Leadership is an excuse


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These players like 30 year old men who have been playing football all their lives. Do they really need to have someone else to motivate them?


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DallasDW00ds0n;2407947 said:
These players like 30 year old men who have been playing football all their lives. Do they really need to have someone else to motivate them?

Of course they do. Leadership and motivation are two vital parts of any winning team regardless of their age. Any winning team has several leaders on it...


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nope. i agree it's a bunch of bull. they just arent very good right now. if they need to be motivated by outside sources...we picked up the wrong players.


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zeroburrito;2407953 said:
nope. i agree it's a bunch of bull. they just arent very good right now. if they need to be motivated by outside sources...we picked up the wrong players.

Outside sources! What outside sources? I believe he was talking about LEADERS on the team, that isn't outside sources... Again, in any team sport, each good team has a LEADER or two on it..


Red, White and Brew...
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This team isn't very good right now for numerous reasons. It's not just limited to injuries, leadership, execution etc.

This group, to me, doesn't have a TEAM feel to it. I also think, we as fans of this team tend to overestimate our players. We think they are better than they truly are. We will be a lot better, obviously, once we're healthy, but it remains to be seen how good..

Having said that, it would be very nice to have someone like a Roger Staubach on offense or a Darren Woodsen on defense providing a leadership atmosphere to the team. These players are human. Almost all of the truly great teams had great leaders. Great coaches.

I understand not everyone values leadership as a necessary quality for an NFL team because players "at that age" need not be motivated via leadership etc.

Don't lump me in that group. I believe leadership is very important and I think Jimmy Johnson was an excellent example of a great leader who got the most out of his players, a lot of the time emphasizing winning individual battles etc.

Don't get me wrong, leadership is not the be all end all, but to dismiss it altogether is unseemly.


Have a Good Day Pilgrims
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After some thought, I respectfully disagree.
They may be adults, but these guys are making alot of $$$.
And tho you may not beleive it, some are in it just for the $$.

They were probably motivated in college to win so they could make the NFL (for the $$ & prestige) now that they have made it, some feel they have reached their goal.

Don't get me wrong I don't think many have that idea but in a team sport it doesn't take many to slow up a team.
There has to be someone on the team to push for the ultimate goal ,a championship in the sport they're in.
I'm sure if you look back at all the teams that have won championships in all sports, there is one or two guys that are leaders in that locker room.

Think about The Boys championship years & I'll bet you can name the leaders on that team. It should start with the HC but he isn't the one that the team will look up to as much as they would one of their peers, and in our case the coach has shown that he isn't a very good motivator.
I believe on this team they're all looking around for the guy to step up and take charge and point out the lack of dedication
. ,unfortunately no one has yet, but I'm optimistic that some one will.

Sorry for the rant:eek::


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Mansta54;2407954 said:
Outside sources! What outside sources? I believe he was talking about LEADERS on the team, that isn't outside sources... Again, in any team sport, each good team has a LEADER or two on it..

outside source, as in outside of himself, like having to need SOMEONE ELSE to motivate you. come on now. if you can't motivate yourself to play well for your team, you have problems. i think thats what i said before....


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zeroburrito;2407979 said:
outside source, as in outside of himself, like having to need SOMEONE ELSE to motivate you. come on now. if you can't motivate yourself to play well for your team, you have problems. i think thats what i said before....

Some else, like Irvin, who was the best leader and motivator I've ever seen on a Cowboys team.


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Mansta54;2407980 said:
Some else, like Irvin, who was the best leader and motivator I've ever seen on a Cowboys team.

i SERIOUSLY doubt the other players on irvins team needed someone else(irvin) to motivate them to win. they were good players. they had this thing called talent and the will to win.


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zeroburrito;2407982 said:
i SERIOUSLY doubt the other players on irvins team needed someone else(irvin) to motivate them to win. they were good players. they had this thing called talent and the will to win.

They were very good players but Irvin was a HUGE motivator when needed. He damn near willed that team to win. He kept a foot on the gas through MOTIVATION and outstanding play....


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I don't believe in it either. You either love this game or you don't and if you need any further motivation, imagine making 10 bucks and hour.


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Mansta54;2407983 said:
They were very good players but Irvin was a HUGE motivator when needed. He damn near willed that team to win. He kept a foot on the gas through MOTIVATION and outstanding play....

lol. one player willed the other players into playing well. real funny. i'm sure it didn't have to do with emmitt smith ravaging defenses, or troy aikman throwing lasers. i will agree that irvin was a good talker, but i don't think they needed his motivation to win. it was just something nice to hear.

Clove;2407986 said:
I don't believe in it either. You either love this game or you don't and if you need any further motivation, imagine making 10 bucks and hour.

someone gets it! if this is the case, we need to retool and get new players. maybe if the team all suffered from depression motivation may help, but like i said, thats a problem and isn't normal.


Red, White and Brew...
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Mansta54;2407980 said:
Some else, like Irvin, who was the best leader and motivator I've ever seen on a Cowboys team.

Save it Mansta - some just will not comprehend the need for leadership via coaching and peers. Leadership is important in all aspects of life. If one doesn't or can't understand that, well.........what can you say. Others will just not see your (my) point.

...and you're right, Irvin was one of the great on field leaders this team ever had. That quality in a player should never be shunned or dismissed.

But like I said in various other posts, leadership or lack thereof, is only one of several problems this team has right now.


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Clove;2407986 said:
I don't believe in it either. You either love this game or you don't and if you need any further motivation, imagine making 10 bucks and hour.

That all sounds well and good but if you've ever played on a team, been in a huddle or lockerroom you would know the importance of LEADERSHIP and MOTIVATION. They are VITAL to a successful team...


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Mansta54;2407989 said:
That all sounds well and good but if you've ever played on a team, been in a huddle or lockerroom you would know the importance of LEADERSHIP and MOTIVATION. They are VITAL to a successful team...

i would say playing as a team is vital, but not leadership. if you can't play as a team there is a problem that words wont fix. i guess i agree with you if the team was made up of people with serious mental problems that don't know what they're playing for. a leader would help immensely.


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I agree too. Just of bunch od BS. The team hs just exsperienced injuries at key postions. If this leadership was a legitamant concern, the team has plenty. i.e., Romo -Whitten -Zach etc. It's hard to win in this league. I think the team has fully recoginized that and will respond. At diffrent times all three phases have looked dominant and all three phases have loooked bad. It' s just a matter of geting healthy and put it all together. With that said the deadskins game is HUGE!!!


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I dont remember this being an issue last season when we went 13-3 with the same team. If anyone even brought it up they would have been slammed by these posters.

I think its ridiculous to be like, oh well T.O. fumbled that ball probably because in the huddle no one was providing leadership.

Chocolate Lab

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Sarge;2407956 said:
This team isn't very good right now for numerous reasons. It's not just limited to injuries, leadership, execution etc.

This group, to me, doesn't have a TEAM feel to it. I also think, we as fans of this team tend to overestimate our players. We think they are better than they truly are. We will be a lot better, obviously, once we're healthy, but it remains to be seen how good..

Having said that, it would be very nice to have someone like a Roger Staubach on offense or a Darren Woodsen on defense providing a leadership atmosphere to the team. These players are human. Almost all of the truly great teams had great leaders. Great coaches.

I understand not everyone values leadership as a necessary quality for an NFL team because players "at that age" need not be motivated via leadership etc.

Don't lump me in that group. I believe leadership is very important and I think Jimmy Johnson was an excellent example of a great leader who got the most out of his players, a lot of the time emphasizing winning individual battles etc.

Don't get me wrong, leadership is not the be all end all, but to dismiss it altogether is unseemly.

Good post, Sarge...

I think the rah-rah in-your-face speeches are vastly overrated, but real leadership from other players isn't.

Even the great Randy White, who is a better talent than anyone on this team, talked in that podcast DC posted about how important it was to have leaders like Lee Roy Jordan to learn from when he came into the league. It's too bad we don't have anything like that.

That's probably one reason Landry's teams made the playoffs for 20 years... Because they had a constant stream of successful older players to learn from and look up to. I think that's partly what Parcells was trying to accomplish with Marco Rivera, but of course he was too washed up to play anymore.

I guess I object to people complaining about our lack of leaders when their implication is that our players are gutless, or heartless, or don't care about leading. I think several of our players do try to lead, but you have to have a certain credibility or people won't listen to you. It's too bad we've been an average team for so long now that nobody like a Darren Woodson is left from our truly successful teams for these guys to learn from. Instead we get nobodies like Bradie James who are self-proclaimed leaders but who the players probably don't really respect that much.


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That's a great sports quote, "Leadership is an excuse."


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zeroburrito;2407982 said:
i SERIOUSLY doubt the other players on irvins team needed someone else(irvin) to motivate them to win. they were good players. they had this thing called talent and the will to win.

Moose disagrees with you. And since he was there, witnessed it first hand and was affected by it, i tend to find him more credible than anyone else who watches games from the comfort of thier living room........ or a bar.