For those defending PacMan


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dargonking999;2323270 said:
I'm not saying he is, and im crying about it being unfair.

What i am saying though, is that people need to stop acting like he was doing what he was prior to coming to dallas. He got into a argument with his bodyguard. Shoving or punches were thrown, and everyone went home. End of Story. Did he do something stupid based on his position? Yes. Does he deserve persecution from the cowboy faction? No. Multiple threads going over 100 posts, calling for his immediate release, is stupid.

Not only did he not do anything criminaly wrong, but he did what everyone has done at some point in time.

I agree. I think Jones is handling this right and the last thing I heard on this was there will be no punishment handed down by the team I agree this does not warrant it however as Jerry himself has said Pacman has no margin for error, he has no wiggle room he is on a tight wire with no safety net to say he did what everyone does at some point he does not have that leeway any longer and minor infractions can cause major problems for him. He has no slack left or benefit of the doubt left. At this stage he is better off walking away than having any negative reaction, some people do that as well you know you just walk away from these types of situations.


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Doomsday101;2323301 said:
I agree. I think Jones is handling this right and the last thing I heard on this was there will be no punishment handed down by the team I agree this does not warrant it however as Jerry himself has said Pacman has no margin for error, he has no wiggle room he is on a tight wire with no safety net to say he did what everyone does at some point he does not have that leeway any longer and minor infractions can cause major problems for him. He has no slack left or benefit of the doubt left. At this stage he is better off walking away than having any negative reaction, some people do that as well you know you just walk away from these types of situations.

true, but i still think he should be given points for doing this in a hotel, rather than a strip motel

Bleu Star

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dargonking999;2323270 said:
I'm not saying he is, and im crying about it being unfair.

What i am saying though, is that people need to stop acting like he was doing what he was prior to coming to dallas. He got into a argument with his bodyguard. Shoving or punches were thrown, and everyone went home. End of Story. Did he do something stupid based on his position? Yes. Does he deserve persecution from the cowboy faction? No. Multiple threads going over 100 posts, calling for his immediate release, is stupid.
Not only did he not do anything criminaly wrong, but he did what everyone has done at some point in time.

More sanity in an otherwise insane past day or so... Thanks!

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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dueyhemlock;2323280 said:
Found this Bleu Star:

Who knows what took place but it is much unneeded press for our BOYS and the NFL. Just have to wait for the Goodell - decision.


Is Adam's new name UNK B/M? I didn't realize he made the change.


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Bleu Star;2323323 said:
Is Adam's new name UNK B/M? I didn't realize he made the change.

Man, thats a good rap name. The Notorious UNK B.M.

He'll have to buy back all his old jerseys from the league though. :(

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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I'm pretty much with you, NextGen (and Silverbear).

The funny part to me is that some people are taking the very biased Jerry and Deion comments as fact and the reporter's eyewitnesses as pure BS.

Oh no, Pacman hadn't been drinking... Deion said so.

It was just "horseplay" that broke a tiny glass umbrella... Jerry said so.

Chuck 54

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NextGenBoys;2322554 said:
For those of you who are defending Pac and think nothing should happen...

It makes me sick. Absolutely sick for a person on his 7th chance in this league, gets into a fight WITH HIS OWN BODYGUARD. Jerry hired them (which ridiculous that it had to be done in the first place) to keep Pac out of trouble...and yet he decided to hit his own bodyguard. It's not like the bodyguard started all this nonsense. The guy is a thug who has clearly not learned his lesson.

I also dont care if there was no legal action. Thats not the point. The point is he's had 7 chances, and he's still doing stupid things. Jerry took a gamble on him, yet everyone is too scared to admit the gamble is not worth it and to move on.

He was supposed to be on his last chance before the fight. I'd love to hear what it is now

I don't see how anyone can excuse him, or in your case condemn him, without knowing the facts. Guys get into scrapes in public, on the field, in the locker room, etc. Those are no big deal...if he got into an altercation in the locker room or on the field, I wouldn't think he should be fired.

I read that it was something the body guard said, that they were joking around and the bodyguard said something about Jones's lady friend that set him off a bit.

Why should we, the fans, be just as silly and foolish as the media and make such a big deal about something without knowing the facts.

If it turns out to be a big, stupid deal, then he'll be punished...if it was nothing, then he'll be fine...why rush to judgment?


Hog Hunter
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Bleu Star;2323323 said:
Is Adam's new name UNK B/M? I didn't realize he made the change.

Didn't say I found naming evidence (AJ), just passing along what info is out there.

For me, it doesn't matter the outcome. I like the talent Pac brings to the team. Also would like the added picks if a small suspension is handed out -5th and 6th. Just don't care much for the added bad press that is coming from this, but that is life as a cowboyfan. :banghead:


Salary Cap Analyst
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Chocolate Lab;2323341 said:
I'm pretty much with you, NextGen (and Silverbear).

The funny part to me is that some people are taking the very biased Jerry and Deion comments as fact and the reporter's eyewitnesses as pure BS.

Oh no, Pacman hadn't been drinking... Deion said so.

It was just "horseplay" that broke a tiny glass umbrella... Jerry said so.

And some people are taking all of the "worst" reports as fact, which is just as bad.

How many people still think Adam Jones was staying at the hotel overnight?

How many people still think the incident happened at 1:30 a.m.?

Whatever happened to those "facts"?

Like I said earlier, there are too many conflicting reports -- even from the police themselves -- for anyone to think they really know all of the facts right now.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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WarC;2323336 said:
Man, thats a good rap name. The Notorious UNK B.M.

He'll have to buy back all his old jerseys from the league though. :(

Fa sho!


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dargonking999;2323315 said:
true, but i still think he should be given points for doing this in a hotel, rather than a strip motel

As I said I think Jerry is doing right by not handing down any punishment and as much as I was opposed to Pacman coming here he has not done anything to warrant being disciplined. I'm still skeptical of him at this stage for the most part because of some of the resistance he has shown as of late about the arrangements he has to deal with in Dallas. No one wants to be spied on then again this was the boat he put himself in to begin with and if wants to continue to play in the NFL he will have to accept it until he can regain the trust of the league and the Cowboys


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Doomsday101;2323399 said:
As I said I think Jerry is doing right by not handing down any punishment and as much as I was opposed to Pacman coming here he has not done anything to warrant being disciplined. I'm still skeptical of him at this stage for the most part because of some of the resistance he has shown as of late about the arrangements he has to deal with in Dallas. No one wants to be spied on then again this was the boat he put himself in to begin with and if wants to continue to play in the NFL he will have to accept it until he can regain the trust of the league and the Cowboys

I don't think the Cowboys should do anything either because Goodell has shown that he's more than willing to have the NFL step in and discipline a player. Thats what I'm worried most about w/ Pacman - Stepping on Goodell's shoes and getting himself suspended. He's too good a player to be hurting his own career with this kind of stuff....


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WarC;2323406 said:
I don't think the Cowboys should do anything either because Goodell has shown that he's more than willing to have the NFL step in and discipline a player. Thats what I'm worried most about w/ Pacman - Stepping on Goodell's shoes and getting himself suspended. He's too good a player to be hurting his own career with this kind of stuff....

My gut feeling is Goodell will not come down on Jones on this but Pacman needs to keep an extremely low profile right now. I know that is hard to do as a member of the Cowboys but he is going to have to give it his best effort. Jerry has hired people to keep an eye on Pacman and I don't look for that to change anytime soon.


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NextGenBoys;2322554 said:
For those of you who are defending Pac and think nothing should happen...

It makes me sick. Absolutely sick for a person on his 7th chance in this league, gets into a fight WITH HIS OWN BODYGUARD. Jerry hired them (which ridiculous that it had to be done in the first place) to keep Pac out of trouble...and yet he decided to hit his own bodyguard. It's not like the bodyguard started all this nonsense. The guy is a thug who has clearly not learned his lesson.

I also dont care if there was no legal action. Thats not the point. The point is he's had 7 chances, and he's still doing stupid things. Jerry took a gamble on him, yet everyone is too scared to admit the gamble is not worth it and to move on.

He was supposed to be on his last chance before the fight. I'd love to hear what it is now
Calm down, you don't have to invite the guy over for dinner, or have him watch your kids, it's football. Say it with me, "it's only football, a game".

If the guy is trouble off the field, doesn't matter to me personally. Worry about your own house hold and stop whinning about what others are doing that isn't affecting you. Hey, if I was running a church social, I wouldn't want Pacman on my team, but if I were running a football team, as long as he doesn't get suspended, or does something truly harmful to another person, I really don't care.

You get 53 guys on a team, or in a room, or on cowboys zone, 10 of them will be thugs, or idiots, or criminals, or argumentative, or just plain stupid.

Some of us drunks or guys who drink and drive which 80% of the people who drink, drive, should really look in the mirror.

You're not going to have 53 saints on a team, I know we all want a perfect world. As long as the guy can help us win, and he isn't doing anything illegal, WHO CARES??????????????


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Clove;2323512 said:
Calm down, you don't have to invite the guy over for dinner, or have him watch your kids, it's football. Say it with me, "it's only football, a game".

If the guy is trouble off the field, doesn't matter to me personally. Worry about your own house hold and stop whinning about what others are doing that isn't affecting you. Hey, if I was running a church social, I wouldn't want Pacman on my team, but if I were running a football team, as long as he doesn't get suspended, or does something truly harmful to another person, I really don't care.

You get 53 guys on a team, or in a room, or on cowboys zone, 10 of them will be thugs, or idiots, or criminals, or argumentative, or just plain stupid.

Some of us drunks or guys who drink and drive which 80% of the people who drink, drive, should really look in the mirror.

You're not going to have 53 saints on a team, I know we all want a perfect world. As long as the guy can help us win, and he isn't doing anything illegal, WHO CARES??????????????

Jerry Jones does that is why he has hired security to be with Jones, to drive Jones around and to keep an eye on him. While I don't think anyone is asking for a group of saints on the team as a fan I think many understand the negitive impact it can have should be get into trouble. So yes it matters to me from a football stand point. When Pacman leaves the NFL he can do what ever he wants I will not care as a member of this team yes I do


Hawaiian Cowboy
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Joe Rod;2323287 said:
Enough bickering from you people, it is time to do the morally righteous thing; Suspend Adam Jones.

Come Monday, I implore Roger Goodell to suspend Adam Jones for one game(against the Rams) just to show him that regardless of a Police filing, his actions will not be tolerated (get pick from Titans). This punk must be made an example of!

Finally someone I agree with 100% :laugh2:
ala Plaxico Burress.


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NextGenBoys;2322554 said:
For those of you who are defending Pac and think nothing should happen...

It makes me sick. Absolutely sick for a person on his 7th chance in this league, gets into a fight WITH HIS OWN BODYGUARD. Jerry hired them (which ridiculous that it had to be done in the first place) to keep Pac out of trouble...and yet he decided to hit his own bodyguard. It's not like the bodyguard started all this nonsense. The guy is a thug who has clearly not learned his lesson.

I also dont care if there was no legal action. Thats not the point. The point is he's had 7 chances, and he's still doing stupid things. Jerry took a gamble on him, yet everyone is too scared to admit the gamble is not worth it and to move on.

He was supposed to be on his last chance before the fight. I'd love to hear what it is now
NGB...Picture this...If you and i are friends and were having a good time hangin out and jaggin around trading barbs at one another then all of a sudden one of us says something that pisses the other off and theres some pushing and shoving for a minute til cooler heads prevail and we shake hands and get over it.Should that cause you to lose your job?cause if that does,most of us would be out of work.jmo


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Clove;2323512 said:
Calm down, you don't have to invite the guy over for dinner, or have him watch your kids, it's football. Say it with me, "it's only football, a game".

If the guy is trouble off the field, doesn't matter to me personally. Worry about your own house hold and stop whinning about what others are doing that isn't affecting you. Hey, if I was running a church social, I wouldn't want Pacman on my team, but if I were running a football team, as long as he doesn't get suspended, or does something truly harmful to another person, I really don't care.

You get 53 guys on a team, or in a room, or on cowboys zone, 10 of them will be thugs, or idiots, or criminals, or argumentative, or just plain stupid.

Some of us drunks or guys who drink and drive which 80% of the people who drink, drive, should really look in the mirror.

You're not going to have 53 saints on a team, I know we all want a perfect world. As long as the guy can help us win, and he isn't doing anything illegal, WHO CARES??????????????