This flawed (witch hunt) investigation of EE under the assumption of guilt by the NFL league office, & Lisa Friel 'prosecutorial' arrogance is unprecedented.
Even if 1 game is the suspension, the NFLPA, and EE's advisors need to appeal, challenge the arbitration process, and if necessary in file in Federal court vacating the arbitration ruling (which Goodell being the arbitrator, will no doubt uphold his own suspension ruling of EE).
Goodell is agenda-driven, and biased throughout this whole process.
Suspending a player for alleged misconduct that is unsubstantiated by evidence, and is solely considered 'detrimental' by Goodell himself, is completely bizarre.
Under the CBA, the NFL unionized players have bargained for protected rights that ensures a fair and consistent process.
Goodell is simply applying and dispensing his own brand of justice (via being the Commissioner and arbitrator simultaneously) - when the CBA does not affirmatively authorize Goodell such power.
NFLPA, and EE's team need to fight this, if necessary.
In this case, Jerry's public stance is legitimate and justifiable.