Personally, I think it was a clean block. Watch it again. The point most are missing or overlooking is that midspin, Green punched the back of Taco's left shoulder. If I'm reading the cause and effect correctly, I believe that added to the momentum of Taco's spin which in turn forced Taco to put all of his weight on the front of his feet, which means he overextended his balance into Green. From that point, it was easy for Green to shove Taco in the ground. When engaging on offensive lineman, what of the first rules all DL's have to abide by is to ensure their weight is evenly distributed over their feet as they engage. If not, against an NFL caliber offensive lineman, more often than not, you will find yourself on the ground, as did Taco.
One of Tyron Smith's signature moves is the
snatch and trap (click on the hyperlink for an extensive breakdown). What Green did was not the snatch and trap, but it did use a portion of the principle.