I believe Romo ...

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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had T.O. open deep for a TD when he tried to squeeze it in to Witten on the INT.

If he had led him on his outside shoulder it may have worked.

I was watching on NFL.com and noticed that.


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True but he isn't perfect, neither is any other QB. You take the good with the bad with him. Keep in mind he is still learning the game also


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WV Cowboy;2313687 said:
had T.O. open deep for a TD when he tried to squeeze it in to Witten on the INT.

If he had led him on his outside shoulder it may have worked.

I was watching on NFL.com and noticed that.

So who are all these idiots that keep saying, "Romo always forces it into TO"?:rolleyes:

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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dre1614;2313695 said:
True but he isn't perfect, neither is any other QB. You take the good with the bad with him. Keep in mind he is still learning the game also

Oh yea, this was not a knock on Romo, I love the guy.

Just noticed it and thought I would throw it out there.


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WV Cowboy;2313687 said:
had T.O. open deep for a TD when he tried to squeeze it in to Witten on the INT.

If he had led him on his outside shoulder it may have worked.

I was watching on NFL.com and noticed that.

You are right it was bad pass on his part and given the coverage around Witten on that play he may have been better off going deep to TO and putting it out there where TO gets it or no one does.

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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Doomsday101;2313737 said:
You are right it was bad pass on his part and given the coverage around Witten on that play he may have been better off going deep to TO and putting it out there where TO gets it or no one does.

Right, but things happen so quickly out there, I can't imagine trying to see everything and everybody on the field each play while big dudes are trying to take your head off.


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If you are trying to make the point that Romo has gotten into more trouble forcing it to Witten than he has T.O, than I would agree.


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WV Cowboy;2313745 said:
Right, but things happen so quickly out there, I can't imagine trying to see everything and everybody on the field each play while big dudes are trying to take your head off.

Simple way to say it, if you never made a mistake that tells me you were riding the bench because every player out there will make mistakes and QB's mistake tend to be the biggest focus. Funny thing is many times a QB will take the blame for mistakes despite the fact fans and media do not know what play was called or if the WR even ran the right rout, the QB takes the blame.


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Let's see, last week Romo needs to stop catering to TO trying to force it to him, this week we didn't try to force it to him enough.

Which one is it going to be?


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Clove;2313762 said:
Let's see, last week Romo needs to stop catering to TO trying to force it to him, this week we didn't try to force it to him enough.

Which one is it going to be?

Last week TO emerged as the "locker room poison". This week, it's Witten. So I guess next week it'll be Miles Austin's turn?:rolleyes:

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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Clove said:
Let's see, last week Romo needs to stop catering to TO trying to force it to him, this week we didn't try to force it to him enough.

Which one is it going to be?

Boysboy;2313768 said:
Last week TO emerged as the "locker room poison". This week, it's Witten. So I guess next week it'll be Miles Austin's turn?:rolleyes:

Nobody mentioned anything about forcing anything to anybody, nor did anybody mention somebody being a "locker room poison".

Where did you come up with this?

Are you this hard to communicate with in person or just with a keyboard on your lap?

Doomsday101 got it for what it was, just a comment, and he commented back, .. it's not that hard.


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WV Cowboy;2313802 said:
Nobody mentioned anything about forcing anything to anybody, nor did anybody mention somebody being a "locker room poison".

Where did you come up with this?

Are you this hard to communicate with in person or just with a keyboard on your lap?

Doomsday101 got it for what it was, just a comment, and he commented back, .. it's not that hard.
Wasn't talking about you in particular, I was sending a shout out to those complaining that Romo is catering to TO, when this past week, it seemed like he was catering to Witten and it cost him an INT, but I don't see very many posts on that one.


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WV Cowboy;2313802 said:
Nobody mentioned anything about forcing anything to anybody, nor did anybody mention somebody being a "locker room poison".

Where did you come up with this?

Are you this hard to communicate with in person or just with a keyboard on your lap?

Doomsday101 got it for what it was, just a comment, and he commented back, .. it's not that hard.

It wasn't me, it was Calvin Watkins, Tom Jackson, Spectre, ImmaRoshi, just to name a few.

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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Clove;2313814 said:
Wasn't talking about you in particular, I was sending a shout out to those complaining that Romo is catering to TO, when this past week, it seemed like he was catering to Witten and it cost him an INT, but I don't see very many posts on that one.

I know it must be extremely difficult to try to always find the most open receiver on every passing play, and maybe it is impossible to always do.

But every NFL QB who wants to be considered great, Romo included, needs to learn to really see the field quickly, go through his reads and find who the defense is giving you.

Romo says he is doing this.

I really like Romo, so I hope he continues to get better and better at finding whoever is open. Whoever it is, I don't care if it is Owens or Witten or Austin or Crayton or Hurd.

Myself, I would probably be guilty of always looking for Witten or Owens first.


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In my mind, you find the best threat on your team first, then the second best, then the rest, unless the call is specifically for a certain receiver.

They are jamming TO hard at the line and being overly aggressive, then letting him loose to the safety... What this does is forces Romo to almost instantly look elsewhere, TO usually gets opened eventually, but by this time, time has run out and he has to consisder other options like Witten but yesterday, they at one point, they double teamed Witten.

I think Romo should consider chucking it up to Austin if he's running one on one deep, even if he is covered, unless he's double teamed. Recievers can out jump and sometimes catch the ball even when covered well.
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WV Cowboy;2313687 said:
had T.O. open deep for a TD when he tried to squeeze it in to Witten on the INT.

If he had led him on his outside shoulder it may have worked.

I was watching on NFL.com and noticed that.

He forces the ball to Witten to much and defenses are looking for him more.

He is using his saftey valve as his primary target and that wont move the chains...

And WHY Witten cuts off routes BEFORE the first down marker on third downs will always baffle me