Wolverine said:
This is why the NFL needs to fine refs for bad calls. And if they make to many suspend them and even fire them.
If the Giants win alota good it woulda done the Seahawks for the NFL to say the refs decided the game with 2 bad calls. It would not change who won or lost.
Fining and suspending refs needs to be something that gets done. None of us watch ANY NFL game no matter who is playing want to see the refs decide a game.
If you fined refs or officials for every bad call they would make, then you'd have officials making no money.
We'd have no officials.....
then no NFL.
Every official in the NFL will make bad calls.....they're human. The bad calls you see this year are really no different than what happened 10, 20, 30 years ago.
Every team in the NFL will have at least one game lost to them due to crappy officiating.......it happens. Good teams can overcome it. Poor teams don't, then go on to constantly gripe about the officials (see Joe Gibbs).
I do think that officials should be held accountable in some way. An official with a relatively high number of bad calls should be dismissed or fined. But fining an official for a bad call in the middle of a fast-paced game is unfair....especially, when the said official is average most of the time.
To me, this whole "Admission of a Screw-up" is stupid. If the outcome isn't going to be changed, then why even bother admitting a problem? The NFL would be better served to support their officials publicly....and I'm not saying they should dogmatically agree with all the bad calls....just don't say anything about the calls at all.
If the NFL thinks a mistake has been made, then simply meet with the officials in question, put it on record, and say that a pattern of bad calls will cost them their jobs.