Twitter: Gary Brown on Zeke


Regular Joe....
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You are absolutely right about not knowing until you see him with your on eyes. But know this, my OP had nothing to do with his on field performance. It was in response to people’s criticism towards him from a picture that was posted of him in a hoodie. They was freaking out from a posters comment of him looking fat. This from a picture and not with their own eyes. So I provide this tidbit from the coach who as no one on this board, would have first hand insight.

Fair enough but let me ask you this. These people who are freaking out over a pic in a hoodie, do you feel like anything you post is going to change any of that? If you do, I wish you luck but I will advise that I've been here a long time and my experience is that it aint gonna happen. If you don't, then this amounts to a waste of your time and you just gotta know that going in. You seem like a smart guy, I have a feeling that this is not the best use of your time.



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Fair enough but let me ask you this. These people who are freaking out over a pic in a hoodie, do you feel like anything you post is going to change any of that? If you do, I wish you luck but I will advise that I've been here a long time and my experience is that it aint gonna happen. If you don't, then this amounts to a waste of your time and you just gotta know that going in. You seem like a smart guy, I have a feeling that this is not the best use of your time.


Thank you for the compliment but you give me way more credit than warrant.


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That's great to hear, but the people quick to bash Zeke will be the first to bash him again immediately or waiting for the chance to if any bit of negative news surrounds him, even if he was clean.


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Gary Brown went to high school near me, and I know a bunch of people who know him. In school he was known as a weed smoking bully. He was a BMOC because he was a star RB, but a friend who tutored him said he was dumber than a box of hair. He went on to Penn State, where he BARELY graduated, despite multiple tutors, including Sue Paterno.


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Ha! Barry would have made whom ever was in his doghouse at the time cook them.

Refresh my memory. Exactly who was ever in Barry's doghouse?
Aikman? Good luck telling a SB MVP QB to cook during


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Gary Brown went to high school near me, and I know a bunch of people who know him. In school he was known as a weed smoking bully. He was a BMOC because he was a star RB, but a friend who tutored him said he was dumber than a box of hair. He went on to Penn State, where he BARELY graduated, despite multiple tutors, including Sue Paterno.

I guess that’s could to know but I’m not sure what that has to do with his Zeke evaluation.


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True story about Gary Brown.

Brown was the starting running back for the Oilers at the start of the 1995 season. He had a good training camp, and rushed for over 100 yards in Week One. Somehow, between Week 1 and Week 2, Brown gained 10 pounds, and soon lost his starting job. He was out of football the next season, then had a comeback of sorts with the Chargers then the Giants.

Weight issues and Gary Brown go hand in hand.

Also a true story:

One year he started 8 games and gained 1002 yards rushing while the Oilers were running the run and shoot.


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Thought he has always been in shape? Only haters and whiners wanted him to be in better shape. Need to be a homer and want him to be Eddie Lacy 2.0.
Well, RB Coach Gary Brown said his body fat is down, his weight is down and he's leaner. So he DID get in better shape.


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We have to have a serious talk about the hair

He is the Human Chia Pet

Cha, cha, cha, cha, cha … chia!


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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So for everyone from a couple days ago that was upset and all over Zeke on how he will never change and he as stop partying and everything else negative said about his conditioning and weight, you guys can chill and breath.

Call this a public service!

When coaches have to say that about a player, it tells me that the organization did a poor job of managing him last year. There's not much the coaches could have done to get him mentally right, but part of the staff's job is to make sure players are in shape.