Twitter: Is Sean Lee running the Defensive Meetings?


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So Lee is the Romo of the Defense...Pathetic

Which means due to his physical limitations this defense could be a mess for 2-6 games this season...


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He’s running portions of his positional group meetings, anyway. Or organized the LBs to watch tape outside of team meetings in the LB room and it looked that way.

Baker did look like a fool when Lee pointed out the exploit. I imagine players help diagnose exploits in games all the time, though. These guys have a ton of experience at the highest level themselves. It’s not like with high school athletes where your coaches have the advantage of having played at higher levels in college or whatever. The fact that Lee understands football tactics better than many coaches is practically a ‘no ****, Sherlock’ certainly for me.


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I have no doubt that Tony Romo understands offensive football better than Scott Linehan, and Sean Lee understands it better than Rod Marinelli.

In fact, I'd bet Romo knows defense better than Marinelli, too. It's what makes QBs like him so effective.


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Makes you wonder if eberflus was really a rockstar position coach since no body but Lee seems to have developed fully

Part of the problem is that the overall cerebral capacity of today's players is woefully behind what it was 20 years ago. A lot of these guys aren't mentally able to grasp much of what you're trying to teach them.


Taco Engineer
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I wouldn't say Lee is running the meetings, he was just going over tape and explaining things as he should being a veteran. I don't think that what they showed on AON illustrates anything out of the ordinary.


Wide Right
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I thought it was a pretty fitting end to All or Nothing when they show everyone packing up their stuff and heading out the door to end the season and then they show Lee heading back into the LB room to watch more film.....alone.


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so, a respected coach like Joe Baker is clueless because the Giants had a play that beat the coverage
and this never happens, that a team studies film and develops a concept to beat a look
got it

btw Lee is the leader of the defense and him having a film session with the team you would think would simply show the iq and leadership he brings
but no it means Marinelli hides in a janitor closet while Lee calls the plays
theres no way there could be more than 1 film session much less individual position meetings

cant wait till football starts again


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I have no doubt that Tony Romo understands offensive football better than Scott Linehan, and Sean Lee understands it better than Rod Marinelli.

In fact, I'd bet Romo knows defense better than Marinelli, too. It's what makes QBs like him so effective.

It has to happen all the time. A guy like Baker isn't responsible for just Sean Lee on a given play, and he probably is looking at every position *but* Sean's most of the time, knowing Sean will have his assignments right and when he's playing next to a young developing player like Jaylon Smith. Of course there will be times when the player diagnoses things that are affecting him faster than a coach would. When that happens and there's a camera on it, the coach is going to look like an idiot.

Really, though, it's a process like any other. You get player feedback, you get whatever still or video images are available on the sidelines these days, and you go back and forth figuring out how to adjust on the fly. You see a segment of that process in a film designed to make Sean Lee look smart and like the hard worker he is (remember how they ended the show itself), and it's off to the races.

In general, though, AorN didn't really show a lot of technical coaching going on in any of the position group sessions. That was for a reason. They show the funny clips like Marinelli's wild animal stuff, and they show the pre-meeting stuff like the Eminem video that references Dez. They show a few things from inside the meetings themselves--like Dez' dust-up re: the Bronco secondary, but no actual football content to speak of. It's a mistake to assume that, just because we've now seen a few minutes of footage inside the position group rooms, we really have seen anything at all in terms of the actually position group coaching that's going on. It's the same phenomenon we had where people thought because all they saw of Garrett was what he showed in a press conference that that's how he also interacted with the team. It's generalizing from too little information.