Twitter: Lowest uncatchable pass % (Dak and Brady tied 4th)


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Yes and yes.

Polls are a tool. Most of them aren’t given randomly, most of them draw their participants from various economic, social, religious groups, etc.

Polls are only meaningless if you’re dumb enough to strictly take them at solely face value, and not analyze their results against other polls, historical voting data and trends, etc. again, polls are a tool. If you think they are meaningless, that means you don’t know how to factor in their results as just one piece of data in the overall large puzzle of trying to understand an electorate (if we are still using the political poll example).

They aren’t the end all, be all. Just like statistics aren’t the end all be all.

Statistics are also a tool. And ignoring them because they can be subjective is foolish. Just as saying all that matters is your eye test is foolish. You have to take all the data points into consideration if you want to get an actual realistic evaluation. But just dismissing statistics because you don’t like them, or worse yet, because the results say something you don’t like, again is silly.

Statistics do have relevance and as a point of data, do have meaning in an overall evaluation of a player. Just because the stats say something you don’t like, doesn’t mean they are irrelevant.

You’re also using examples of single games as your evidence to argue how stats are useless. Which is also nonsense given that most people recognize that you need larger sample sizes than single games to get any relevant data from a statistic.

Wrong on all accounts.

You're in the rarest of the rarest rare if you've been polled. You may very well be the only one on this site who has been. Calling up a thousand people in New York isn't a poll, which is why the 2016 missed it by almost 15 points. When a candidate has a 98% chance of winning and only wins 16 states, you've obviously asked the wrong people.

Statistics need to be taken in real time to be useful. For instance, if a QB throws a pass at a receivers feet and it's caught for a 1 yard loss, that should be recorded as an incompletion. Catching that ball didn't change the fact that it was a horrible pass. Likewise, a receiver who drops a TD pass in stride should be counted as a TD pass. A screen pass that results in a TD after a back breaks four tackles and goes 90 yards should not be counted as a 90-yard TD pass. And a ball on target to a WR that bobbles it into a pick six the other way shouldn't be counted as an interception return for a touchdown.

Stats are more circumstantially subjective than what your eyes are. That's my point.


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In the ongoing battle between Dakazoids and Dak Haters, one big rallying cry from the haters were lack of stats. Now that the stats are improving and things that don't show up in the stats "intangibles" have already been widely panned by the Dak Haters, all they have left to resort to is their "eye tests".

A 12-10 loss, 31-3, and and a loss to the 1-6 Jets, who have been outscored 62-15 since beating Dallas.

How you like them stats?


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And yet he wins. Has stats all over the place to prove it.!

What wins? You mean against four teams that are a combined 7-23? Those wins?

In any other division, this team is probably 2-5.


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Wrong on all accounts.

You're in the rarest of the rarest rare if you've been polled. You may very well be the only one on this site who has been. Calling up a thousand people in New York isn't a poll, which is why the 2016 missed it by almost 15 points. When a candidate has a 98% chance of winning and only wins 16 states, you've obviously asked the wrong people.

Statistics need to be taken in real time to be useful. For instance, if a QB throws a pass at a receivers feet and it's caught for a 1 yard loss, that should be recorded as an incompletion. Catching that ball didn't change the fact that it was a horrible pass. Likewise, a receiver who drops a TD pass in stride should be counted as a TD pass. A screen pass that results in a TD after a back breaks four tackles and goes 90 yards should not be counted as a 90-yard TD pass. And a ball on target to a WR that bobbles it into a pick six the other way shouldn't be counted as an interception return for a touchdown.

Stats are more circumstantially subjective than what your eyes are. That's my point.

Just because some bad polls are taken. Doesn’t mean there aren’t exceptional polls that are incredibly valid. That’s the point. Nobody is saying that all polls are accurate in determining the winner, individually on their own. It’s the data that can be drawn over a wide range of polls over a wide range of populations and types of voters, that have value to political campaigns. Those campaigns can also be fallible in how they use that data. Campaigns have to decide how to use that data in targeting voters with different types of ads, where to hold campaign rallies, how much money to spend on the ground in different areas in voter outreach or voter turnout projects. Polls have value. They just aren’t the end all be all.

Similar to statistics. They don’t tell the whole story. But you saying they’re useless is NONSENSE. They have value and can be used a simple just one piece of the puzzle to evaluating players. Just one piece of the puzzle that GM’s and coaches can use to evaluate the player.

Again, it’s amazing you can’t understand this concept.

Lol at the idea that erod’s Eye test is any more objective than the numbers.

The reality is. That statistics have to be used in conjunction with watching the player play. That’s how stats are determined anyway. From watching the player play, and people deciding to chart the results. It’s funny that you don’t seem to recognize that advanced metrics are from actually watching the results on the field.
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In the ongoing battle between Dakazoids and Dak Haters, one big rallying cry from the haters were lack of stats. Now that the stats are improving and things that don't show up in the stats "intangibles" have already been widely panned by the Dak Haters, all they have left to resort to is their "eye tests".

Yep and some have stared at their Romo fatheads so long that the image has burned into their pupils and distorts their vision of any other QB s performance forever


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Wow. It’s almost impossible to be as wrong as you are on all these accounts.

Lol at the idea that erod’s Eye test is any more objective than the numbers.

I'll stand by my track record, thanks. It speaks for itself.

Dak is a decent enough quarterback when the offense is stacked with healthy talent. He's woefully subpar when it's not. If your eyes tell you differently, I strongly suggest you curl up in your statistical safe zone.

A top tier quarterback goes at least 2-1 in those three losses, and Matt Moore did alright against Rodgers last night, eh?

This division should already be put to bed.


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I'll stand by my track record, thanks. It speaks for itself.

Dak is a decent enough quarterback when the offense is stacked with healthy talent. He's woefully subpar when it's not. If your eyes tell you differently, I strongly suggest you curl up in your statistical safe zone.

A top tier quarterback goes at least 2-1 in those three losses, and Matt Moore did alright against Rodgers last night, eh?

This division should already be put to bed.

Moore lost didn’t he? Keep using one game samples as part of your argument against stats though. Despite the fact that it’s completely stupid.

Your track record does speak for itself. That’s for sure. Just not in the way you think it does.

Again, advanced metrics are derived from people
Watching the players play, and charting the results. Shame you aren’t able to understand that.


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Moore lost didn’t he? Keep using one game samples as part of your argument against stats though. Despite the fact that it’s completely stupid.

Your track record does speak for itself. That’s for sure. Just not in the way you think it does.

Again, advanced metrics are derived from people
Watching the players play, and charting the results. Shame you aren’t able to understand that.
I dont know how you do it but you do. Consistently argue with the Dak haters as if anything you say will remotely touch base. give yourself an atta boy


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I dont know how you do it but you do. Consistently argue with the Dak haters as if anything you say will remotely touch base. give yourself an atta boy

Funny thing is. I’m not even trying to make it a Dak argument. Somebody infers something stupid, like stats don’t matter, but their own eye test is more objective.

I just have to call it out for being ridiculous. Doesn’t matter who the player is.


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A 12-10 loss, 31-3, and and a loss to the 1-6 Jets, who have been outscored 62-15 since beating Dallas.

How you like them stats?

Well, many Dak Haters like to point out that Wins are not a QB stat. Are losses a QB stat, but Win stats aren't? Our defense allowed Darnold to look like Brady, but he's played like Nathan Peterman against everyone else.


The Boognish
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To me the best QB is the one that consistently leads his receivers with aggressive anticipation. Show me the stat where it ranks QBs by hits to the torso or about a foot out in front - or above in the case of high pointing.

The stat in the OP seems good for separating after looking at the above stat. Looking at it first just says that it is okay to always be high, low, or behind.


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Funny thing is. I’m not even trying to make it a Dak argument. Somebody infers something stupid, like stats don’t matter, but their own eye test is more objective.

I just have to call it out for being ridiculous. Doesn’t matter who the player is.
I hear you I just see you in many dak threads trying to be the voice of reason. I applaud your efforts


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Daniel Jones is apparently the top quarterback throwing touchdowns into tight windows. he has thrown 5..more than anyone.

Clearly Daniel Jones is the best quarterback in the NFL. Tight window throws are important.


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Let your hate flow! Yeeesss!

When you’re ready to talk entire resume, lemme know. Takes more than one dude.

He easily has one of the worst resumes on the board lol.

He went from not taking a single QB over Dak or Derek Carr after rookie season, to now Dak being "woefully subpar"


Regular Joe....
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I dont know how you do it but you do. Consistently argue with the Dak haters as if anything you say will remotely touch base. give yourself an atta boy

I don't know how you do it. Anybody who doesn't have 1000% positive take on Dak is a hater? Is that it?

I guess an atta boy is in order for you too. Go ahead and give yourself one.
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Here's my problem with Dak and his stats..

The Green bay game and the Jets game will prove my point.

Dak was awful for the first half of those games and the team got behind by multiple scores in both games.

Although the defense had it's share of the blame, Dak didn't do much early in either game and we got way behind in those games because he couldn't produce points.

Of course, later on in the game, the defenses played soft coverage because they knew we wouldn't have enough time to catch up and were willing to give up yards and points in exchange for game clock. Why do you think Dak looks so different in the second halves of games where we are getting blown out? Because defenses play him differently and don't mind giving up all the yards as long as the clock keeps moving..

That is what is meant by garbage time stats.

Compare that to the Raiders vs Houston game from Sunday and you'll see why Dak's stats don't hold up.

Derek Carr had a good statistical game and still lost but his stats hold more weight than Dak's empty garbage time stats because Carr kept the Raiders in the game and traded blows with Watson all game despite both defenses stinking up the joint. Derek Carr can use the excuse of "it was the defenses fault" because he kept the Raiders in the game all the way and never got behind more than two scores.

Do you see why Dak and his stats are kind of worthless? Funny how everytime we get down multiple scores is the only time Juggernaut Dak shows up ain't it?


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And yet he wins. Has stats all over the place to prove it. lol

Romo is done. Ain’t coming back. Pucker up butter cup and get with the program. Dak is your boy, and will be for a loong time! :D

You’ll keep watching! I can promise ya that!
I think some of y’all on that narcotic smh. Show the post that said I would ever stop watching? Y’all can’t just make up stuff like when y’all talking to yourselves at night. If Dak played a singles game you’d make sense but since he plays a team game he doesn’t get credit as if he’s the only player or else when we lose better not hear people like you complaining when Dak gets trashed. Also using that winning logic you and the rest of the Dakaholics better hype up Garrett the same way as a winner. If you’re not stop posting to me with the Dak winning bs.


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And you smacked glasses need a scape goat for Romo retiring and not fulfilling your dreams . Dak dosent need defending he flat out has given us great value for a 4th round pick that was not supposed to be our franchise QB and not even our first choice in that draft for Romos back up .

When we use a top 3 pick then we can complain . If we were stuck with Trubisky , Marriota , Winston , or Darnold we would have the right to complain. Check there Stats for this week Busts all of them and top 3 picks to boot . We are lucky to have Dak
Yall groupies stay mentioning Romo I rarely mention Romo so flip outta here with your low iq y’all miss Romo bs. Show the proof of that lazy behind comment. Don’t try to project your being a grown groupie of Dak on me unless you come with proof because I rarely mention Romo in regards to Dak. I’ve also been posting here for awhile so if what you say is true show the proof and stop with lazy accusations with no proof.

Lastly I don’t care about other teams QBs so no need to mention them to me. I’m a Cowboys fan. That’s why I can’t wait for this dude to get paid