Jason Hatcher Rips Romo and Garrett


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Sorry, if anyone is speaking in hypotheticals, it's you.

As posted before, if it's a criticism about Romo, it's false. If it's a criticism toward Garrett. it's true. Got it.

Whatever. I'll bet you believe there was a 2nd gunman in the grassy knoll too.


Taco Engineer
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Whatever. I'll bet you believe there was a 2nd gunman in the grassy knoll too.
"Whatever" - That's exactly what is happening. Take your ball and go home if you struggle this much with a differing opinion.


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"Whatever" - That's exactly what is happening. Take your ball and go home if you struggle this much with a differing opinion.

The only differing opinion is that you seem to think you're able to read hatcher's mind and I know I can't. I can only go by what he actually said.


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Hatcher is a bum. His career is done, and he is trying to remain relevant in the NFL by starting things up.

There was never any issues with the locker room with Tony Romo at the helm. He was well liked and respected.


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His comments on Romo are hilarious. And to say Dak makes players around him better than Romo did makes me wonder if they should check him for CTE.
I agree Romo made players better. But there is 2 types of making a player better. Romo was much more likely the type to make a player look better by things such as ball placement and extending plays.

Dak would make players better with his motivational leadership and personality. While these traits aren’t tangible (that’s why they’re called intangibles), any athlete will tell you that playing with a certain effort and mindset will bring out the best in you.

I think Hatcher is saying the way that Dak leads brings the best out of those around him in that way, while Romo didn’t make guys better in that way. Even though he did with his tangibles.


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Hatcher is a bum. His career is done, and he is trying to remain relevant in the NFL by starting things up.

There was never any issues with the locker room with Tony Romo at the helm. He was well liked and respected.
I love Romo he’s my favorite all time QB, but this statement would be naive at the way the Cowboys work. From SJ down to the QB, those with the best relationship with JJ and his family are going to get preferential treatment. Guys like Scandrick for example who weren’t a “JJ or JG kind of guy” always talked about how they felt like certain players had certain privileges.

It’s not hard to see young cocky Romo brushing over certain guys in the lockeroom to buddy up with other JJ guys like Witten or Ware. Anytime you run an organization with a lot of sentimental emotion, there will be some friction in terms of those who view themselves on the inside vs those who see themselves on the outside.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
This really is a well run site. Just as opinionated as the other. Keeps things interesting.
Well I had my first benching LOL I pulled that old spell check this routine. Finding out who the little cowards are right off the bat


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I agree Romo made players better. But there is 2 types of making a player better. Romo was much more likely the type to make a player look better by things such as ball placement and extending plays.

Dak would make players better with his motivational leadership and personality. While these traits aren’t tangible (that’s why they’re called intangibles), any athlete will tell you that playing with a certain effort and mindset will bring out the best in you.

I think Hatcher is saying the way that Dak leads brings the best out of those around him in that way, while Romo didn’t make guys better in that way. Even though he did with his tangibles.

It never ceases to amaze me how there are so many that have the ability to read minds and know what a person was thinking when they said something. I take people for what they say and don't pretend to know or think what they are thinking when they say it. Yes there are exception like if you know a person has lied in the past you tend not to believe them or if you personally know the person and have similar conversations before and have a pretty good idea what they are like and probably thinking. But someone that you don't know personally says something that is contrary to what is known about a person or thing then I look for underlying reasons why they are saying the opposite of what others have said, in this case hatcher wanting to feel relevant or try to get people to think he was a big time star.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
It never ceases to amaze me how there are so many that have the ability to read minds and know what a person was thinking when they said something. I take people for what they say and don't pretend to know or think what they are thinking when they say it. Yes there are exception like if you know a person has lied in the past you tend not to believe them or if you personally know the person and have similar conversations before and have a pretty good idea what they are like and probably thinking. But someone that you don't know personally says something that is contrary to what is known about a person or thing then I look for underlying reasons why they are saying the opposite of what others have said, in this case hatcher wanting to feel relevant or try to get people to think he was a big time star.
So are you saying you know what Hatcher was actually thinking and trying to do


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I love Romo he’s my favorite all time QB, but this statement would be naive at the way the Cowboys work. From SJ down to the QB, those with the best relationship with JJ and his family are going to get preferential treatment. Guys like Scandrick for example who weren’t a “JJ or JG kind of guy” always talked about how they felt like certain players had certain privileges.

It’s not hard to see young cocky Romo brushing over certain guys in the lockeroom to buddy up with other JJ guys like Witten or Ware. Anytime you run an organization with a lot of sentimental emotion, there will be some friction in terms of those who view themselves on the inside vs those who see themselves on the outside.

I doubt that anyone hangs out with just Jones or Garrett guys. Not every player on any team like all the players on their team. That is completely natural. There are a multitude of reason why one player doesn't like this player or that player. If and that's IF hatcher was right and Romo didn't associate or hung out with him it just might have been that Romo for whatever reason just didn't like hatcher and maybe that's part of why he said what he did because he felt left out. There is a person I work with that there is zero chance I would ever hang out with this person. I'm cordial to this person while at work but only talk to them as part of doing our job.


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It never ceases to amaze me how there are so many that have the ability to read minds and know what a person was thinking when they said something. I take people for what they say and don't pretend to know or think what they are thinking when they say it. Yes there are exception like if you know a person has lied in the past you tend not to believe them or if you personally know the person and have similar conversations before and have a pretty good idea what they are like and probably thinking. But someone that you don't know personally says something that is contrary to what is known about a person or thing then I look for underlying reasons why they are saying the opposite of what others have said, in this case hatcher wanting to feel relevant or try to get people to think he was a big time star.
Ok man


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So are you saying you know what Hatcher was actually thinking and trying to do

No, this is a possible reason. I'm not stating it is, only what I think could be a reason. I'm not doing what others have been doing and stating that IT IS the reason.


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I think everyone is trying to make the leadership and likability thing too clear cut. I think most players who played with Romo liked him and thought he was a good leader. I think most who have played with Dak also like him and think he is a good leader. Neither player is infallible, and their teammates will have differing views about their strengths and weaknesses.


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I agree Romo made players better. But there is 2 types of making a player better. Romo was much more likely the type to make a player look better by things such as ball placement and extending plays.

Dak would make players better with his motivational leadership and personality. While these traits aren’t tangible (that’s why they’re called intangibles), any athlete will tell you that playing with a certain effort and mindset will bring out the best in you.

I think Hatcher is saying the way that Dak leads brings the best out of those around him in that way, while Romo didn’t make guys better in that way. Even though he did with his tangibles.

LOL. One (the first) is actually making players better. The 2nd is garbage.

And Hatcher has no idea what Dak does.


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LOL. One (the first) is actually making players better. The 2nd is garbage.

And Hatcher has no idea what Dak does.
It’s not like Dak’s intangibles aren’t the most complimented thing about him huh? Anyone with a brain can assume Dak’s leadership is the quality Hatcher is referring to here. That’s kinda also what the whole quote is about Romos leadership lol. Stop talking haha


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It’s not like Dak’s intangibles aren’t the most complimented thing about him huh? Anyone with a brain can assume Dak’s leadership is the quality Hatcher is referring to here. That’s kinda also what the whole quote is about Romos leadership lol. Stop talking haha
You know what they say about when you assume, right?

Don't do it.


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Ill take Zeke, but Murray was a great back. You don't run for 1800 yards if your not good.

And what exactly does Zeke do in the open field? He basically tries to run over guys.

Murray also doesn't cost 15 million to resign. I think 7 million was the number.

Give me Murray and a Kareem Hunt type as a one two punch for 10 million over Zeke for 15. Take that other 5 million, dump Hurns and sign Golden Tate. Better offense and your not tied to one horse.
Well if you’re putting cap ramifications on this then yea I agree. If we are just talking straight up then Zeke all day long. As far as what does Zeke do in the open field? I don’t know, run over, jump over or leave people in the dust is a good place to start. You don’t catch Zeke from behind you certainly do with Murray.