Monday- Gawd, I hate the Cowboys! I hate them more than my in-laws and that fat kid who used to grab me in the balls at school and it would hurt, but he could beat me up... I hate that kid! I know he was a Cowboy fan! Looked like Sean Lee...
Tuesday- I like totally watched their last game and they totally blow. Every good play was total luck. Our team won't mess up like that. Their OL is overrated... No way we lose! Blowout!!!
Wednesday- Hey guys... anybody watch any film on them? What are their weaknesses? I mean, I watched and all, but I like don't have the all-22 and stuff. Anyone?
Thursday- So how do we attack their OL guys? I think they still suck, our front 7 will show Tryon, Tyrone, whatever what's up. Romo always chokes anyways. Just let him throw and he'll give us the game. Works every time.
Friday- I fear the refs. Stupid Cowboys make all the money for the NFL, of course they're protected! That OL holds every play! RomoSucks!!!! We're going to re-break his back and stuff! Kill and foam at the mouth! Insults insults!
Saturday- Okay guys, we gotta have like 17 points on these guys by the last 5 minutes if we want to win. Stop the run and we got this. Right guys? Oh boy... Get some turnovers? What are we gonna do?... We're gonna crush them!
Sunday- Romo cursing... Complaining over the OL holding... Refs Suck!!!!... Yeah! We got this! RomoSucks!!!
What tha...?!! Why can't we stop these guys? Stoopid refs!!!!! Call a foul!!!
NO!!!! NO!!!! GOD NO!!!!! I HATE YOU ROMO!!!!!!!!