and for a good reason he is banking on Pacman to do the right thing and in this case walking away from the situation would have been the right thing.

The ironic thing about this whole thing is people are demanding from Pac-man, a 'thug', what is impossible for everyday human beings... Good people get into verbal arguments all the time... And yet, a 'thug' is suppose to suddenly stop doing what ordinary good samaritans can't do in their own lives...


Research Tool
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Potential disciplinary action against Pacman aside, does anybody know if there are ramifications for the team if the results of the league investigation don´t square with the version that Jerry gave yesterday?


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khiladi;2323173 said:
The ironic thing about this whole thing is people are demanding from Pac-man, a 'thug', what is impossible for everyday human beings... Good people get into verbal arguments all the time... And yet, a 'thug' is suppose to suddenly stop doing what ordinary good samaritans can't do in their own lives...

Evidently this turned into a bit of a shoving match, no punches as some have tried to portray it but on the other hand Pacman has put himself in this boat and will have to deal with it. He has no room for mistakes because if he does he will be out of football. There is a reason Jerry has hired security people to put around Pacman


What's it going to be then, eh?
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percyhoward;2323179 said:
Potential disciplinary action against Pacman aside, does anybody know if there are ramifications for the team if the results of the league investigation don´t square with the version that Jerry gave yesterday?

Good question. But I don't think Jerry Jones would put his neck out on the line and deny everything if they did not feel confident about their investigation. No comments would have been a clear sign that something was wrong.

We have been through these things before and I am certain we have handled it appropriately.

If we get punished, then there is a certain franchise that we just played last Sunday that has had far more coming to it.


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The mistake you and everyone else is making, is that they are looking at pacman's bodyguard, as a bodyguard.

The bodyguard wasn't just pacman's bodyguard but his friend as well.

Now how many times have you and your friend been playing around, late at night, then you said the wrong thing, or he said the wrong thing, and the next thing you know you guys are brawling on the floor. 10 mins later, ya'll both laughing walking off trying to figure out what the hell you were fighting about in the first play.

Say what you want about his chances, and bla bla bla, but dude is a human, prone to human actions. He was not a club getting in fights causing shootouts, he wasn't at a strip joint making it rain, he was with his teammates at hotel, and just got carried away with his friend.


Through thick and thin
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dargonking999;2323210 said:
The mistake you and everyone else is making, is that they are looking at pacman's bodyguard, as a bodyguard.

The bodyguard wasn't just pacman's bodyguard but his friend as well.

Now how many times have you and your friend been playing around, late at night, then you said the wrong thing, or he said the wrong thing, and the next thing you know you guys are brawling on the floor. 10 mins later, ya'll both laughing walking off trying to figure out what the hell you were fighting about in the first play.

Say what you want about his chances, and bla bla bla, but dude is a human, prone to human actions. He was not a club getting in fights causing shootouts, he wasn't at a strip joint making it rain, he was with his teammates at hotel, and just got carried away with his friend.

I couldn't have said this any better myself! This is a none issue based on the information that has been released. Too many people are chicken-littling right now instead of being objective (mainly because of the media). Let everything play out THEN make an informed stand. Right now as it stands, this is just over-blown BS.


Hog Hunter
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Here is the channel 11 video report:
(sorry if it's a repost, there's alot of threads and pages on this situation)

Sounds like Pac was intoxicated. If the bodyguard story is true (a sucker punch at the urinal starting the fight), then I can see some form of punishment be handed out here by "judge" Goodell.


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dargonking999;2323210 said:
The mistake you and everyone else is making, is that they are looking at pacman's bodyguard, as a bodyguard.

The bodyguard wasn't just pacman's bodyguard but his friend as well.

Now how many times have you and your friend been playing around, late at night, then you said the wrong thing, or he said the wrong thing, and the next thing you know you guys are brawling on the floor. 10 mins later, ya'll both laughing walking off trying to figure out what the hell you were fighting about in the first play.

Say what you want about his chances, and bla bla bla, but dude is a human, prone to human actions. He was not a club getting in fights causing shootouts, he wasn't at a strip joint making it rain, he was with his teammates at hotel, and just got carried away with his friend.

You are right but Pacman is not in a normal situation. We can sit here and talk fair or unfair all day long but that does not change the situation that he is in and all parties concerned understand any type of screw up intentional or not could have dire consequences. When Sanders was asked if Pacman was concerned about this Deion said yes he is very concerned and with good reason. 1st thing is you may want to stop the comparison to anyone else because Pacman is not in the same situation as anyone else.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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dueyhemlock;2323255 said:
Here is the channel 11 video report:
(sorry if it's a repost, there's alot of threads and pages on this situation)

Sounds like Pac was intoxicated. If the bodyguard story is true (a sucker punch at the urinal starting the fight), then I can see some form of punishment be handed out here by "judge" Goodell.

Sorry. I don't buy it. I prefer to read a legal document with the name Adam Jones on it versus jumping to conclusions from one of many sensationalized media reports.


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This is just becoming more and more silly because of who he is. I'm not defending him, or condeming him here, but this kind of stuff is going to happen probably all the time because of who he is.


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Doomsday101;2323256 said:
You are right but Pacman is not in a normal situation. We can sit here and talk fair or unfair all day long but that does not change the situation that he is in and all parties concerned understand any type of screw up intentional or not could have dire consequences. When Sanders was asked if Pacman was concerned about this Deion said yes he is very concerned and with good reason. 1st thing is you may want to stop the comparison to anyone else because Pacman is not in the same situation as anyone else.

I'm not saying he is, and im crying about it being unfair.

What i am saying though, is that people need to stop acting like he was doing what he was prior to coming to dallas. He got into a argument with his bodyguard. Shoving or punches were thrown, and everyone went home. End of Story. Did he do something stupid based on his position? Yes. Does he deserve persecution from the cowboy faction? No. Multiple threads going over 100 posts, calling for his immediate release, is stupid.

Not only did he not do anything criminaly wrong, but he did what everyone has done at some point in time.


Hog Hunter
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Bleu Star;2323264 said:
Sorry. I don't buy it. I prefer to read a legal document with the name Adam Jones on it versus jumping to conclusions from one of many sensationalized media reports.

Found this Bleu Star:

Who knows what took place but it is much unneeded press for our BOYS and the NFL. Just have to wait for the Goodell - decision.



This is a house of learned doctors
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Enough bickering from you people, it is time to do the morally righteous thing; Suspend Adam Jones.

Come Monday, I implore Roger Goodell to suspend Adam Jones for one game(against the Rams) just to show him that regardless of a Police filing, his actions will not be tolerated (get pick from Titans). This punk must be made an example of!