Lets cut the crap Tony is our leader


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I see people posting new treads about how we have no leader on the team or I hear it on BSPN but what is a leader someone who paces the sidelines slapping guys on the helmet and screaming encouraging words in there face? Or is it someone who rolls with the punches someone who keeps a cool head in over dramatic situations, someone who represents kindness and professionalism. Now you guys think a leader wouldn’t let this happen to the locker room right? well with a situation like this one Tony shouldn't go up to TO and reassure him that he's the main guy, he shouldn’t go to the press and cry about Wade and the other coaches What Tony will do is come out on the field tomorrow and Win. Now I can't tell the future but Tony is a proven Winner now you’re going to say "Well he can't Win in December" but is that fair to say that it’s all Tony's fault? The defense hasn't been doing all that well this time of year and the play calling has been off as well. A leader like Tony expresses himself with action not words and tomorrows game will prove that or it will just kind of blow up in my face making all of you who question leadership right and we will lose by 8 TD’s. I hope I’m right

The Panch

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Tony is not a leader. He's not matured enough and even last year, "an unnamed pro bowl player" was taking shots at him after the Philly game. Some people have it, some people dont. You are what you are and just like T.O. is a punk, Romo, Witten, Barber, Ware are all big time players on this team who dont really have it in em. Id say Barber's style motivates, but that's about it. And the only other big time defensive guy who could be in a position to lead has made himself look like an idiot and proved he's got ego problems of his own and Im talking about Newman. Meanwhile, Zack just got here and made it clear he's not trying to step on toes and Ellis is even more paranoid than T.O.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Right now to me he's "Aw Shucks".

Shake the "December forward" monkey and then I might consider referring to him as our (fearless) leader.


The Chairman
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if tony would screw his head on right he could be the best qb since aikman.

will he?

i don't know.

do i want him to?



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Dallas will go deep into the playoffs,probably win the superbowl,the Romo critics on this board will realize that Romo is on the way to the Hall Of Fame. Hopefully they will shut up and enjoy the ride. Romo is still hurt and not throwing normally.He will get better over the next few weeks.Our offensive output will improve.Our team is going to pull together and not drink the ESPN kool-aid.Wade comes back for another year. Let's see where we are five weeks from now.


I am who they thought I was!
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lane;2488089 said:
if tony would screw his head on right he could be the best qb since aikman.

will he?

i don't know.

do i want him to?


He's already easily the best since Aikman. For him, the sky is the limit ... but he has to control turnovers.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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llutherr;2488148 said:
He's already easily the best since Aikman. For him, the sky is the limit ... but he has to control turnovers.

Well after being fed crap sandwiches since that point, a dirt sandwich tastes pretty good.


The Chairman
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llutherr;2488148 said:
He's already easily the best since Aikman. For him, the sky is the limit ... but he has to control turnovers.

oh..don't get me wrong

he is easily the best qb we've had since aikman.

will he become as good as aikman?

the jury is out on that one.

and they are tired of the cheap dinners they are being served.


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How many threads can we start with the word "crap" in it?


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We've all turned on TO, you can bet Romo is next to be thrown under the bus by our fans.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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cowboys#1;2488402 said:
tony sucks in dec and january. face the facts

That's correct. Only Tony can save himself from being typecast as a career choke artist. It's time to step it up and get rid of that aw shucks routine. Lead this %@#%$ team deep into the playoffs! Earn that 60+ million!


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If he is THE leader he needs to step up and be one. He needs to tell TO, Whitten, Crayton, o line whoever else to shut the *&#)(#*@#( up and he will throw it to whoever is open. THE leader can't be friends with everybody and not get on someone's *)(*)*) when it is called for.


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cowboys#1;2488402 said:
tony sucks in dec and january. face the facts

I would rather have a QB that is league MVP for Sept, Oct, and Nov and then tanks in Dec and Jan than have a QB that suck year round.

Do you guess even remember the 17 QBs we started after Aikman retired???

I mean, we would be a 3 or 4 win team without Romo.

You guys like losing to the Rams of the NFL with Romo on the bench??? We would become the freaking Rams if it was not for Romo, did you guys even watch the offense when Romo was hurt???

We could barley make a freaking first down, seriously.
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triplets92;2487721 said:
I see people posting new treads about how we have no leader on the team or I hear it on BSPN but what is a leader someone who paces the sidelines slapping guys on the helmet and screaming encouraging words in there face? Or is it someone who rolls with the punches someone who keeps a cool head in over dramatic situations, someone who represents kindness and professionalism. Now you guys think a leader wouldn’t let this happen to the locker room right? well with a situation like this one Tony shouldn't go up to TO and reassure him that he's the main guy, he shouldn’t go to the press and cry about Wade and the other coaches What Tony will do is come out on the field tomorrow and Win. Now I can't tell the future but Tony is a proven Winner now you’re going to say "Well he can't Win in December" but is that fair to say that it’s all Tony's fault? The defense hasn't been doing all that well this time of year and the play calling has been off as well. A leader like Tony expresses himself with action not words and tomorrows game will prove that or it will just kind of blow up in my face making all of you who question leadership right and we will lose by 8 TD’s. I hope I’m right

You can't be led my the class clown.


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I like Tony Romo, but I get tired of the DEFEND TONY mindset that jumps up in any thread that recognizes his weaknesses. These defenses usually take one of the following forms.

1. He is mr. everything CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?, and DON'T YOU DARE QUESTION that, or else you will be the fool and eating dirt when he takes us to the Super Bowl. All of this when he hasn't won a single playoff game and not many meaningful, playoff type games, period.

2. He is better than anything we have had since Aikman. So? What is the goal here? Hey, not only is he better than what we have had since Aikman, he has even made the pro bowl. And that is great. But I don't know if he will make it this year, and I'm not sure he is getting better in these big games.

I'm not for trashing Tony either. I get tired, at the very same time, of "get rid of Tony", "Tony is terrible and a choker" garbage too.

Why can't we just have reasonable discussion that recognizes where he is or isn't at this point in his career?

He is a very good QB, we are fortunate to have him right now, but to be a championship QB he has to develop some and he hasn't gotten there yet from what I can see. Will he ever get there? I hope so, but I'm sure not going to say DEFINITELY when the evidence so far hasn't been good.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Beast_from_East;2488580 said:
I would rather have a QB that is league MVP for Sept, Oct, and Nov and then tanks in Dec and Jan than have a QB that suck year round.

To an extent I agree with you. I can see having that for a couple of seasons. However, when you decide to invest 60+ million big ones in said QB that's kind of a little message that says we want you to do more than just win til December 1st.