Jerra builds a stadium; Wade deconstructs a team


Junior College Transfer
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The argument can certainly be made that the detached, emotionless coaching style of the feckless cupcake Wade Phillips will carry on to next year, no matter who is coaching.

Wade Phillips has, for a year and a half, been coddling and making excuses for a bunch of highly paid and now-underperforming athletes.

In Wade's I-want-to-be-loved-by-the-players'-world, bye week means extra days off for this free-falling team. A lack of performance means that someone was playing hurt (well, don't play if you're hurt!) or not playing. A lack of intensity by the defense means Wade is now a hands-on defensive coach (how many points did the Giants score on your defense, Wade?). . . Now there are instances of a player not willing to tackle or taking a play off.

But what of next year?

These players will not automatically play like Super Bowl-caliber players next year. They will be a project for the next HC. They will still be in the afterglow of all that Wade told them: that they are gifted, talented and Pro-Bowl and HOF worthy. And, because of bad breaks, they were robbed of a Super Bowl.

So, now, even if a fire-breathing coach like Cowher comes in, he'll have a big job ahead of him: breaking up the culture of entitlement, riches and little to show for it. It's also a culture of "we're fine," "I got a feeling we'll do better next time," and "so-and-so is doing a fine job."

Wade is in deep denial. Now he has his team in deep denial too. Some of his defensive players are talking big and reacting to tackles they do as if they've just won the Super Bowl. Sometimes I see a Bradie jumping up and pumping his fist and I am thinking that he's just made a record-breaking sack or tackle, when, in fact, he stopped a runner after 5 yards.

So, as Jerra continues building his stadium, the job of deconstructing this team goes on.
Brad is in. Brad is out. Stew is in. Stew is out. Stew is doing a good job. Stew will get help. Read is getting some help. We'll give the ball more to T.O., except when we have a weak-armed QB. We'll rebound on defense. We'll give up the soft coverage by the secondary. Sort of. Or maybe not.
Little contact, lots of contact. We'll operate on so and so. Or not. We'll wait and see. Oh, and by the way, "We're fine."

Indecision and ineptness and no leadership.
Is this what Jerra counted on when he brought in the Michellin Man last year?

Jerra had laid the foundation for a great team and is building his stadium for the ages. Meanwhile, Mr. Fixit has this team in a fix. And it may take the team years to get over Wade's awful coaching style.

(I love the Cowboys and will always love the team. But idiot hirings like Wade make me want to invest my Sundays in more meaningful pursuits. It hurts to watch this great team founder under this clown coach. And as much as I love and respect Jerra, he's shot himself in the foot with Wade. But good, luck Jerra. God speed on the stadium and on rebuilding this directionless team.)


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
You know...I just can't disagree with anything you just posted...

A sad state of a football team...hopefully it gets better, but, I won't hold my breath!


Cowboys 24/7/365
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There are players who love Phillips coaching style and camaraderie with the players and hated Phillips for the exact same reasons. One's here and the other ain't. Que sera sera (I guess).


No Quarter
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send it over to jerry. :)

imho a supernanny like cowher would fix this immediately however.

GimmeTheBall!;2399718 said:
The argument can certainly be made that the detached, emotionless coaching style of the feckless cupcake Wade Phillips will carry on to next year, no matter who is coaching.

Wade Phillips has, for a year and a half, been coddling and making excuses for a bunch of highly paid and now-underperforming athletes.

In Wade's I-want-to-be-loved-by-the-players'-world, bye week means extra days off for this free-falling team. A lack of performance means that someone was playing hurt (well, don't play if you're hurt!) or not playing. A lack of intensity by the defense means Wade is now a hands-on defensive coach (how many points did the Giants score on your defense, Wade?). . . Now there are instances of a player not willing to tackle or taking a play off.

But what of next year?

These players will not automatically play like Super Bowl-caliber players next year. They will be a project for the next HC. They will still be in the afterglow of all that Wade told them: that they are gifted, talented and Pro-Bowl and HOF worthy. And, because of bad breaks, they were robbed of a Super Bowl.

So, now, even if a fire-breathing coach like Cowher comes in, he'll have a big job ahead of him: breaking up the culture of entitlement, riches and little to show for it. It's also a culture of "we're fine," "I got a feeling we'll do better next time," and "so-and-so is doing a fine job."

Wade is in deep denial. Now he has his team in deep denial too. Some of his defensive players are talking big and reacting to tackles they do as if they've just won the Super Bowl. Sometimes I see a Bradie jumping up and pumping his fist and I am thinking that he's just made a record-breaking sack or tackle, when, in fact, he stopped a runner after 5 yards.

So, as Jerra continues building his stadium, the job of deconstructing this team goes on.
Brad is in. Brad is out. Stew is in. Stew is out. Stew is doing a good job. Stew will get help. Read is getting some help. We'll give the ball more to T.O., except when we have a weak-armed QB. We'll rebound on defense. We'll give up the soft coverage by the secondary. Sort of. Or maybe not.
Little contact, lots of contact. We'll operate on so and so. Or not. We'll wait and see. Oh, and by the way, "We're fine."

Indecision and ineptness and no leadership.
Is this what Jerra counted on when he brought in the Michellin Man last year?

Jerra had laid the foundation for a great team and is building his stadium for the ages. Meanwhile, Mr. Fixit has this team in a fix. And it may take the team years to get over Wade's awful coaching style.

(I love the Cowboys and will always love the team. But idiot hirings like Wade make me want to invest my Sundays in more meaningful pursuits. It hurts to watch this great team founder under this clown coach. And as much as I love and respect Jerra, he's shot himself in the foot with Wade. But good, luck Jerra. God speed on the stadium and on rebuilding this directionless team.)


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I can't begin to count the number of times people on this board have repeated that exact phrase "We're fine" or "We'll be fine," when it is obvious Valley Ranch is on fire. Some people just want to convince themselves everything is going to be alright regardless of reality. The problem comes when two of those people are the head coach and owner!


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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GimmeTheBall!;2399718 said:
And it may take the team years to get over Wade's awful coaching style.

Teams can turn it around rather quickly these days.

Look at the Falcons. They were a disaster last year, with Vick's situation and Petrino, etc.

They hired a new coach, improved their defense, brought in a top every-down back and drafted a good QB. It's like night and day. Of course, they have a GM, but that's another story.

A new coach, if it's the right one, can make a huge difference in one year.


Junior College Transfer
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chinch;2399748 said:
send it over to jerry. :)

imho a supernanny like cowher would fix this immediately however.

Here's the catch. After camp cupcake, a Cowher would be universally hated by most. Some might even quit on Cowher if the coach demands consistent play and extra practice.
This is a team made up of 'stars' in the sense that they have skills and talent.
But these divas might take up to a year to get up to speed.
Good luck to whoever takes over. The Cupcake Culture will not go away easily.


No Quarter
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DallasEast;2399745 said:
There are players who love Phillips coaching style and camaraderie with the players and hated Phillips for the exact same reasons. One's here and the other ain't. Que sera sera (I guess).

you sound like you want to pander to and enable players.

who cares what the players think.

this team is littered with a sense of ENTITLEMENT and has A LOSING CULTURE. guess what... the boys can lose just as easily without any of them. if they don't like a real coach then TAKE A HIKE.


No Quarter
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GimmeTheBall!;2399781 said:
Here's the catch. After camp cupcake, a Cowher would be universally hated by most. Some might even quit on Cowher if the coach demands consistent play and extra practice.
This is a team made up of 'stars' in the sense that they have skills and talent.
But these divas might take up to a year to get up to speed.
Good luck to whoever takes over. The Cupcake Culture will not go away easily.

nah, most of the worst behaved toddlers just need some firm, steady, unwaivering guidance/parenting.

the Ellis' of the team will be cut anyways...i see no uncorrectable problem whatsoever except JERRY and his ENTIRE coaching staff.


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GimmeTheBall!;2399781 said:
Here's the catch. After camp cupcake, a Cowher would be universally hated by most. Some might even quit on Cowher if the coach demands consistent play and extra practice.
This is a team made up of 'stars' in the sense that they have skills and talent.
But these divas might take up to a year to get up to speed.
Good luck to whoever takes over. The Cupcake Culture will not go away easily.

When you bring in someone with Cowher's clout, much like Parcells, you get get the leeway to cut out the chaff. Remember one of Bill's first moves was letting Emmitt go on his merry way to AZ, which was pretty much unthinkable to some.

BTW, agree with every word of your OP. Think I'm on the Cowher bandwagon, I don't think Garrett has the skins to take over next year and turn this around quickly.


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wileedog;2399796 said:
When you bring in someone with Cowher's clout, much like Parcells, you get get the leeway to cut out the chaff. Remember one of Bill's first moves was letting Emmitt go on his merry way to AZ, which was pretty much unthinkable to some.

BTW, agree with every word of your OP. Think I'm on the Cowher bandwagon, I don't think Garrett has the skins to take over next year and turn this around quickly.

Don't worry. We'll be fine :p:


Cowboys 24/7/365
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chinch;2399783 said:
you sound like you want to pander to and enable players.

who cares what the players think.

this team is littered with a sense of ENTITLEMENT and has A LOSING CULTURE. guess what... the boys can lose just as easily without any of them. if they don't like a real coach then TAKE A HIKE.
It sounds like you don't know my posting history. Two things worth noting:

1) One of the players who was greatly welcomed the coaching change was Terrell Owens.
2) You REALLY haven't ever read my personal opinion of Terrell Owens.

"I think that who should be pandered to?" ****.

Billy Bullocks

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Football, more than any sport, IMO, needs leadership from the top down. I don't there has been any NFL coach who didn't hold players accountable.

Problems with some of Wade's comments/actions:
-No, a bye in the playoffs does not mean that you "technically" had a playoff win"
-Keep reminding everyone you are 13-3. You were 0-1 in the season that really counted.
-Damn near crying when he had to cut players in training camp.
Wade brings a loser mentality to the team. No swagger.
-The mistakes are on me. Really...I'm sure your idea of letting players just play and not worry about mistakes seems great in theory. But guess what, you're players **** up and there are never consequences.

**** what the players want. Sure a disciplinarian might rub some of them the wrong way. But I'm pretty sure they'd get used to it quick.

Wade is such a *****. He's an enabler. All he does is stroke players ego.

I know this team was "stupid" under Parcells. But Wade has taken it to a new level. At the start of each game you can almost be 100% certain we will have 9-10 penalties. 3 OFFsides vs NY? Really?


Junior College Transfer
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I fully agree BBullocks.

If only Jerra was not so afraid to be thought of as panicking in midseason and just fire that Cupcake.

Mr. Fixit is said to be a defensive genius.
I really have not seen that except against a weak team such as the Bucs. And Wade's only real qualification to be in the NFL is that he's the son of a coach. And didn't he hire his own son to a Cowboys's position? More dreck.

Jerra has to be bold. Get rid of this clown HC and get on with it. Whether it is JG or Cowher or any other "gem" Jerra might find, there is no disgrace in making a midseason move. Wade has to be accountable just like any other member of the franchise.
No one will miss Wade, believe me.

Billy Bullocks

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GimmeTheBall!;2400154 said:
I fully agree BBullocks.

If only Jerra was not so afraid to be thought of as panicking in midseason and just fire that Cupcake.

Mr. Fixit is said to be a defensive genius.
I really have not seen that except against a weak team such as the Bucs. And Wade's only real qualification to be in the NFL is that he's the son of a coach. And didn't he hire his own son to a Cowboys's position? More dreck.

Jerra has to be bold. Get rid of this clown HC and get on with it. Whether it is JG or Cowher or any other "gem" Jerra might find, there is no disgrace in making a midseason move. Wade has to be accountable just like any other member of the franchise.
No one will miss Wade, believe me.

I agree man.

Now I don't think that Garrett should be free of criticism. It's his fault he thought BJ was adequate. He hasn't been calling the best games this season.

But Wade is a defensive guy. Yes we've been unfortunate with Newman's injury and the problems with Pacman. But Jenkins and Scandrick both have played well. He's had Henry. His front 7 is healthy. And the defense, besides Tampa, and MAYBE NY, has played like **** most of the year.

Now Garrett made a bad decision with BJ...maybe he saw something in the camps that led him to believe he could AT LEAST MANAGE a game. wrong on that.

Wade is the headoach. It's his place to get the team motivated. I don't see how a team can come out SO flat so often. Sure Johnson sucks. But losing to a team like St. Louis. There's no defending that. That loss makes it a near nessecity to go 5-2 over the stretch...had we won that, and been 6-3 going into the bye...2-1 in our no Romo stretch, Wade would have saved himself alot of criticism.

He's never been a good head coach. The teams he coaches tail off the longer he's been there. He doesn't win in the playoffs...

He doesn't have the personality to lead a team. He weakly takes the blame that is directed at his team. I can't say what he is like behind closed doors, at practice, etc. But based on what I have seen (press conferences, body language on the sideline, hard knocks)...he's afraid of confrontation.

I doubt he's chewed out Garrett for any of his playcalling decision. I doubt he's even provided much input to offensive game planning.

Since he's taken over the playcalling, things have gotten a bit better on defense.

But leaving BJ in the game for the entire 1st half pretty much illustrates his lack of leadership. We had nothing to gain from leaving him in there. And for whatever reason, Wade didn't find it nessecary to make a change.


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GimmeTheBall!;2399718 said:
The argument can certainly be made that the detached, emotionless coaching style of the feckless cupcake Wade Phillips will carry on to next year, no matter who is coaching.

Wade Phillips has, for a year and a half, been coddling and making excuses for a bunch of highly paid and now-underperforming athletes.

In Wade's I-want-to-be-loved-by-the-players'-world, bye week means extra days off for this free-falling team. A lack of performance means that someone was playing hurt (well, don't play if you're hurt!) or not playing. A lack of intensity by the defense means Wade is now a hands-on defensive coach (how many points did the Giants score on your defense, Wade?). . . Now there are instances of a player not willing to tackle or taking a play off.

But what of next year?

These players will not automatically play like Super Bowl-caliber players next year. They will be a project for the next HC. They will still be in the afterglow of all that Wade told them: that they are gifted, talented and Pro-Bowl and HOF worthy. And, because of bad breaks, they were robbed of a Super Bowl.

So, now, even if a fire-breathing coach like Cowher comes in, he'll have a big job ahead of him: breaking up the culture of entitlement, riches and little to show for it. It's also a culture of "we're fine," "I got a feeling we'll do better next time," and "so-and-so is doing a fine job."

Wade is in deep denial. Now he has his team in deep denial too. Some of his defensive players are talking big and reacting to tackles they do as if they've just won the Super Bowl. Sometimes I see a Bradie jumping up and pumping his fist and I am thinking that he's just made a record-breaking sack or tackle, when, in fact, he stopped a runner after 5 yards.

So, as Jerra continues building his stadium, the job of deconstructing this team goes on.
Brad is in. Brad is out. Stew is in. Stew is out. Stew is doing a good job. Stew will get help. Read is getting some help. We'll give the ball more to T.O., except when we have a weak-armed QB. We'll rebound on defense. We'll give up the soft coverage by the secondary. Sort of. Or maybe not.
Little contact, lots of contact. We'll operate on so and so. Or not. We'll wait and see. Oh, and by the way, "We're fine."

Indecision and ineptness and no leadership.
Is this what Jerra counted on when he brought in the Michellin Man last year?

Jerra had laid the foundation for a great team and is building his stadium for the ages. Meanwhile, Mr. Fixit has this team in a fix. And it may take the team years to get over Wade's awful coaching style.

(I love the Cowboys and will always love the team. But idiot hirings like Wade make me want to invest my Sundays in more meaningful pursuits. It hurts to watch this great team founder under this clown coach. And as much as I love and respect Jerra, he's shot himself in the foot with Wade. But good, luck Jerra. God speed on the stadium and on rebuilding this directionless team.)

You must be so exited that Romo's injury has made all your predictions come true!:cool:


Junior College Transfer
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aikemirv;2400225 said:
You must be so exited that Romo's injury has made all your predictions come true!:cool:

So typical of you.

And you must be so excited to see your name in print.

You are free now to go tell the mods I insulted you, Pinhead.



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GimmeTheBall!;2400236 said:
So typical of you.

And you must be so excited to see your name in print.

You are free now to go tell the mods I insulted you, Pinhead.


Funny, you calling someone "so typical"

Pot meet Kettle!

I actually post on a variety of topics, there is only one topic that occupies your little mind!