If Dak has a All-Pro year, would you trust him?


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This post tells a lot about you, sadly. You right, it is 2019. SMH

So make a better argument.

And last I checked, a 9-7 record (missed playoffs) and a 10-6 record aren't exactly what I consider dominating in the W-L column. You inflate by including the rookie season rather than where we are at now.

How about the fact that every site had Dak ranked anywhere from 17-21? ESPN, PFF, Football Outsiders. That doesn't matter at all? How about that he was part of our first shutout since 2003, joining the company with an all-time great Quincy Carter? Doesn't matter? How about that he, admittedly, still has footwork and mechanic issues going into his 4th season?

You're right. We got out of the wildcard round though and he "COULD HAVE" won another playoff game if it wasn't for that pesky defense...


Taco Engineer
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Here we go again comparing Dak to legends .

Emmitt missed 3 games during our Championship Window (1992-1995). In those 3 games, these were Troys QB ratings:


Did we lose those games? Yes. Was Troy absolutely pathetic and looking like one of the worst QBs in the league? NO.

Dak fans need to stop that. Comparing him to our legends to make him look better. Newsflash, hes not as good as them and most likely never will be which is a main reason a lot want him replaced.
Lol @ "legends"


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Dak is rarely good enough to overcome average RB production. He needs an elite back and an elite wr to make this offense work. Just look when he has only 1 of those 2 things, he looks terrible most of the time. Pollard and Weber can only do so much and neither alter a defenses game plan to stop our run 1st while covering wr's man to man because dak can't get them the ball anyway. It's a formula that has worked and will work untill they prove otherwise on the field.

How did Aikman do without Emmitt?


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I love Tony Romo. I would have his babies (life finds a way). I also know he is retired and never coming back so that in no way contributes to a possible perceived dislike of Prescott. I actually like Prescott, but he needs to improve his play.

Based off his current play, I would never pay him that kind of money. He holds the ball too long, only seeming to want to throw when the player is actually open, instead of timing it to get there as the WR gets open. His deep ball, especially to Gallup also needs to improve. Granted, deep passes are some low percentage plays but he missed him multiple times last season when he was wide open. He also needs to do a better job with ball placement when throwing to the receiver, giving them a better chance to catch whilst reducing the DB's chance to break the play up. His pocket presence is terrible. Coupled with holding the ball too long, this lead to many a sack last season, sometimes pushing us out of FG range. He also needs to run more. That may have been on the coaching staff so I'm not faulting him for that at this point. None of this makes him a bad QB, but it prevents him from being great which is what he needs to be to earn the kind of figures that are being tossed about.

I can see why they want to extend him. All the pieces are in place for us to make a run and Dak to have a great season. They feel he will put it all together and they will save some money by getting him signed now. If they are right, they will look like geniuses. If they are wrong, they look like idiots and set us back another 10 years. So, do you have faith that the FO is making the right move?


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Here we go again comparing Dak to legends .

Emmitt missed 3 games during our Championship Window (1992-1995). In those 3 games, these were Troys QB ratings:


Did we lose those games? Yes. Was Troy absolutely pathetic and looking like one of the worst QBs in the league? NO.

Dak fans need to stop that. Comparing him to our legends to make him look better. Newsflash, hes not as good as them and most likely never will be whortich is a main reason a lot want him replaced.

Not comparing Dak to anyone, only stating that QB alone do not win games. Football is one of the ultimate team sports not a sport that is based on QB. As great as Rodgers has been how many SB has he won or even gone to. Brees same way it is not a 1 man game it is a team sport. I have said many times there are still things Dak must work on but this team can win with Dak and he has come up with big plays to help this team win. So this notion I am comparing him to anyone is way off base. As great as Aikman was Dallas did not lean on him to win, we put a great team around him and the team won SB it was never the Troy Aikman show. I sat and watched Romo break records and the end result? Nothing, what 2 playoff wins?


Taco Engineer
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If only Prescott were afforded the same excuses other QBs were, like Romo.

"He could have won more if he had a running game, O-line,defense - etc.........."


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Lets not be dense here. You know exactly what he meant.

In 2017 in the games without Zeke, Dak was terrible. Franchise-Record terrible. 5 Tds and 7ints in 6 games. Show me a stretch from Romo that bad.
You’re talking about a second year guy who didn’t only lose Zeke, but Tyron with no viable back up and Sean Lee without any defensive depth (remember 2017 Jaylon?) and a coaching staff who would rather see 8 sacks from a journeyman DE than make a change. Of course he’s gonna struggle, you can’t expect any 2nd year guy to succeed through all that.

These aren’t excuses either these are just the realities of NFL football.

Let’s look back at Romo’s year 2, in 2007. He had a top defense, a plethora of weapons (2 HOF’s), and a HOF head coach.

Why would you expect the same results?


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Not comparing Dak to anyone, only stating that QB alone do not win games. Football is one of the ultimate team sports not a sport that is based on QB. As great as Rodgers has been how many SB has he won or even gone to. Brees same way it is not a 1 man game it is a team sport. I have said many times there are still things Dak must work on but this team can win with Dak and he has come up with big plays to help this team win. So this notion I am comparing him to anyone is way off base. As great as Aikman was Dallas did not lean on him to win, we put a great team around him and the team won SB it was never the Troy Aikman show. I sat and watched Romo break records and the end result? Nothing, what 2 playoff wins?
Who is saying QB’s alone win games??

Dak set a franchise-low, 10 consecutive quarters without scoring a TD. Just think about that. That has never been done in this franchise’s history, yet many are ok with giving this guy $30m a year. We’ve had some badddd QBs that played for this franchise, yet Dak told them to hold his beer during that streak.

And it was never the Troy Aikman show?? Did you not see Troy’s first SB-run???? 8TDs 0INTS and won SBMVP.

In our other 2 SB Runs, Emmitt had only 2 games with over 100 rushing and had a terrible game in our last SB. Guess what though, Troy still played well and we won.


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You posting a random INT suppose to prove what? Dak didnt have an INT in the Rams playoff game last year. Zeke had 47yds on 20 carries and the defense allowed 270+ rushing yds. Thats why we lost, but go ahead put all the blame on Dak...
Not even a random INT, but one who hit a notorious body catcher in the hands lol. That play is an indictment on T.Will lol not Dak.


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My only issue with Dak is the fact he is inaccurate at times, he got better last year but his throw placement left yards on the field, when he puts the ball where it is supposed to be he has the playmakers to make something happen. But very often his passes are on target enough for a completion but that is it. The numerous worm burners and air mails were troublesome. His pocket awareness needs to get better but most young qbs need to work on pocket awareness and in pocket ball security.


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Who is saying QB’s alone win games??

Dak set a franchise-low, 10 consecutive quarters without scoring a TD. Just think about that. That has never been done in this franchise’s history, yet many are ok with giving this guy $30m a year. We’ve had some badddd QBs that played for this franchise, yet Dak told them to hold his beer during that streak.

And it was never the Troy Aikman show?? Did you not see Troy’s first SB-run???? 8TDs 0INTS and won SBMVP.

In our other 2 SB Runs, Emmitt had only 2 games with over 100 rushing and had a terrible game in our last SB. Guess what though, Troy still played well and we won.

2017 his 2nd year in the league? OK As for Aikman yes put up some very good stats at time he also never threw for 4,000 yards in a season and avg 199 yards a game. I will say it again yes Dak still has things to work on as for his contract I'm not thrilled with it but then the market of the position is expensive. and yet I still expect it to be less than top 5 at the position. I would also add that how the contract is setup in terms of an out year much like San Fran did with Jimmy Garoppolo whose contract is 27.5 Mill and has not done jack in the NFL


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If Dak has an All-Pro year then all the threads equating him to Brady, Bress, and Rodgers will finally have some basis in reality.

Dak was 17th in QBR last year and we haven't even been average on 3rd and long since Dak started including his otherwise record breaking rookie year.

I have hopes for Dak this year but let's not think it's crazy to believe there is some uncertainty on where Dak will be as a player.