Twitter: Hurns on the Cowboys passing game

America's Cowboy

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Thompson was open coming out of his break but the ball got there well after that hence why the defender was able to make the play on the ball.
How do you know the play was initially intended for Thompson? Looks like Dak looked at his receivers on his right side first, saw neither one was getting open, then looked left and threw it to Thompson. This is what you guys are not taking into account. It's called PROGRESSIONS. Regardless, this play shows the receivers were not getting open on this play. Maybe Dak should have tucked it and ran, but then you guys would be complaining why he didn't get rid of the ball.


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Cool story!

So what I am getting from you is that anytime a player disagrees with any decision making within the team they should run and tell someone in the media about it. Because this really serves the best interest of the team.
No you're lost as usual.


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It's a double-edged sword.

If they do it after they're gone like TO, Crayton, Bennett, Jesse Holley, and Dez, it's "sour grapes" because the team let them go.

If they do it while they're still here, they're talking out of turn and the comments are viewed as detrimental to the team.

Maybe these are things that finally need to come out publicly? I know everybody like Romo, Witten, and Dez covering for it while they were here hasn't helped or changed anything.

Most of these are newer and younger guys that don’t have that allegiance to JG or JJ like the old guard did. If they’re unhappy or being criticized for something that shouldn’t be all on them, they’ll pipe up.


Regular Joe....
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Oh I know that the teams that may be interested in him are going to study the film. They are going to know well before he arrives at the facility whether or not they think he's someone that can help them. What I also know is that even if they think he got a raw deal in Dallas and he was open every play, they are not going to talk about that in the negotiation process. They are going to say, "well, you had 47 catches for 610 yards and 3 TD's last year, here's what other receivers your age with those stats are getting on the market, we feel this is a fair price."

Now, you may be right in that the Twitter stuff is best avoided because that can be a turn off as well, but I don't think the social media stuff matters as much as your stats when it comes to contract time, unless it is over the top belligerent towards teammates or coaching. Which this really wasn't. He basically said, that playcall sucked, but we all sucked and need to pull it together.

Apples and Oranges thou. If you are having that discussion with a team in the Offseason, then tell them the whole story and let them decide. That's fair but not like thins. This is just not smart to me.



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It is the best policy. But at the same time, he isn’t good enough of a player to be saying stuff like that to the media and generally get away with it.

I do love whenever anybody calls out our piss poor coaches though.

Did you know that with each passing day, I can’t stand jason Garret being the head coach, more and more? And I didn’t think that was possible because I haven’t been able to stand him being the head coach for a long time now.

That's a dimwitted response.

Either the playcall is wrong or it isn't.

Jerry Rice saying the same thing doesn't make the same statement truer. Conversely, a lesser player saying the same thing doesn't make it false.

Following your same logic, you, as fan, has no business even commenting on the matter.


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Hurns wants out of this piece of ****. One of the worse places to play football.

People may bash Bortles but hurns came from a place that had a pocket passing QB and a better coaching staff.

This is probably like anything he has ever seen. I believe Austin is fed up too with the offense and lack of usage.

Austin may have dropped some passes but how in the hell can this guy get into a groove with dak or scheme when he is on the damn sideline most of the time.

This organization is stupid. I wouldn't recommend any decent player come here at least until coaching is changed.

It's a shame when me as a fan wonder what the new players or FA will think of the coaching staff if things continue to go as it always goes.

Hurns and Austin are decent but the coaches are ruining it for them. And they probably hate dak and feel they have wasted a couple years coming to dallas.

They probably want to be traded asap.
It's like getting mad at the tires because the engine can't spin them. If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny.


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You assume that Dak has the authority to change a call. I don't know that he does on any given play, do you have something that proves that or no?

On the other hand, we can also have this discussion on the other side. WRs have the ability to change their route, based on coverage. Do we know if our WRs have that latitude and do we know if that is happening or is that also part of the problem? We can play these games all day but that's the problem right? That's why anybody with a brain in their head understands that this is not the way you solve these problems. It does no good because it only invites speculation by people who do not understand enough about what's going on and that, in turn creates division. You can't have that in a team sport. Recipe for disaster and that's why you don't do this stuff in public forum.
So let's break down the possibilities related to Dak.

1. He has the authority to change the plays - I think the most likely possibility. He's in his third year and needs to be able to do that for the offense to work.
2. He has limited or no authority to change the offense. Why?
a. The coaches are idiots; they don't know you could do that - very unlikely
b. The coaches are idiots; they are too stubborn - are these coaches more stubborn than the average coach? I mean, they all work hard and they all have a system. Sure, coaches with bad results have more pressure to change it up, but that has to be within reason and still must be executed.
c. The coaches don't trust Dak - unlikely in my book. I am thinking the coaches understand that Dak needs the authority, sink or swim.

So I think option 1 is the most likely.


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How do you know the play was initially intended for Thompson? Looks like Dak looked at his receivers on his right side first, saw neither one was getting open, then looked left and threw it to Thompson. This is what you guys are not taking into account. It's called PROGRESSIONS. Regardless, this play shows the receivers were not getting open on this play. Maybe Dak should have tucked it and ran, but then you guys would be complaining why he didn't get rid of the ball.
When you run 3 receivers to the same side of the field that is one progression you do not need to progress from Hurns, to Beasley to the TE and then to Thompson and whoever else. He is slow on progressions.


Regular Joe....
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So let's break down the possibilities related to Dak.

1. He has the authority to change the plays - I think the most likely possibility. He's in his third year and needs to be able to do that for the offense to work.
2. He has limited or no authority to change the offense. Why?
a. The coaches are idiots; they don't know you could do that - very unlikely
b. The coaches are idiots; they are too stubborn - are these coaches more stubborn than the average coach? I mean, they all work hard and they all have a system. Sure, coaches with bad results have more pressure to change it up, but that has to be within reason and still must be executed.
c. The coaches don't trust Dak - unlikely in my book. I am thinking the coaches understand that Dak needs the authority, sink or swim.

So I think option 1 is the most likely.

Do you not see that your entire post illustrates why you don't do this kind of thing in public forums? The problem is not what Hurns said. The problem is that it is stupid to do it through social media. I've said this a few times already.


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He's right but you handle that stuff in house, not in the media. He's got what 5 catches this year? Just cut him


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Do you not see that your entire post illustrates why you don't do this kind of thing in public forums? The problem is not what Hurns said. The problem is that it is stupid to do it through social media. I've said this a few times already.
Honest question. What kind of thing specifically?