I think dc would be best served leaving the blog schtick for his blog and not twisting crap here to suit his agenda.
he didn't used to be like that, and I used to love his posts.
Even if I like the videos he posts now 9 times out of 10 he puts some BS opinion of his in the title or commentary which boils down to trying to stoke a fire.
What's wrong with letting people have their own opinions and not trying to turn everything into something it isn't?
It's bad enough we have ESPN and NFLN doing that crap to the team, why do we need so called fans doing it to just to trump themselves up?
And criticism is almost always intended to make us better, it's not an insult, just opinions, and some of the best ways I have improved myself is by dropping the guard and listening to how others perceive me.
I dig the videos, I really do, I could do without the attempted ESPN headlines.