1) Almost all banner ads these days are pay-per-click meaning you only earn money if ads are clicked on, not viewed so adding a few extra ads going to one extra forum has never ever increased click rates on CZ.
2) Banner ads generate very little revenue unless you are medical focused or high demand content, and sports sites like CZ are one of the most saturated content markets out there meaning very little money is earned from basic banner ad clicks.
3) Forums are the worst sites on the internet at earning money from ads of any kind, but especially banner ads.
4) I have turned down hundreds of requests by ad companies over the years to put more intrusive and annoying ads on the site even when they offer much better rates than google ads.
5) I have never generated enough ad revenue to cover hosting of CZ nor have I ever made a profit from it.
6) If I really wanted to increase revenue on CZ, I would plaster affiliate programs all over the site, implement keyword advertising so it turns keywords in user posts into link-based ads, etc.
7) The decision to create this forum was not made by me, but rather the staff here due to the massive number of Romo-vs-Dak threads in the Fan Zone.
8) A lot of users here use the "New Posts" link below the blue menu bar at the top of the page and rarely go to individual forums via the home page.
.. and finally .. if you don't like it, simply stay in the Fan Zone.