Leadership aside, is Cowboys Dak Prescott ready to fix issues in 2018?


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If this team allows him to spread the ball around as he did in 2016 he will lead them to wins. I think we saw with what happened this offseason the team is going that route. With the retirement of Witten i think that further pushes the team to go into a more college type scheme. A spread open offense to go with Elliot and a QB who can take off with his feet will open the game up for the offense. More CBs on the field trying to tackle Elliot is a win all day everyday day for the Cowboys.

I don't think it is the team (coaches) as a QB he has to drop back and make his reads. Personally I think he tried too often to get Dez involved and did not go through progressions as he did his 1st year.


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If this team allows him to spread the ball around as he did in 2016 he will lead them to wins. I think we saw with what happened this offseason the team is going that route. With the retirement of Witten i think that further pushes the team to go into a more college type scheme. A spread open offense to go with Elliot and a QB who can take off with his feet will open the game up for the offense. More CBs on the field trying to tackle Elliot is a win all day everyday day for the Cowboys.

There's no "allow" about it. Linehan calls plays, but he doesn't throw the ball for Dak. There are five guys in routes. Dak can throw it where he wants to. It's up to him.


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if the cowboys as a team with the talent they have on this team don't start winning and I mean in the regular season and the playoffs it wont matter because dak wont be around long enough to develop here they have to start winning in the playoffs or there will be huge changes in the team


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
if the cowboys as a team with the talent they have on this team don't start winning and I mean in the regular season and the playoffs it wont matter because dak wont be around long enough to develop here they have to start winning in the playoffs or there will be huge changes in the team
You used the magic word. Can they build a good enough team around him? If being an elite QB was all it took, Brees and Rodgers would have more than one ring. And if team didn't matter, Flacco and E. Manning might not have any instead of two.

Can Dak be an adequate team QB because that's what McMahon, Dilfer and Johnson were. When plays had to be made, they made them but their teams did not lean on them too heavily. They built all of the team.


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There's no "allow" about it. Linehan calls plays, but he doesn't throw the ball for Dak. There are five guys in routes. Dak can throw it where he wants to. It's up to him.
And he was the 9th most accurate passer last yr in the nfl. But according to the the majority of the posters here he has no accuracy, no feel for the posistion and has 2 left feet. The 9th most accurate passer in the league with a bad 2nd half of the season that saw his offense get bottled up because of the loss of Elliot and the OL's inability to protect him consistently. Still with all these bad traits that most call him out on he was still more accurate than the top 2 QBs in his draft class. The ones that most here crave. Thru 2 yrs Dak has better stats, and better win percentage than both.

What we as fans dont even bother to think about is Dak wasnt even supposed to be playing yet. This offense he was running wasnt designed for him, it was designed for Tony Romo. But he took it in stride and thrived. But had a setback with the teams health and league front office coming into the picture. Dak had a very good 24 game stretch to start his career that basically had a team with good health. But yes we saw he wasnt good enough yet to carry his team when the health went south. He wasnt there yet, but make no mistake the teams offense and coaches did him no favors.

People say Wentz lost starters but to compare the Eagles offense to the Cowboys is ignorant. Eagles run a spread offense to get the run going. And it worked because they force CBs to try and tackle their RBs. Wentz is a product of better coaching and a better system that adapts its philosophies to todays game. While Dallas is still running the base pro style offense. Same with Goff, but ill reiterate that Dak has had better production and better accuracy than both running a pro set offense while Wentz and Goff are running bubble screens and 1 step routes that depend on their WRs to make plays, which they have. And still again i say, Dak is on top in production.

Now we have read coaches saying they want to impliment more of what Dak did in college to the scheme to open up the offense. Which requires more speed and better route running. Which is probably the number one reason why Dez is not in Dallas. Being able to run Elliot out of a spread offense will only open things up for Dak, as the offense wouldnt be as predictable.

IM excited about 2018, and im more up beat about this yr than i have in quite some time.


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Most valuable player on a team..

The Most valuable players on our team (according to you) are Zeke, Tyron and Lee..

That should tell you everything you need to know about a guy that thinks Prescott is an MVP candidate..

As I keep telling people , Prescott is an Alex Smith clone. In other words , he will always have a high QBR but will never get you over the hump because these type of players avoid risks (to the detriment of the team most times but their QBR is great) and only throw dump off passes. Prescott is not a playmaker.

Don't give me that "Prescott is an MVP" crap when he gets a high QBR in a game that we lose after constant 3 and outs while he throws for 140 yards..that stat is flawed.

I dont vote for MVP bub, the media does. They were the ones that voted for rookie of the year and MVP of the league stuff. Argue all you want with them.

As for me, Zeke and Dak are the MVP's of the team, but both would struggle without the other. Kellen more playing instead of Dak in 2016 we probably go 8-8.


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This math equation only involved Cowboys and Dak

I guess you dont even remember what you post. You first equation was other QB's. LOL

Cant even keep up with our own argument can you?

But if you want the real equation here it goes for the Cowboys:

Dak + Zeke + Great Oline+ bad receivers+ bad coaching + bad scheme + average defense= 13-3 and playoffs

Take out any of the 3 of Dak, Zeke, Oline and the entire thing appears to blow up. Certainly Zeke doesnt do much without a great Oline either.


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Ok We can over hype him for his 1st season but when we judge the second season. We are being too critical. How does that work exactly

Not true, in 2014 he was MVP candidate

Romo was pass happy when the team did suck. In 2014 he had a great O line and above average RB ( Who lead the league in Rushing because of that Great Oline)

He really isn't that hard to defend , Only play 20 yds down the field, crowd the line of scrimmage take away Beasley and your good

I was under no illusions that the Oline and Zeke and newness to the other teams wasnt a big part of Daks success. So I also wasnt surprised when he struggled when all that disappeared all at once. I knew for several years that the receivers were slow average to poor overall. Knew Dez was NOT all that.

Understanding that young QB's struggle in the NFL, especially when they have nothing around them or very little. The fact you dont understand this simple fact seems odd.

If you expect a 2nd year QB to hold up under those conditions then you are the one that had the unreal expectations for Dak.

Based on his play, I thought he would play better than he did. It did drop my ceiling for him overall going forward. But I also realize with more experience, and a scheme designed for him and players designed for his skills his passing will only get better. If you don't understand that simple point either then I dont know what else to tell you. Watch then and see it for yourself.


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And he was the 9th most accurate passer last yr in the nfl. But according to the the majority of the posters here he has no accuracy, no feel for the posistion and has 2 left feet. The 9th most accurate passer in the league with a bad 2nd half of the season that saw his offense get bottled up because of the loss of Elliot and the OL's inability to protect him consistently. Still with all these bad traits that most call him out on he was still more accurate than the top 2 QBs in his draft class. The ones that most here crave. Thru 2 yrs Dak has better stats, and better win percentage than both.

What we as fans dont even bother to think about is Dak wasnt even supposed to be playing yet. This offense he was running wasnt designed for him, it was designed for Tony Romo. But he took it in stride and thrived. But had a setback with the teams health and league front office coming into the picture. Dak had a very good 24 game stretch to start his career that basically had a team with good health. But yes we saw he wasnt good enough yet to carry his team when the health went south. He wasnt there yet, but make no mistake the teams offense and coaches did him no favors.

People say Wentz lost starters but to compare the Eagles offense to the Cowboys is ignorant. Eagles run a spread offense to get the run going. And it worked because they force CBs to try and tackle their RBs. Wentz is a product of better coaching and a better system that adapts its philosophies to todays game. While Dallas is still running the base pro style offense. Same with Goff, but ill reiterate that Dak has had better production and better accuracy than both running a pro set offense while Wentz and Goff are running bubble screens and 1 step routes that depend on their WRs to make plays, which they have. And still again i say, Dak is on top in production.

Now we have read coaches saying they want to impliment more of what Dak did in college to the scheme to open up the offense. Which requires more speed and better route running. Which is probably the number one reason why Dez is not in Dallas. Being able to run Elliot out of a spread offense will only open things up for Dak, as the offense wouldnt be as predictable.

IM excited about 2018, and im more up beat about this yr than i have in quite some time.
If your eyes last year told you that Dak Prescott is an accurate passer........holy wow. There is nothing anyone can do about that affliction.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
If your eyes last year told you that Dak Prescott is an accurate passer........holy wow. There is nothing anyone can do about that affliction.

When it pertains Dak supporters i guess the saying "The Blind are leading the Blind" pretty much sums it up.....AMAZING.....:huh:


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If your eyes last year told you that Dak Prescott is an accurate passer........holy wow. There is nothing anyone can do about that affliction.
I have said plenty of times he has his moments where he is accurate and times where he isnt. But being in the top 10 in accuracy basically crushes any fan driven agenda that he isnt. I think alot of fans over exaggerate his inaccurate moments and refuse to issue any blame on Wrs. And i think alot of this goes to issues with Dak they have that have nothing to do with Football.


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I have said plenty of times he has his moments where he is accurate and times where he isnt. But being in the top 10 in accuracy basically crushes any fan driven agenda that he isnt. I think alot of fans over exaggerate his inaccurate moments and refuse to issue any blame on Wrs. And i think alot of this goes to issues with Dak they have that have nothing to do with Football.

Dez is gone..

Witten is gone..

Butler is gone..

TWill may be as good as gone..

Dak still looks like crap in practice with a brand new set of WRs..

Was it really the WRs fault last year?


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Dez is gone..

Witten is gone..

Butler is gone..

TWill may be as good as gone..

Dak still looks like crap in practice with a brand new set of WRs..

Was it really the WRs fault last year?

The coaches think so, which is why Dez is gone and 4 new WRs are on the team.


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Thing with Dez was nothing unusual at all. People constantly try and say he changed. The only thing that changed was QBs. He never was a burner, never was a strong route runner.

Except for Dez did change...he used to catch balls that hit him in the face mask, not drop them.

PA Cowboy Fan

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if the cowboys as a team with the talent they have on this team don't start winning and I mean in the regular season and the playoffs it wont matter because dak wont be around long enough to develop here they have to start winning in the playoffs or there will be huge changes in the team
Well I've been waiting since the 1990's to start winning in the playoffs. Change hasn't happened yet. Good to know it's coming though.