Maybe we are in shock
We didn't make the playoffs
Isn't that why you play the game to make the playoffs so you can go to the Superbowl
Cowboys will be sitting at home instead of playing in Jan.
Something is wrong with that
This is America team and the Boys will be at home sipping on a beer
We are going to open a brand new stadium to a team that didn't even make the playoffs
You can't change a man stripes over a year
To me this is absurb the Cowboys didn't even make the playoffs
We didn't make the playoffs
Isn't that why you play the game to make the playoffs so you can go to the Superbowl
Cowboys will be sitting at home instead of playing in Jan.
Something is wrong with that
This is America team and the Boys will be at home sipping on a beer
We are going to open a brand new stadium to a team that didn't even make the playoffs
You can't change a man stripes over a year
To me this is absurb the Cowboys didn't even make the playoffs