Most Important Game (non-playoff) in 5 years


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This is such a big game from either a taking a Step Forward as a team or remaining mediocre (or even taking a step back after the discord of the week). Will leadership and maturity come forward and will team rally as a group and finally play a complete game (O, D, Special Teams).

I think if they win this game the team steps up and becomes very dangerous. Lose this game and I hope the hangover/step back doesn't carry forward even into next season. The window closes fast!

I can't think of a more important game from a making the playoffs, team psyche, and growing up standpoint! From owner, coaches, to the practice squad guys filling in for all the injured guys!

So is this the most important game in 5 years? Or how long if not.

To say it's a must win is almost understating things at this point. This team needs to come together. On the other hand, there isn't a better opportunity than to play the Giants right now. Beat the SuperBowl champs, current season league leaders and 95% of the doubts and doubters go away.

Huge game, and I predict biggest TV ratings for NFL this year!



CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It seems like every game is the biggest, especially if we lost the last one. The ratings should indeed be through the roof.


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coming from a huge cowboy fan, this team will not go far without chemistry. too many selfish faces and not enough heart. i hope im proving wrong though


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I just think this team is at the fork in the road now. If after the last 2 disappointing playoff losses and wasting very healthy years as well as a 1st round bye and 13-3 record with all the bounces our way that entailed......

Missing the playoffs AND having a divided locker room devoid of player leadership AND strong coaching leadership heading into the next season, well..............:banghead:

The flip side is, a win against Giants and everyone from least loyal fan to the owner of the team has to BELIEVE that this team is capable of winning it all.

Very tenuous time right now.

But have to string some big wins to get monkeys off the back and even qualify for playoffs. Otherwise if you think the last couple offseasons were long (literally and figuratively) this one will be 5 times as bad!



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This isnt a gimmie game....with or without all these distractions....

The team has played poorly in Dec long before Wade was here...

Last week game was big IMHO....and Romo played poorly...

This week we already have the excuse ready....

Players need to get to field issues....lockerroom distractions....the media frenzy....its always been here....

Players be get payed to perform on with to win....

Now lets go Cowboys....pick it up! :)


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You're a week too late.........last week was the "biggest game" of the year, of which we blew.
In fact, the Cardinal game was the "biggest game". So was the Ram game. The Commander loss was also the "biggest game" too. Because this ain't MLB or the NBA with 162 games or 86 games. Only 16 shots at it cuz.
I'm just so sick of some folks constantly giving this team a "pass" de jour. Every week it's "this is IT!!" It's "now or never" for the umpteenth time......AGAIN!! We're running out of (if we haven't already) "this is it's" and "it's now or never's"
Like the crowd who, the first half of the season, chalked those stupid loss's up to "character building", and the loss's "making us stronger" crap. The debacle at the end of last year was MORE than ENOUGH to "build character" for one decade. At some point, we have to stop "learning lessons" and "coming together" after loss's, and playing this week "big game", and start being the team with 13 returning Pro-Bowlers, the latest "Vunder-Child" offensive coordinator, the "most offensive weaponry" in the league, and a supposed owner who will "do anything to JUST WIN BABY".
All talk. All hype. All off-season predictions and glory.

On the field, we're no better than the Saints and the Tampa Bay's of the world. Ungodly loss's, can't win without the drama, and just plain incompetence.
Call me whatever "un-fan" name you want, but this tirade is born out of anger. But for uninspired play against bad teams, this team wouldn't be in this ridiculous position...........given all the hype. Here we are, AGAIN, clinging to our playoff lives. Needing all kinds of help, because if we do make it to the SB, that's seven games. Seven PLAYOFF games for all practical purposes. There's NO WAY that this team can make it through seven games without Romo blowing it with one of his famous "adventures" that usually leads to a turnover. Or, without Flozell Adams jumping before the snap when the games on the line.
Sorry. I just don't see all the ills of this team magically disappearing starting this Sunday night against NY.
Tough pill to swallow, but remember where you heard it first. We need a HC and a QB.................