How bad will Garrett be this year?


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CowboyMcCoy;4556236 said:
It's a process.

No it's not. Winning is something you just do.

***** Christmas, you have no clue. Absolutely no clue.

I'm done here.


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Hey let's bring back, wait, Barry, no wait, Dave Poodle....

On second thought, You know what? Cowboy McCoy is a tool....

Let's just stick with JG, and let troll boy find a new team.

Good grief, some of you clowns need to find the nearest baseball bat and beat yourself senseless with it!!!



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CowboyMcCoy;4556236 said:
It's a process.

No it's not. Winning is something you just do.

Winning is NOT A PROCESS??? Are you seriously mentally defective???????

Son, yore mama would like to get on the computer...go to your room and play PS3......



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CowboyMcCoy;4555671 said:
We should have made the playoffs last year. The only real reason we didn't is because we don't have a real coach. I seriously don't think this guy is cut out for head coaching duties.

Yea, I guess we'd be better off with this guy


or this guy


or this guy


or this guy..


cause Red is undoubtedly the most awfullest coach there evar was!

:lmao: :lmao2: :laugh2: :laugh1:

Blast From The Past

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CowboyMcCoy;4555671 said:
1)Detroit--Romo has broken ribs. Garrett calls pass one too many times. Romo airs it out while likely on pain medication and, viola, a toss to Bobby Carpenter to blow the biggest lead ever blown in Cowboy's history.

That's quite an accomplishment.

2) New England--Garrett calls 3 straight run plays and gives the ball back to Brady

3)Cardinals--Time out. Need I say more?

We should have made the playoffs last year. The only real reason we didn't is because we don't have a real coach. I seriously don't think this guy is cut out for head coaching duties.
I forget how long the fans gave Tom Landry before they wanted him gone ASAP! I am glad the owner had some backbone and gave him a long term contract instead. I think Jason was wearing too many hats coupled with his lack of experience running the show. I think he is smart and I think he will improve on game management this very year. Have ye no faith? Just wait and you'll see.


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CowboyMcCoy;4556221 said:
You mean Wade's staff, which Garrett was a part of?

Yep, the one Wade lead to a 1-7 record with a better QB.

That versus the same one Garrett lead to a 5-3 record with Kitna at QB and Paul Pasqualoni as the DC instead of Wade.

The fact that Garrett managed to turn that disastrous season around with a 40 year old scrap heap QB is grounds to suggest he has some ability to lead the team. The same team that had appeared to give up and mail it in with back to back shellackings from the Packers and Jaguars.

I'm not saying Garrett is a great HC or even a good HC. I think he was good in 2010 for turning the season around: B+. I think he was mediocre last year trying to coach a flawed roster: B- where the average coaching grade is a B-. He was okay but I don't think he got much better results than our talent suggested was possible. If he managed to seal the deal against the Jets, Lions, Pats and Giants game #1 we would have a 12-4 record and he would get an A. But we got beat in a fair number of the close games which suggests average coaching grade.

The problem I have is that you claim he is the worst you have ever seen. I just don't see it myself.

I have grown tired of this discussion that is devoid of any reasonable facts or balanced arguments. My take is that you don't like Garrett because he was a scrub player from the Ivy league that the league has crowned as a genius.


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CowboyMcCoy;4556236 said:
It's a process.

No it's not. Winning is something you just do.

If winning was something you "just do" everyone would win. Way to oversimplify it. :laugh2:


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I think you need to get laid man. It sounds like you have a lot of pent up aggression inside of you. You started this thread off with an attack on Jason Garrett and then tried arguing that it wasn't an attack. You clearly just want to fight with people and get into a pissing contest.

Here's an idea, start naming some replacements for Jason Garrett since you don't like him and think we won't have a good season next year. Did you even think that far or do you just blurt things out? You didn't think no one would ask who should replace him did you?

So, ready, go.........


I've got moxie
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I think Garrett will be a good coach long term.

However, I do think there is going to be a learning curve.

Garrett has only been a coach for 7 years total.

Compare that to Tomlin who had 12 years of experience before his head coaching gig.

Some others:
John Harbaugh - 24 years
Jim Harbaugh - 17 years
Sean Payton - 18 years
Raheem Morris - 10 years (realize he is gone now, but was a young coach that got a HC gig recently)

I think we see some of it with clock management, play calling, etc. No doubt he'll get better with experience and having some veteran guys like Callahan around will help, but I do think there is going to be a learning curve.

All that makes it odd that people want to make him pseudo-GM, head scout, OC and HC all at the same time.


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junk;4556275 said:
I think Garrett will be a good coach long term.

However, I do think there is going to be a learning curve.

Garrett has only been a coach for 7 years total.

Compare that to Tomlin who had 12 years of experience before his head coaching gig.

Some others:
John Harbaugh - 24 years
Jim Harbaugh - 17 years
Sean Payton - 18 years
Raheem Morris - 10 years (realize he is gone now, but was a young coach that got a HC gig recently)

I think we see some of it with clock management, play calling, etc. No doubt he'll get better with experience and having some veteran guys like Callahan around will help, but I do think there is going to be a learning curve.

All that makes it odd that people want to make him pseudo-GM, head scout, OC and HC all at the same time.

well said!


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I cant believe this thread is 16+ pages.

And, I cant believe I actually plowed thru the first 11 . . . . . . . . . . . .

This should be nominated for worst thread


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CowboyMcCoy;4555646 said:
Last season was the worst coaching job I've seen in a decade, in college or pro, by any team I'm a fan of.

Will Garrett be as awful this year as he was the last?



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AsthmaField;4556232 said:
With a secondary consisting of Alan Ball, Terence Newman, Frank Walker, along with Scandrick and Jenkins... it's a damn miracle that Dallas didn't lose 12 games. Garrett's offense was the only thing keeping games from being blowouts.

This thread is ridiculous. Of course Garrett made mistakes (he's a very young head coach with little experience), but he learned from them and is continuing to grow. He's not ever going to make the time out mistake again. He won't continue to throw when up by a lot, and I bet he won't run three times in a row when he has the worst secondary in football and he's trying to keep the ball away from the most potent offense in football. He's admitted those mistakes and confirmed that he learned from them. What more do you want? For him to be perfect apparently.

You say some act like he's the second coming of JC, which I find ironic because you expect him to be.

Take those mistakes away and you'd have precious little to complain about with what Jason did last season. Not to mention the most important stuff:

*He has brought competition to every spot on a team that hasn't seen that since the early 90's.
*He has brought accountability to a team that hasn't seen that since the early 90's.
*He cut the fat from the roster without emotion or prejudice... something that hasn't been done since the early 90's.
*He implemented a plan for a franchise that has been without one since the early 90's.
*He and Stephen Jones have the franchise drafting better than any time since the early 90's.

Plus, Jimmy Johnson and every ex-Cowboy that has been asked about Garrett and what he's doing has said that he is doing it the right way and they all unanimously say he's doing one hell of a job.

Also, I find it funny that the thread starter says Garrett's mistakes were that he refused to run enough against Detroit and then that he refused to pass enough against New England. Considering that the Detroit game and the reaming he took afterwards was foremost on Garrett's mind when he ran late against the Pats.

Well done, sir...


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CowboyMcCoy;4555914 said:
So he's done a good job by your standards, eh?

I'm sorry if my standards for a coach are a bit different. CL asked a legitimate question, you want to make a revelation and then go hide under a rock and keep poking in and out of the conversation when it suits you or your ego (like someone else I know), go ahead. Evade the conversation now because my diction offended you. That's also your Modus Operandi.

In any case, maybe I should start a new thread and compare him to Landry as if I'm in some fantasy land from the past where Jason Garrett is actually Tom Landry.

What are we, ten years old?

You'd think that were actually the case the case by the way fans speak of Garrett. And we just blew the biggest potential season we've had in a while....


We've become too passive in our old age.

Garrett has only been a HC for a year and a half, what the heck do you expect at this point? He was playing with someone else's system and players, but now with a real offseason (remember last year the league was on lockdown for much of offseason and free agency was scarce) of free agency and draft Garrett can finally make his mark on this team with a new kind of player in the draft as well as free agency.

Tell me you didn't notice the change in philosophy in who we picked up and I will tell you then you just have an axe to grind. We can start judging Garrett more and more as this team becomes his and not past regiments as well as Jerry's players.

I know for me, I like the old style football where you run the ball run the ball pass then run some more, while on the other side you play smash mouth break your jaw style defense. I don't care much for this fancy pass happy style game where all the new rules coming out are making this game nothing more than flag football which that would be penalized because someone might sprain their pinky grabbing for the flag. I think Garrett brings that style of coaching, you can see it in how he operates, who he brought in to coach with him, and the type of players he looks for.

anyways, have an opinion about how Garrett did last year all you want, but you have to admit he did not work with a full deck either as no coach really does their first year aside from the offseason shortage that he did last year.


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CowboyMcCoy;4556238 said:
No, not that Napoleon. I mean the Movie.

I know...I was referencing the dictator...Napolean "Blownapart" ha..get it? Look different views...on a message board..amazing!

Yakuza Rich

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Chocolate Lab;4555921 said:
But see, why do you put the Lions loss on Romo? That was at least as much on the coach. There is no reason to be throwing the ball like that with a 24 point lead. Twenty-four points! A decent high school coach could come out of the stands and not lose a 24 point fourth quarter lead.

The only way I'd put that mostly on Romo is if he absolutely disobeyed orders from the sideline, but we never heard any hint of that.

See, this is what I don't like about Garrett. Some people (not you) blame everything and everyone *but* him. Why?

We weren't throwing the ball out of the ordinary. You're supposed to have some trust in your veteran QB to look to see if the LB bit on the fake, he didn't the pick happened.

The 2nd pick wasn't Romo's fault. Neither was it Garrett's fault. But, had the first pick not been thrown, the severity of the 2nd pick is much less. Then the last pick, when we had to throw was typical Romo late game fizzle out, trying to force one into Witten.

I honestly can't believe anybody can try to pass the blame off of Romo on this one.
