PFF: Dez has seen a reduction in catchable targets


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You don't even know what the standards are so how can you make that claim comfortably? You certainly can make up convenient unprovable nassertions and wave your hands but that is not the same thing as verifiable facts.

And I really wish people would stop talking in terms of excuses as if the team is accountable to us in reality or that we are in a position to blame them for anything meaningful.

Nice anecdotes though.
Ugh, thanks?


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He’s gone and I’m not pro or anti Dez, just saw this and posting for discussion and entertainment.

He sure has. He hasn't seen a single catchable ball thrown to him since last season. In breaking news, he may not get any balls thrown to him during the season either.


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PFF Catchable Ball rate:

Well, we’ve tweaked our drop percentage article and it has now become a Signature Stat called the ‘Drop Rate’. A formula where we’re looking at how often a receiver drops a ball for every catchable ball thrown his way (with a catchable ball being defined as a pass that was either caught or dropped). The results, as ever, prove interesting so let’s look at them.


The Boognish
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PFF Catchable Ball rate:

Well, we’ve tweaked our drop percentage article and it has now become a Signature Stat called the ‘Drop Rate’. A formula where we’re looking at how often a receiver drops a ball for every catchable ball thrown his way (with a catchable ball being defined as a pass that was either caught or dropped). The results, as ever, prove interesting so let’s look at them.

That definition is meaningless without the context of what makes a drop versus a bad pass.


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That definition is meaningless without the context of what makes a drop versus a bad pass.
Yes, anything can be an argument. From all I have seen in looking at dropped stats, while subjective and not an official stat, they are extremely generous in not giving a receiver a dropped ball unless it is painfully obvious. I think most fans would assign a drop quicker than these tracking services would be.

Disclaimer: that's anecdotal so you don't have to point that out. I'm fully aware of it.


The Boognish
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Yes, anything can be an argument. From all I have seen in looking at dropped stats, while subjective and not an official stat, they are extremely generous in not giving a receiver a dropped ball unless it is painfully obvious. I think most fans would assign a drop quicker than these tracking services would be.

Disclaimer: that's anecdotal so you don't have to point that out. I'm fully aware of it.

That is not an anecdote. That is just subjective unproven nonsense that is extremely convenient to your preferred outcome.

Sure anything can be an argument but not all arguments are created equal. Some are supported by empirical evidence or logic while others are supported by other things like the unprovable, unproven, or subjective like what you have going on here.


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That is not an anecdote. That is just subjective unproven nonsense that is extremely convenient to your preferred outcome.

Sure anything can be an argument but not all arguments are created equal. Some are supported by empirical evidence or logic while others are supported by other things like the unprovable, unproven, or subjective like what you have going on here.

LOL. So saying it's both QB play and Dez's play is convenient to my outcome and you want me to just blame the QBs? Sorry, not going to happen.


The Boognish
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LOL. So saying it's both QB play and Dez's play is convenient to my outcome and you want me to just blame the QBs? Sorry, not going to happen.

That is just an attempt by you to seem impartial. In reality, you give lip service to the idea that Dak is culpable but you characterize that as "excuses" and then make the heart of your argument anti-Dez. You are trying to ply emotions.


Go Seahawks!!!
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That is just an attempt by you to seem impartial. In reality, you give lip service to the idea that Dak is culpable but you characterize that as "excuses" and then make the heart of your argument anti-Dez. You are trying to ply emotions.
LOL. You must not realize we were discussing 2015. I didn't realize Dak was on the roster that year. It's OK. I know you just like to argue.


The Boognish
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LOL. You must not realize we were discussing 2015. I didn't realize Dak was on the roster that year. It's OK. I know you just like to argue.

Okay then replace the word "Dak" with "the QB." It still fits with the narrative that it's all on Dez in the current context.


Go Seahawks!!!
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Okay then replace the word "Dak" with "the QB." It still fits with the narrative that it's all on Dez in the current context.
I don't care if you believe that. I'm actually arguing that it not "all" on the QB. I've been pretty consistent that it is on both. What I've also argued pretty consistently is that Weeden shouldn't be included because the two didn't play together in 2015, Moore only played about 2.5 quarters, and Romo shouldn't be excluded or excused in the list of QBs because Dez and Romo played poorly together, too.

So, interpret that however you like.


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. To me his Dallas career is a disappointment. .

Wow, really. Then you missed a ot of great memorable moments.

Let me ask you this. . . If it was ruled a catch. What then? Would you still be disappointed?
Because it was a catch just not ruled one. On 4th and 1 he caught a 30 yd TD When everyone knew he was getting it.

The most beautiful thing I had ever saw in my life. They said there was a review. I chuckled and went to get another beer. I came back and it was no longer a catch. . Something about something or another. . .but all he could do was catch it and fight for the extra yard.

I am gonna say this with all love.
You people need to turn off the sports channels. I am not joking in all seriousness.
It' like a sickness.

I am sorry if I use any cliches but this is the best way to explain it. Here's my attempt.

These reporter's job is to talk and keep your attention. Although they have a captive audience. There's still a chance you may flip over to 1 of the other 3 channels.

But it really doesnt make a difference because they all some how develop a narrative, that over time develops a life of its own. THESE TALKIN HEADS so matter of factly give thier opinion. As if it was true, backed up with nothing but thier " Credentials".

(WATCH THE SKIP BAYLESS SELFIE CONFESSIONAL AGGGH:facepalm: so queer. He has a cat and people listen to him reminds me of a tough grandmother anyway sorry.

Meanwhile none of these TALKIN HEADS actually scrutinize over film. No they give you the Popular Narrative. They grasp at the narrative and then tell you whole heartedly it's
What they believe, because "from what they've seen" with thier own eyes. BALONEY.

They take one side of a TALKIN point and defend it. (Just like all Mass Media)

But that in and of itself wouldn't be the problem. No the Problem lies in that this Bull**** Narrative becomes ingrained in the Brains of the masses as having any CREEDANCE at all. It's a perpetrated opinion perceived as Fact,because it is repeated so frequently multiplied by the amount of time spent continuously watching these sports channels.

Then I come on this site and I hear a PARROT parroting something about something, but all in agreement.

I don't watch ESPN I know they hate the Cowboys I don' know why I just know that they do. NFL channel is alot better but the problem is they repeat over and over (at least ESPN have other sports to talk about.)

No I come here for all things Cowboys.

But I can't get away from the Narrative as it trickles on down here. It's Nauseating I don' think anything bad about Parrots. I know it's not your fault. You all are cherry picking at a narrative that comforts your out look on things. When faced with the stone cold hard fact that Dez is no longer a Cowboy. You needed comforting we all do.

You all have made amends with it. But I haven't ( Whose right. Who cares)

I know Dez is no longer here because of a few individuals on the staff. I don't like it nor appreciate it. But I am facing the truth.

Those of you who have made amends with it by bashing Dez with this good riddance stance. Are guilty of buying into the bogus narrative

But this perceived notion that Dez is washed up has to end here. It' just not true. And it's
Disrespectful to the one player who actually loved the Cowboys more then you do

Many arguments on this board stem from the Parroted National Media Narrative. Please do yourself and your loved ones a favor and stop watching sports channels.

Here's The facts of the matter.
Dez can still ballout. Any opinions contrary were debunked by Akoye's videos.
AKOYE actually made the videos in repose to the National media NARRATIVE. "That" was his only "agenda." Now many here have bashed Akoye because the Natioal Media Narrative is thier own narrative hence they are PARROTS thru and thru. (But not your fault as I have stated before)

The one thing all his videos show. Is a QB missing and lacking in certain areas. Basically an ongoing problem of reading the field and ball placement. Things that COACHES SHOULD recognize and work on. THESE problems continued on all year these coaches left him out to dry

(side note from the film and mic'd up footage I've seen the big drop off in Dak was the lost of Tony on the sidelines. I believe that whole heartedly. He was always there coaching up the situation.)

Now they wanted Dez gone the same ones who aren't correcting obvious flaws.

The same ones that when Romo was here would call the same predictable plays that Romo would have to audible out of more often then not causing Romo to waste a time out

The same ones who continue to play players out of position

The same ones who built a Super Bowl contender and thought with all things considered the rookie (No offense to me it could have been any rookie hell even Joe Montana as a rookie) they believed the rookie QB gave this team a better chance to achieve a Superbowl. Over Romo. Really? (AGAIN NATIONAL MEDIA NARRATIVE SAID IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO AND THE PARROTS PARROTED) rember when you talked crap on Romo as if hes the biggest loser ever. Geniuses

The same ones who can't Coach the way out of a paper bag. Who continually get destroyed by opposing coaches in the second half of games.

It' ironic Dak was coached up by Romo in 2016 and Garrett was named coach of the year

So to sum it up.
yet in 2 years we lost 2 major pieces of the "Super Bowl" puzzle
And if you said good riddance the last 2 yrs. Then you sir are a PARROT.


Taco Engineer
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Wow, really. Then you missed a ot of great memorable moments.

Let me ask you this. . . If it was ruled a catch. What then? Would you still be disappointed?
Because it was a catch just not ruled one. On 4th and 1 he caught a 30 yd TD When everyone knew he was getting it.

The most beautiful thing I had ever saw in my life. They said there was a review. I chuckled and went to get another beer. I came back and it was no longer a catch. . Something about something or another. . .but all he could do was catch it and fight for the extra yard.

I am gonna say this with all love.
You people need to turn off the sports channels. I am not joking in all seriousness.
It' like a sickness.

I am sorry if I use any cliches but this is the best way to explain it. Here's my attempt.

These reporter's job is to talk and keep your attention. Although they have a captive audience. There's still a chance you may flip over to 1 of the other 3 channels.

But it really doesnt make a difference because they all some how develop a narrative, that over time develops a life of its own. THESE TALKIN HEADS so matter of factly give thier opinion. As if it was true, backed up with nothing but thier " Credentials".

(WATCH THE SKIP BAYLESS SELFIE CONFESSIONAL AGGGH:facepalm: so queer. He has a cat and people listen to him reminds me of a tough grandmother anyway sorry.

Meanwhile none of these TALKIN HEADS actually scrutinize over film. No they give you the Popular Narrative. They grasp at the narrative and then tell you whole heartedly it's
What they believe, because "from what they've seen" with thier own eyes. BALONEY.

They take one side of a TALKIN point and defend it. (Just like all Mass Media)

But that in and of itself wouldn't be the problem. No the Problem lies in that this Bull**** Narrative becomes ingrained in the Brains of the masses as having any CREEDANCE at all. It's a perpetrated opinion perceived as Fact,because it is repeated so frequently multiplied by the amount of time spent continuously watching these sports channels.

Then I come on this site and I hear a PARROT parroting something about something, but all in agreement.

I don't watch ESPN I know they hate the Cowboys I don' know why I just know that they do. NFL channel is alot better but the problem is they repeat over and over (at least ESPN have other sports to talk about.)

No I come here for all things Cowboys.

But I can't get away from the Narrative as it trickles on down here. It's Nauseating I don' think anything bad about Parrots. I know it's not your fault. You all are cherry picking at a narrative that comforts your out look on things. When faced with the stone cold hard fact that Dez is no longer a Cowboy. You needed comforting we all do.

You all have made amends with it. But I haven't ( Whose right. Who cares)

I know Dez is no longer here because of a few individuals on the staff. I don't like it nor appreciate it. But I am facing the truth.

Those of you who have made amends with it by bashing Dez with this good riddance stance. Are guilty of buying into the bogus narrative

But this perceived notion that Dez is washed up has to end here. It' just not true. And it's
Disrespectful to the one player who actually loved the Cowboys more then you do

Many arguments on this board stem from the Parroted National Media Narrative. Please do yourself and your loved ones a favor and stop watching sports channels.

Here's The facts of the matter.
Dez can still ballout. Any opinions contrary were debunked by Akoye's videos.
AKOYE actually made the videos in repose to the National media NARRATIVE. "That" was his only "agenda." Now many here have bashed Akoye because the Natioal Media Narrative is thier own narrative hence they are PARROTS thru and thru. (But not your fault as I have stated before)

The one thing all his videos show. Is a QB missing and lacking in certain areas. Basically an ongoing problem of reading the field and ball placement. Things that COACHES SHOULD recognize and work on. THESE problems continued on all year these coaches left him out to dry

(side note from the film and mic'd up footage I've seen the big drop off in Dak was the lost of Tony on the sidelines. I believe that whole heartedly. He was always there coaching up the situation.)

Now they wanted Dez gone the same ones who aren't correcting obvious flaws.

The same ones that when Romo was here would call the same predictable plays that Romo would have to audible out of more often then not causing Romo to waste a time out

The same ones who continue to play players out of position

The same ones who built a Super Bowl contender and thought with all things considered the rookie (No offense to me it could have been any rookie hell even Joe Montana as a rookie) they believed the rookie QB gave this team a better chance to achieve a Superbowl. Over Romo. Really? (AGAIN NATIONAL MEDIA NARRATIVE SAID IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO AND THE PARROTS PARROTED) rember when you talked crap on Romo as if hes the biggest loser ever. Geniuses

The same ones who can't Coach the way out of a paper bag. Who continually get destroyed by opposing coaches in the second half of games.

It' ironic Dak was coached up by Romo in 2016 and Garrett was named coach of the year

So to sum it up.
yet in 2 years we lost 2 major pieces of the "Super Bowl" puzzle
And if you said good riddance the last 2 yrs. Then you sir are a PARROT.
BS. Dez is not in Dallas because of Dez.


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Wow, do you still care about Aikman Enmity or Irvin? I mean they are gone and never coming back.

I still care for all of them including Dez he gave is heart and soul for this team. And I appreciated that

Actually no I really don't care. I have fond memories of championships and all that, but I wanted both Aikman and Emmitt gone the moment they weren't producing. Holding onto starts too long or over paying veterans is a sore spot for me.


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Funny thing is when you see Dak throw, especially to Beasley, they all look like throw a ways. Lol but he' actually trying to thread the needle lol
Prescott didn't have an inordinate number of throwaways (19) last season. Rivers led the NFL with 35 throwaways, Wilson and Dalton each had 33.


Go Seahawks!!!
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Prescott didn't have an inordinate number of throwaways (19) last season. Rivers led the NFL with 35 throwaways, Wilson and Dalton each had 33.
If you don't mind me asking, where are you getting throw away stats from? Thanks


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Perfect. Then you know Passing TD stats are dramatically inflated. Dez has TDs but the rest of his game was not great. He is not close to the best WR to wear the uniform despite the inflated stats. To me his Dallas career is a disappointment. Enjoy the day.

Completely disagreee. I have these arguments all the time with people who have this logic. So Rice wasn't the best because he had Montana, or Irvin wast great because he had Aikman. Or flip it around and say the same things about the QB's. The game is a game of numbers, and they speak for themselves.