The scariest snake incident I ever had growing up was when I was playing golf at a local golf course as a teenager. There was a water hazard that was around 6 feet deep, but due to a drought we had that year, it only had about a foot of water in it. Of course I hit my ball in there.
I went into the hazard very carefully as the sides were a steep drop off. As I got closer to the water at the bottom of it started to curve a little bit so I was using my club to brace myself. Slowly, I got close enough to my ball and was able to scoop it up with my club, and everything seemed good.
So, I very carefully started moving backwards up the curve part of the hazard and right as I moved my foot, a 3 foot water moccasin shot out of a hole my foot was standing on and immediately hit the water. I stood there for a moment thinking, "What the **** just happened?" The hazard had steep edges and my friends were going to have to help me out so there was no way to get out really fast.
So, then I was focused on the water wondering if the snake was coming back. I then moved my other foot for the first time to back up. I am really am not making this up .. as soon as I lifted my other foot, there was a hole under it and another 3 foot water moccasin shot out and headed for the water. Needless to say, I had had enough. I dropped the ball, my club, grabbed the edge of the hazard and yelled at my friends to pull me out, who by the way were laughing their butts off.
I lost the ball but was able to get my club because an older golfer walked up and he had what I guess was an extendable ball retriever so we used it to drag my golf club out. That was the last time I ever went after a ball in a water hazard and have always paid close attention while walking in sand traps ever since as well.
Maybe it helped my golf game back then because I imagined every hazard as a snake-infested Raiders of the Lost Ark type of pit just waiting for me to fall in.