It's Been 9 Years


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Hostile;2635494 said:

Absolute brilliance! :bow:


Well-Known Member
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I have a framed letter from Landry on my wall. It's the only autograph for which I ever had any use.


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1fisher;2635564 said:
Man, I miss coach Landry!

He was a one of a kind. I loved his coaches show, no matter who we played by the time the Landry show was over you would think we were about to face one of the top teams in the league. That has always stayed with me be it as a player or fan, I learned you give your opponet the respect and understand winning is never easy you have to go out and earn it each and every game


The Duke
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Every player who ever played for Tom Landry.

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Landry's players[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] (1960-88)[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica] David Adams 1987
Herb Adderly 1970-72
Margene Adkins 1970-71
Vince Albritton 1984-88
Ray Alexander 1988
Gary Allen 1983-84
Lance Alworth 1971-72
George Andrie 1962-72
Jimmy Armstrong 1987
Jim Arneson 1973-74
Bob Asher 1970
Dowe Aughtman 1984[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


Gene Babb 1960-61
John Babinecz 1972-73
Jesse Baker 1986
Sam Baker 1962-63
Brian Baldinger 1982-84, '86-87
Gordon Banks 1985-87
Rod Barksdale 1987-88
Benny Barnes 1972-82
Gary Barnes 1963
Rodrigo Barnes 1973-74
Marv Bateman 1972-74
Bill Bates 1983-88
Craig Baynham 1967-69
Bob Belden 1969-70
Bob Bercich 1960-61
Larry Bethea 1978-83
Dick Bielski 1960-61
Don Bishop 1960-65
Alois Blackwell 1978-79
Alvin Blount 1987
Jim Boeke 1964-67
Nate Borden 1960-61
Rich Borresen 1987
Tom Braatz 1960
Byron Bradfute 1960-61
Kerry K. Brady 1987
Bob Breunig 1975-84
Larry Brinson 1977-79
Clyde Brock 1962-63
Kevin Brooks 1985-88
Guy Brown 1977-82
Otto Brown 1969
Amos Bullocks 1962-64
Cornell Burbage 1987-88
Jackie Burkett 1968-69
Dave Burnette 1987
Ron Burton 1987-88
Bill Butler 1960

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]C[/FONT]
Lee Roy Caffey 1971
Billy Cannon 1984
Warren Capone 1975
Glenn Carano 1977-83
Harold Carmichael 1984
Duane Carrell 1974
Sal Cesario 1987
Thornton Chandler 1986-88
Steve Cisowski 1987-88
Darryl Clack 1986-88
Mike Clark 1968-71, '73
Monte Clark 1962
Phil Clark 1967-69
Frank Clarke 1960-67
Dextor Clinkscale 1980, '82-85
Garry Cobb 1988
Larry Cole 1968-80
Anthony Coleman 1987
Ralph Coleman 1972
Reggie Collier 1986
Jim Colvin 1964-66
Fred Cone 1960
Mike Connelly 1960-67
Bobby Joe Conrad 1969
Jim Cooper 1977-86
Fred Cornwell 1984-85
Doug Cosbie 1979-88
Vince Courville 1987
Gene Cronin 1960
Andy Cvercko 1961-62
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Dick Daniels 1966-68
Donnie Davis 1962
Kyle Davis 1975
Sonny Davis 1961
Steve DeOssie 1984-88
Doug Dennison 1974-78
Harold Deters 1967
Buddy Dial 1964-66
Anthony Dickerson 1980-84
Paul Dickson 1960
John Diehl 1965
Mike Ditka 1969-72
Fred Doeling 1960
Doug Donley 1981-84
Leon Donohue 1965-67
Pat Donovan 1975-83
Jim Doran 1960-61
Tony Dorsett 1977-87
Merrill Douglas 1961
Mike Dowdle 1960-62
Michael Downs 1981-88
Kenny Duckett 1985
Fred Dugan 1960
Chris Duliban 1987
Perry Lee Dunn 1964-65
L.G. Dupre 1960-61
Billy Joe Dupree 1973-83
John Dutton 1979-86
Mike Dwyer 1987[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


Ricky Easmon 1985
Ron East 1967-70
Dave Edwards 1963-75
Kelvin Edwards 1987-88
Jim Eldson 1976 [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


Mike Falls 1960-61
Ron Fellows 1981-86
Ray Fisher 1960
John Fitzgerald 1971-80
Harry Flaherty 1987
Richmond Flowers 1969-71
Lee Folkins 1962-64
Steve Folsom 1987-88
Todd Fowler 1985-88
Ron Francis 1987-88
Tom Franckhauser 1960-61
Bill Frank 1964
Andy Fredrick 1977-81
Toni Fritsch 1971-73, '75
Ken Frost 1961-62
Bob Fry 1960-64
Jean Fugett 1972-75[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


Mike Gaechter 1962-69
Walt Garrison 1966-74
Everett Gay 1988
Pete Gent 1966-74
Sonny Gibbs 1963
Kevin Gogan 1987-88
John Gonzaga 1960
Leon Gonzalez 1985
Cornell Gowdy 1986
Charlie Granger 1961
Norm Granger 1984
Alex Green 1987
Allen Green 1961
Cornell Green 1962-74
Forrest Gregg 1971
Bill Gregory 1971-77
Glynn Gergory 1961-62
Bob Grottkau 1961
Buzz Guy 1960[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


Halvor Hagen 1969-70
Wayne Hansen 1960
Cliff Harris 1970-79
Duriel Harris 1984
Jim Harris 1961
Bob Hayes 1965-74
Wendell Hayes 1963
Tommy Haynes 1987
Harold Hays 1963-67
Don Healy 1960-61
Mike Hegman 1976-88
Don Heinrich 1960
Thomas Henderson 1975-79
Manny Hendrix 1986-88
Tim Hendrix 1987
Bill Herchman 1960-61
Efren Herrera 1974, '76-77
Mark Higgs 1988
Bill Hill 1987
Calvin Hill 1969-74
Rod Hill 1982-83
Tony Hill 1977-86
Gary Hogeboom 1980-85
Johnny Holloway 1986
Dennis Homan 1968-70
Mitch Hoopes 1975
Oewn Hooven 1988
John Houser 1960-61
Bill Houston 1974
Carl Howard 1984
Percy Howard 1975
Ron Howard 1974-75
Chuck Howley 1961-73
Bill Howton 1960-63
Lynn Hoyem 1962-63
Randy Hughes 1975-80
Buddy Humphrey 1961
John Hunt 1984
Monty Hunter 1982
Jeff Hurd 1987-88
Eric Hurt 1980
Ed Husmann 1960
Mark Huston 1988
Ken Hutcherson 1974
Bruce Huther 1977-80, '83 [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


Michael Irvin 1988
Joe Bob Isbell 1962-65

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]J[/FONT]
Garth Jax 1986-88
Jim Jeffcoat 1983-88
Jim Jensen 1976
Butch Johnson 1976-83
Mike Johnson 1966-69
Mitch Johnson 1965
Walter Johnson 1987
Dale Jones 1987
E.J. Jones 1987
Ed Jones 1974-78, '80-88
James Jones 1980-82, '85-85
Lee Roy Jordan 1963-76

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]K[/FONT]
[/FONT][FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]Mike Keller 1972
Crawford Ker 1985-88
Gene Killian 1974
[/FONT][FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]
[/FONT][FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]Steve Kiner 1970
Angelo King 1981-83
Syd Kitson 1984
Dick Klein 1960
Walt Kowalczyk 1960
Jake Kupp 1964-65
Aaron Kyle 1976-79
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]
Scott Laidlaw 1975-79
Robert Lavette 1985-87
Burton Lawless 1975-79
Eddie LeBaron 1960-63
D.D. Lewis 1968-81
Woodley Lewis 1960
George Lilja 1987-88
Bob Lilly 1961-74
Tony Liscio 1963-64, '66-71
Bruce Livingston 1987
Warren Livingston 1961-66
J.W. Lockett 1961-62
Eugene Lockhart 1984-88
Obert Logan 1965-66
Bob Long 1962
Clint Longley 1974-75
Billy Lothridge 1964

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]M[/FONT][FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]
Dick Maegle 1961
Dave Manders 1964-66, '68-74
Wade Manning 1979
Amos Marsh 1961-64
Harvey Martin 1973-83
Kelvin Martin 1987-88
Ray Mathews 1960
Bob McCreary 1961
David McDaniels 1968
Paul McDonald 1986-87
Tommy McDonald 1964
Don McIlhenny 1960-61
Scott McLean 1983
Chuck McSwain 1983-84
Dale Memmelaar 1962-63
Don Meredith 1960-68
John Meyers 1962-63
Jim Miller 1983-84
Aaron Mitchell 1979-80
Mike Montgomery 1972-73
Jim Mooty 1960
Dennis Morgan 1974
Craig Morton 1965-74
Ola Lee Murchison 1961

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]N[/FONT][FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]
Ralph Neely 1965-77
Robert Newhouse 1972-83
Timmy Newsome 1980-88
Nate Newton 1986-88
John Niland 1966-74
Dick Nolan 1962
Danny Noonan 1987-88
Pettis Norman 1962-70
Ken Norton 1988
Jerry Norton 1962
Ed Nutting 1963
Blaine Nye 1968-76

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]O[/FONT][FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]
Bob Otto 1986
Jerry Overton 1963

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]P[/FONT][FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]
Billy Parks 1972
Jack Patera 1960-61
Drew Pearson 1973-83
Preston Pearson 1975-80
Steve Pelluer 1984-88
Jesse Penn 1985-88
George Peoples 1982
Mac Percival 1967
Don Perkins 1961-68
Ray Perkins 1987
Kurt Petersen 1980-85
Calvin Peterson 1974-75
Kirk Phillips 1984
Cyril Pinder 1973
Kurt Ploeger 1986
Lance Poimboeuf 1963
David Ponder 1985
Garry Porterfield 1985
Karl Powe 1985-86
Phil Pozderac 1982-87
Jethro Pugh 1965-78
Duane Putnam 1960

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]R[/FONT][FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]
Tom Rafferty 1976-86
Tom Randall 1978
Sonny Randle 1968
Beasley Reece 1976
Guy Reese 1962-63
Dan Reeves 1965-72
Mel Renfro 1964-77
Mike Renfro 1984-88
Lance Rentzel 1967-70
Jerry Rhome 1965-68
Golden Richards 1973-78
Howard Richards 1981-86
Gloster Richardson 1971
Colin Ridgway 1965
Jim Ridlon 1963-64
John Roach 1964
Larry Robinson 1973
Bill Roe 1980
Jeff Rohrer 1982-88
Reggie Rucker 1970-71
Roger Ruzek 1987-88

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]S[/FONT][FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]
Jay Saldi 1976-82
Brian Salonen 1984-85
Bill Sandeman 1966
Buzz Sawyer 1987
Mike Saxon 1985-88
Greg Schaum 1976
Ray Schoenke 1963-64
Chris Schultz 1983, '85
Chuck Scott 1987
Herbert Scott 1975-84
Victor Scott 1984-88
Scott Secules 1988
Ron Sellers 1972
Rafael Septien 1978-86
Robert Shaw 1979-81
Joe Shearin 1987
Dave Sherer 1960
Mike Sherrard 1986-88
Jon Shields 1987
Les Shy 1966-69
Cleo Simmons 1983
Dave Simmons 1968
Victor Simmons 1987
Don Smerek 1981-88
Daryle Smith 1987-88
J.D. Smith 1965-66
Jackie Smith 1978
Jim Ray Smith 1963-64
Tody Smith 1971-72
Waddell Smith 1984
Loren Snyder 1987
Roland Solomon 1980
Sebron Spivey 1987
Danny Spradlin 1981-82
Ron Springs 1979-84
Dave Stalls 1977-79
Roger Staubach 1969-79
Robert Steele 1978
Larry Stephens 1963-67
Jim Stiger 1963-65
Tom Stincic 1969-71
Sim Stokes 1967
Otto Stowe 1973
Les Strayhorn 1973-74
Andy Stynchula 1968
Russ Swan 1987
Kevin Sweeney 1987-88
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]
Don Talbert 1962, '65, '71
Bill Thomas 1972
Duane Thomas 1970-71
Ike Thomas 1971
Broderick Thompson 1985
Bruce Thornton 1979-81
Dennis Thurman 1978-85
Kirk Timmer 1987
Glen Titensor 1981-86
Pat Tommay 1970-74
Willie Townes 1966-68
Billy Truax 1971-73
Jerry Tubbs 1960-67
Mark Tuinei 1983-88
Jimmie Turner 1984

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]V[/FONT][FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]
Dick Van Raaphorst 1964
Danny Villanueva 1965-67

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]W[/FONT][FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]
Mark Walen 1987-88
Gary Walker 1987
Herschel Walker 1986
Louie Walker 1974
Malcolm Walker 1966-69
Rodney Wallace 1971-73
Everson Walls 1981-88
Mike Walter 1983
Bruce Walton 1973-75
John Warren 1983-84
Mark Washington 1970-78
Charlie Waters 1970-78, '80-81
Randy Watts 1987-88
Russell Wayt 1965
Claxton Welch 1969-71
Norm Wells 1980
Gary Westberry 1987-88
Bob White 1987-88
Danny White 1976-88
Gerald White 1987-88
Randy White 1975-88
A.D. Whitfield 1965
Fred Whittingham 1969
Ron Widby 1968-71
Dave Widell 1988
John Wilbur 1966-69
Joe Williams 1971
John Williams 1985
Robert Williams 1987-88
Steve Wilson 1979-81
Gary Wisener 1960
Rolly Woolsey 1975
Brad Wright 1982
Rayfield Wright 1967-79
Steve Wright 1981-82

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Y[/FONT][FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]
Maury Youmans 1964-65
Charles Young 1974-76

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Z
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]Luis Zendejas 1987-88
Mike Zentic 1987
Jeff Zimmerman 1987-88


Reaction score
We miss ya, Coach.



Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
Reaction score
Hostile;2635449 said:


We miss you Coach.​

September 11, 1924 - February 12, 2000​

I couldn't get the tail of the Y in Landry to format right.​

I'm LandryFan for life!


Well-Known Member
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Hostile;2635494 said:

Ahh, you beat me to the Schultz and Landry cartoon. 2 things from my youth that's no longer around anymore. Sucks.


The Duke
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http://www.***BANNED-URL***/sharedcontent/dws/spt/football/cowboys/classic/webspecials/landry/img/innov_hed.gif[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]

By Rick Gosselin
The Dallas Morning News

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Good players win football games. Great coaches give them a chance to win those games.[/FONT] [FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]For 29 years, Tom Landry gave the Cowboys a chance. As innovative as he was successful, Landry won 270 games and two Super Bowls. He posted winning records in a league-record 20 consecutive seasons (1966-85) and reached a dozen NFC or NFL title games.[/FONT]

John F. Rhodes
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica]Tom Landry's creativity kept outmatched Cowboys in the game in the franchise's early days.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]The Flex defense, the Shotgun formation and strength coaches were among the Landry wrinkles that made the Cowboys America's Team and helped earn the coach a bust in the Pro Football Hall of Fame.[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
His innovations started with the Flex. Landry was one of the architects of the 4-3 defense in the 1950s when he was an assistant with the New York Giants. New York had great coaches, great players and great teams, appearing in three NFL title games from 1956-59.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
But all that greatness disintegrated for Landry in 1960 when he left New York to become head coach of the expansion Cowboys. His defense was stocked with veteran retreads and young hopefuls who, collectively, were no match for the Hall of Fame-bound runners like Jim Brown and Jim Taylor they were being asked to stop.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
Vince Lombardi made "Run to Daylight" his theme with the Packers during that era – and there was always plenty of daylight in the Dallas defense. So Landry came up with the Flex to squeeze out that daylight.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
There are eight natural gaps along the line of scrimmage. Traditional defenses of the day asked the four linemen to control two gaps apiece. A defensive tackle, for instance, had to control the gaps between the center and guard and the guard and tackle. The premium was on power: Stymie the blocker, find the ball, then make the play.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
The Flex gave Landry's defensive front a picket-fence look. The right end and left tackle lined up in conventional spots along the line of scrimmage, nose to nose with blockers. But the right tackle and left end lined up a few feet back of scrimmage, which afforded them better pursuit lanes laterally.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
Then Landry asked his defenders up front to control one gap apiece, except for the middle linebacker. He had to control two, the gaps on either side of center.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
"We didn't have a great deal of material," said Ernie Stautner, a defensive assistant on those early Dallas teams. "Tom figured that without All-Pros at every position, he could still have a semblance of a good defense. The Flex gave them gap control at the point of attack, allowing everyone else to pursue. It gave them a chance."
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
As Landry stocked his defense with better players, the Flex became a Doomsday front. Lee Roy Jordan and Dave Edwards came along in 1963, Jethro Pugh in 1965 and Larry Cole in 1968. The Cowboys were playing for NFL titles by 1966 and winning Super Bowls by 1971.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
On offense, the Shotgun was originally a running formation concocted by Red Hickey at San Francisco in 1961. The 49ers had three young, mobile quarterbacks – John Brodie, Bill Kilmer and Bob Waters – and Hickey used them as couriers, rotating them every play.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
His quarterback could stand five yards deep in the Shotgun, allowing him to see the defensive alignment and holes as they developed. He could run where the defenders weren't. The three 49ers quarterbacks combined to rush for 832 yards and 15 touchdowns that season, including 10 TDs by Kilmer.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
But the Shotgun never caught on, dying out in 1962 with injuries to Hickey's quarterbacks. Landry resurrected the Shotgun in 1975, this time as a passing formation.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
Landry also had a mobile quarterback in Roger Staubach, but his runs were off scrambles, not by design. The Shotgun allowed the quarterback to view the entire field from the snap of the ball. He could see the pass rushers, the rush lanes, blitzers and coverages.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
The "Hail Mary" pass from Staubach to Drew Pearson, the one that beat the Minnesota Vikings in the 1975 playoffs, came out of the Shotgun formation. A quarter of a century later, every NFL team has the Shotgun in its playbook.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
Landry also was ahead of his time in his philosophy of building a team. When the Packers were a dynasty in the 1960s with 235-pound guards and 250-pound tackles, Landry was busy stockpiling size for the next generation of linemen.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
Tackles Rayfield Wright stood 6-7, and Ralph Neely weighed 265. Center Dave Manders weighed 250. All went on to block in Pro Bowls and Super Bowls in the 1970s.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
The same with defense. The better linemen of the 1960s were the shorter, stockier, leverage players like Willie Davis, Alex Karras and Andy Robustelli. But Landry drafted the taller, leaner linemen like 6-7 George Andrie and 6-6 Jethro Pugh in the 1960s and later 6-9 Ed Jones in the 1970s. Long strides cover more ground in the pass rush. A quarter of a century later, all NFL teams covet pass rushers who resemble NBA power forwards.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
In the days before strength and speed programs, Landry brought in Alvin Roy and Boots Garland in the early 1970s to help make the Cowboys stronger and faster. Roy was a weightlifter and Garland a college track coach. Now every NFL team has specialty coaches.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
Landry also was the first to employ a coach for quality control. Ermal Allen would analyze game films and chart the tendencies of the opposition for the Cowboys in the 1970s. That gave Landry an edge in preparation, because he knew what to expect from his opponent based on down and distance. Now every NFL team has a quality-control coach, and most have two.


Reaction score
Yeagermeister;2635504 said:

There will never be another one like him

A coach who knew what he wanted and how to get there? That is truly a rarity these days. As for the man himself, he was one of a kind. The world lost a lot when he left it.