Nors said:
So any Dallas thread that has an opinion should not be in the Zone? Looking for clarification. What then can be posted in the zone? Thanks
Normally it is when a thread falls to a page three status.
If you notice on the main forum it will show no more then 3 pages of threads.
At one time we had to move literally thousands of threads. There was a time when mods got to do nothing but move threads the whole time they were on the board, once that task was completed we are doing our best to keep on top of that situation.
It may only take a few hours for a thread to fall off the first page and then move to the 3rd page, depending on the activity of the board that day and the number of new threads....some days it will be faster other days it will last longer and it also will depend on how much activity a individual thread has as it may stay on the front page.
Threads containing items that point to extreme skins and a thread of something along the lines of how stupid some members of extremeskins are...may last on the main page for a little while or they may be moved very quickly.
I have no desire for people from extremeskins seeing those threads on the main page and then feel the need to come over here to troll....just as I am sure they do not want people going there to just troll.
Futhermore if I see a thread that says....I got banned at extremeskins because of (insert reason here) I will move it to the opinion section asap.
Also one has to realize that there are only so many zones we can move threads too once they fall off to the 3rd page....sometimes we have to make judgement calls to which one they are moved to, sometimes mistakes are made when moving large numbers of threads.
This is nothing personal to any member on here...I speak for myself, but I am sure other mods feel the same, we are not finding a thread to move just because it is by a specific user.
However if there are threads that talk smack about extremeskins and may get some of them to come over here to troll...chances are it will be moved quicker.
If there is a thread where some users are starting to get personal with other members then chances are it will be moved quickly.
If there is a thread that says something like...I was right and the rest of you suck (in other words baiting users) then chances are it will be moved quicker.
Trust me when I say it is not very fun when you have to move a multitude of threads daily, nor is it fun to see people post the same thread (article) 2-4 times when it is already on the same page.
I would like to PM people each time a thread is moved or merged, and at one time I did indeed do that with everyone. However with the number of threads that are moved on a daily basis now it is a little harder to PM everyone everytime.