FWST Blog: Jerry: Parcells wore teams down


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Jerry: Parcells wore teams down

That's what Jerry Jones said this morning on his weekly radio show on The Ticket. It was in reference to Wade Phillips choosing to practice just twice during the bye week.

"It's a fine line," Jerry said of deciding the workload.

Jerry said Bill Parcells' teams, especially the veterans, were worn down by the end of the regular season because of the workload and it showed in the final month. You think Wade is making the right call here, going for rest over practice. The team is off Tuesday and Friday-Sunday.

There is no way this team is overworked at this point, but they sure play like it sometimes. And hey, who's headed to Cabo this weekend?

- Rick Herrin

Posted at 08:19 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)


if you ain't first, you're last
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I think I would have made them practice today and then have the long Weekend Fri, Sat and Sunday.


1st Round Pick
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We are pretty nicked up and resting these guys isn't a bad thing.

Some coaches even give their teams the entire week off and tell them to just get away.

Flozell is my #1 guy who needs to get healthy. If he can't handle pass rushers we are screwed.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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...and Wade's teams aren't in shape because they have way to many days off.

So, lets get a new coach!


1st Round Pick
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nyc;2399274 said:
...and Wade's teams aren't in shape because they have way to many days off.

So, lets get a new coach!

What makes you say that?


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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CATCH17;2399277 said:
What makes you say that?

LOL, dude I'm just spewing meaningless ****. Thats pretty much what this board consists of lately.


No Quarter
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in comes the master enabler and super spin man.

pathetic right on cue.

WoodysGirl;2399256 said:
Jerry: Parcells wore teams down

That's what Jerry Jones said this morning on his weekly radio show on The Ticket. It was in reference to Wade Phillips choosing to practice just twice during the bye week.

"It's a fine line," Jerry said of deciding the workload.

Jerry said Bill Parcells' teams, especially the veterans, were worn down by the end of the regular season because of the workload and it showed in the final month. You think Wade is making the right call here, going for rest over practice. The team is off Tuesday and Friday-Sunday.

There is no way this team is overworked at this point, but they sure play like it sometimes. And hey, who's headed to Cabo this weekend?

- Rick Herrin

Posted at 08:19 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)


Pixel Pusher
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Oh please, everyone seems to think Parcells time here was marked with championships and Cowboy dominance. We won about as many playoff games under Parcells as we have under Wade, zero.

Parcells was stubborn and loved to play mind games. He was conservative in his game planning and would give up a game just to prove a point, do it my way or no way.

The only thing Parcells did well for this team was bring in talent, he was a great evaluator of who could play and who could not and he didn't care about being your buddy.

If Parcells could have stayed on as GM, which would have never happened since Jerry enjoys it so much, I would have loved it. But as a coach, who knows if we would be any better off now than we were then.


The Duke
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In some ways this team needs to be worn down.

Mostly we need to get some guys healthy. If this bye week does not get Flozell back to par I would put Leonard Davis at LT and start Montrae Holland at RG for a week or two to give him time to heal. Hopefully Kosier is ready to recalim the LG spot.

Our O-line and Tony Romo are the keys to righting this ship.


The Duke
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TheCount;2399309 said:
Oh please, everyone seems to think Parcells time here was marked with championships and Cowboy dominance. We won about as many playoff games under Parcells as we have under Wade, zero.

Parcells was stubborn and loved to play mind games. He was conservative in his game planning and would give up a game just to prove a point, do it my way or no way.

The only thing Parcells did well for this team was bring in talent, he was a great evaluator of who could play and who could not and he didn't care about being your buddy.

If Parcells could have stayed on as GM, which would have never happened since Jerry enjoys it so much, I would have loved it. But as a coach, who knows if we would be any better off now than we were then.
Parcells is extremely over rated by an angry fan group. Might as well be hollering for Chan Gailey to be brought back. They had just about equal results as far as wins and losses. I don't think clamoring for his return is wise either. Of course I never want to be retroactive, which is why I have never liked the bring back Jimmy ideas either. People simply can't move on.


Well-Known Member
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man, this is a tough call.....great when your winning....problems when losing

Mr Cowboy

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I have no problem with the practice schedule, if the two days conists of hard practices, with lots of hitting and tackling. Especially tackling.

If Wade is brining them in for walk throughs, then he may as well just give them the whole week off. Walk throughs isn't going to improve their shotty tackling.


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Hostile;2399316 said:
Parcells is extremely over rated by an angry fan group. Might as well be hollering for Chan Gailey to be brought back. They had just about equal results as far as wins and losses. I don't think clamoring for his return is wise either. Of course I never want to be retroactive, which is why I have never liked the bring back Jimmy ideas either. People simply can't move on.

Preach it man.

If I have to read another article by Mick comparing these Cowboys to the 90's Cowboys I'm going to lose it. This isn't the 90's, this isn't the same team, and it isn't the same league. I know that was the "glory days", but move on people! 12 years is a long time!


Pixel Pusher
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NextGenBoys;2399362 said:
Preach it man.

If I have to read another article by Mick comparing these Cowboys to the 90's Cowboys I'm going to lose it. This isn't the 90's, this isn't the same team, and it isn't the same league. I know that was the "glory days", but move on people! 12 years is a long time!

Mick is horrible, he's wrong more often than he's right but that'll never stop him from getting his self-righteous bs on.


Zone Scribe
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Makes you wonder who is turning that 1-15 team around into a playoff contender in Miami in one year. The "overrated guy" who has let the game pass him by or all of his "stooges who have no say in the team".

If Parcells is overrated, I would hate to see what you would say about someone who has really done absolutely nothing to back up his media hype or over-inflated salary .... like Jason Garrett.


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NextGenBoys;2399362 said:
Preach it man.

If I have to read another article by Mick comparing these Cowboys to the 90's Cowboys I'm going to lose it. This isn't the 90's, this isn't the same team, and it isn't the same league. I know that was the "glory days", but move on people! 12 years is a long time!

You will get what you expect though. If you accept the premise that "this is the NFL, teams are up and down, and basically you just play year to year and be THANKFUL if you are around .500 and fighting for a playoff spot", then that is what you will get AT BEST.

Then there are some teams, i.e., the Patriots being one, that just simply refuse to buy into that. They expect to win and win for real, and they end up being very good year after year. They LOST THEIR QB TOO, and they are still in there fighting. Are they the same team? No. But are they looking like pathetic losers 2 of the last 3 weeks? No.

I understand those who get tired of us who remember the glory years, you can't live in the past, but I also get tired of us who are willing to accept mediocrity and be thankful for it. The day that happens, then please take the Star off the helmet, lets get some of those cool arena football uniforms and change the team's name.

Last time I checked our team was the Dallas Cowboys. There was a day when that meant something.


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Hostile;2399316 said:
Parcells is extremely over rated by an angry fan group. Might as well be hollering for Chan Gailey to be brought back.

And he is quickly dismissed or put down by another group.

Bottom line is he built not only the team but the entire organization in a way that completely turned the direction of the Cowboys around 180 degrees.

A lot of the success of last year's team and expectations for this year's was built on the foundation Parcells laid down. No, they lost his only playoff game, and certainly his on the field coaching wasn't what some would have liked. But the team played hard, rarely quit and there was no doubt who was in charge.

What most of us are 'angry' about is that Jerry and Phillips seem to be taking every conceivable step to rip up that foundation and go back to the Campo years. That Jenkins non-play would have been inconceivable on a Parcells team, yet Wade couldn't even bring himself to put any blame whatsoever on him. As far as we know not a single coach has addressed it, and in fact Jenkins now even gets more time off this week.

You think Orlando Scandrick doesn't see that and ask himself why he should put a helmet on someone next time in a similar situation? Why should he risk getting hurt if there are no repercussions?

Look, I understand the team needs to rest. But you also have a 2nd string QB who may very well wind up being "the guy" at some point if Romo's finger doesn't heal all the way or gets hurt again, and he desperately needs the reps with the first team. You also have a brand new WR who also needs that time, and several backups and rookies in key spots who are clearly not all on the same page yet.

Even if its just light practices in shells, this team needs to be on the field together more than they need to be goofing off.. er I mean 'healing'.