Twitter: OG Su'a Filo


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in all fairness he got beat by the speed rush there -- just shoved him down in the nick of time


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OMG! Did Jerry trade away two first round picks for Joey Galloway again?!

The Cowboys offense plays as well as their offensive line and their offensive line had a good game against the Eagles. The question is, did Su'a-Filo make a big difference or did Marc Columbo get them back to playing better? Watching Su'a-Filo I am thinking he made a difference because he did not get pushed around and did not require much help from Looney or Smith. Smith had a really good game too. I have always felt if Frederick comes back they should move Looney to LG. Now I am thinking if Frederick does not come back they should leave Su'a-Filo at LG. I know he is not the long term answer but we have seen what Williams can do. He needs to bulk up and get stronger. Let him compete next year after an offseason in the gym and at the buffet table.