For those defending PacMan


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GimmeTheBall!;2322625 said:
NextGenBoys;2322554 said:
For those of you who are defending Pac and think nothing should happen...

It makes me sick. Absolutely sick /quote]

Relax. Just think of it this way: There are unsavory types everywhere. Playing everywhere. A killah in Baltimore, spousal abusers, shooting suspects (hello, Marvin), substence takers, brawlers, weapons suspects, etc.

Now I am all for letting all our bad boys go. But only if the other teams let their bad boys go too.
Therein lies the problem. It's got to be a level praying field, um, I mean playing field. Why should we let go a good player while others play there's?

... and fifty thousand watts of power farmer's branchers.


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NextGenBoys;2322608 said:
No. But considering every report out there says he hit his bodyguard, that's what I have to go off of.

So what u are saying is all these reports from reporters were at the scene or are they just throwing S^^t against the wall hoping Pac fails......Unfortunately we are the Cowboys and without contrversy it's not the same, the 70's BOys had problems and we know the 90's boys had problems.

Give it a rest, just don't root for the Cowboyz no more, case solved and that's been serious....

Between all the Pac, TO, Wade and the entire Cowboys, just leave and go root for the Lions or someone who has never done squat.....


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i think this whole pacman thing is gonna bring the team closer together. they hate the media so much that T.O. is barely talking to them and you even got Tank calling one of them out. if i was a remorseful person i would feel bad for the cards on Sunday since were gonna take it out on them.


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NextGenBoys;2322554 said:
For those of you who are defending Pac and think nothing should happen...

It makes me sick. Absolutely sick for a person on his 7th chance in this league, gets into a fight WITH HIS OWN BODYGUARD. Jerry hired them (which ridiculous that it had to be done in the first place) to keep Pac out of trouble...and yet he decided to hit his own bodyguard. It's not like the bodyguard started all this nonsense. The guy is a thug who has clearly not learned his lesson.

I also dont care if there was no legal action. Thats not the point. The point is he's had 7 chances, and he's still doing stupid things. Jerry took a gamble on him, yet everyone is too scared to admit the gamble is not worth it and to move on.

He was supposed to be on his last chance before the fight. I'd love to hear what it is now



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Faerluna;2322597 said:
So you're saying that he should be forbidden from having a verbal argument with someone for the entirety of his time with the Cowboys?

Are you also saying that you were, in fact, in the room at the time and know who started it? Or is that just the scenario that fits your opinion?

Isn't it true that it wouldn't matter what he did at all, that if you personally felt that he was out of line you would be screaming for his head?

Have fun being miserable.

EDuncan, good to see you back!


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Yes, Pacman should be punished, however the Cowboys fan in me wanting to win a Super Bowl......I have blinders on....sorry


Junior College Transfer
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xWraithx;2323603 said:
GimmeTheBall!;2322625 said:
... and fifty thousand watts of power farmer's branchers.

Thanks for the kind words, wraithy.:)

C'mon over, wraithy and reside in Farmers Branch. We'd be proud to have you. We open 1.2 trailer parks every year, the most in the Metroplex.


Junior College Transfer
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dargonking999;2323210 said:
Now how many times have you and your friend been playing around, late at night, then you said the wrong thing, or he said the wrong thing, and the next thing you know you guys are brawling on the floor. 10 mins later, ya'll both laughing walking off trying to figure out what the hell you were fighting about in the first play.

I can't say I ever remember that happening. Wit me it has always been a fight to the finish. Guns drawn. S.W.A.T. team, newscasters reporting live.

but that was before I accepted Jesus and he tolt me to move to Farmers Branch where nothing good happens after midnight of the apocalypse. So, far so good.
I never did have no bodyguard cause my boss never saw the need.


Kane Ala
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sonnyboy;2322615 said:
OK I get it. You don't like Pacman. You don't like thug athletes. Fine, I have no problem with that since I'm not too fond of them myself.

Where do you stand on winning football games?

See that's what I and most Cowboy fans care about.

Pacman = good player Good players = Winning Simple math.

I'll speak for myself, please. I think this is overblown and his life has been overblown for sometime. When he does something to hurt the team then I'll be all for seeing him face consequences. This doesn't warrant more than a little more racheting.