PFT: Witten/Witten's Agent was Werders Source *Merge*


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I am definitely not convinced ESPN is concerned about the truth. Hype is their middle name and they do pursue agendas. I am much more willing to believe the worst about ESPN (and PFT) than I am the players.

Bleu Star

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VACowboy;2486586 said:
As far as the TO/Romo/Witten thing, I don't know how anyone can blast Witten. He's a tough team guy on a team that sorely lacks those. TO is just doing what he's always done.

What exactly is that? Catch TDs when throw accurate balls and put in position to do his thing? Oh. Just looking for some clarification.


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The idea that ESPN would report flat out lies or not have supstantial facts backing up a story is ridiculous and shows how much a layman knows about the press. Not only could they be sued for reporting BS, they'd lose every bit of respect amongst their peers and people who work there couldn't work for anyone else.

Like I said, I don't much care for ESPN personally, but the idea that they are out to "get" the Cowboys and are simply making up BS about the team is preposterous.


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Bleu Star;2486638 said:
What exactly is that? Catch TDs when throw accurate balls and put in position to do his thing? Oh. Just looking for some clarification.
Exactly... I think Bennett would fill in fine if need be. Btw if Witten's career were to end right now he in no way makes the HOF. So I don't understand why people keep saying our HOF TE. That is a joke. Maybe in a few years you can say that but the only player on this Offense that you can call a HOFer is T.O!


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Bleu Star;2486638 said:
What exactly is that? Catch TDs when throw accurate balls and put in position to do his thing? Oh. Just looking for some clarification.

Amusing that the people that always complain about how this team needs leadership are the same one's that blame TO and Wade and everybody else regarding problems in Dallas...

Yet, Witten suddenly becomes the leader when he is center of attention regarding the media leak, so he coudln't do such a thing... I thought that Dallas had no leader and that is why they have problems...


Brain Dead Shill
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Bleu Star;2486638 said:
What exactly is that? Catch TDs when throw accurate balls and put in position to do his thing? Oh. Just looking for some clarification.

Seriously dude. It's understandable that people are questioning the media here...and I'm one of them, but to deny that this isn't par for the course with Owen's past is just silly.

To compound it by laying the fan onslaught against Witten is even more ridiculous.

Someone please PM me when this sewing circle breaks up.


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HTownCowboysFan;2486645 said:
The idea that ESPN would report flat out lies or not have supstantial facts backing up a story is ridiculous and shows how much a layman knows about the press. Not only could they be sued for reporting BS, they'd lose every bit of respect amongst their peers and people who work there couldn't work for anyone else.

Like I said, I don't much care for ESPN personally, but the idea that they are out to "get" the Cowboys and are simply making up BS about the team is preposterous.


They can only be sued when they attribute false quotes to somebody... They can't be sued when they say a 'source'...

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Primetime0201;2486646 said:
the only player on this Offense that you can call a HOFer is T.O!

I'm sure this just torques their shorts to no end too.


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tomson75;2486652 said:
Seriously dude. It's understandable that people are questioning the media here...and I'm one of them, but to deny that this isn't par for the course with Owen's past is just silly.

To compound it by laying the fan onslaught against Witten is even more ridiculous.

Someone please PM me when this sewing circle breaks up.

First of all I have yet to see Owens do ANYTHING wrong in DALLAS. If he wants to talk with his coach he can. That is why they are there right? If someone took that as their chance to turn things on him then they are to blame.
Look at it this way.Last year we had a great offense and Witten was breaking records and all kinds of stuff. This season comes along and we draft 2 new HB's and a new TE. Witten sees his passes lowering before his very eyes. Then we trade for Roy Williams so Witten has to then campagin for the ball. Owens realises what is going on and tells the other WR's that he is going to have a talk with Garrett. Witten tells his agent that Owens is going to cause his number of catches to decrease and his agent comes in to save the day by giving Ed Werder the man T.O has made an !@# of all season long this info. The media blows everything up to be bigger then it is and a bunch of unkown team mates probably a bunch of nobody's that want some attention since no one ever asks them anything blabs on and on about a bunch of dumb stuff making things look even worst.


Brain Dead Shill
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Primetime0201;2486670 said:
First of all I have yet to see Owens do ANYTHING wrong in DALLAS.

I don't even need to read any further. If you're going to throw out Owen's history prior to Dallas, you can't be taken seriously.


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khiladi;2486589 said:
It was the offense that went into the crapper last year against the Giants... Blame it all on the offensive coaching...

As I said, in my opinion, the problem was focus. But lets just forget last year.

Players yapping to the media. Stuff leaking from the locker room. Players choosing to air personal grievances instead of dealing with stuff in-house.

It's plain to me that this team lacks any semblance of discipline. I can't believe all this crap going on during a week of preparation for a game while the team is fighting for its playoff life, against the frickin Giants, no less.

I'll ask again: Do you thing it's a coincidence that HC Wade Philips has never won a playoff game? I don't.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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tomson75;2486675 said:
I don't even need to read any further. If you're going to throw out Owen's history prior to Dallas, you can't be taken seriously.

So, in other words, you're saying that people can't change and shouldn't be afforded the opportunities to show they've changed? If we were to simply judge everyone on their past histories and police them based upon this judgment alone 90% of the posters on this board wouldn't be worthy of posting here.

Love those glass houses..


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I'd cut anyone on the team before Witten, save Ware and Romo, so as far as I'm concerned TO can go to hell.

Witten's always given his all for the team and never complained once.


Brain Dead Shill
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Bleu Star;2486679 said:
So, in other words, you're saying that people can't change and shouldn't be afforded the opportunities to show they've changed? If we were to simply judge everyone on their past histories and police them based upon this judgment alone 90% of the posters on this board wouldn't be worthy of posting here.

Love those glass houses..

So, in other words, you're going to put word in my mouth? ...and then you'll question other's worth? Genius!

Bye bye.


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Bleu Star;2486638 said:
What exactly is that? Catch TDs when throw accurate balls and put in position to do his thing? Oh. Just looking for some clarification.

Do I really need to answer this?


Be satisfied for a while and then moan and complain his way out of town. Have a conflict with the teams' quarterbacks. Is this coincidence? Is it a surprise that we're hearing allegations of the same type of behavior now in Dallas? Not in my book.


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VACowboy;2486678 said:
As I said, in my opinion, the problem was focus. But lets just forget last year.

Players yapping to the media. Stuff leaking from the locker room. Players choosing to air personal grievances instead of dealing with stuff in-house.

It's plain to me that this team lacks any semblance of discipline. I can't believe all this crap going on during a week of preparation for a game while the team is fighting for its playoff life, against the frickin Giants, no less.

I'll ask again: Do you thing it's a coincidence that HC Wade Philips has never won a playoff game? I don't.

What happens tmro


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HTownCowboysFan;2486645 said:
The idea that ESPN would report flat out lies or not have supstantial facts backing up a story is ridiculous and shows how much a layman knows about the press. Not only could they be sued for reporting BS, they'd lose every bit of respect amongst their peers and people who work there couldn't work for anyone else.

Like I said, I don't much care for ESPN personally, but the idea that they are out to "get" the Cowboys and are simply making up BS about the team is preposterous.

I agree that ESPN (and Ed Werder) is not out to "get" the Cowboys. That being said, they certainly will eke every iota of hype they can out of a Dallas Cowboys story. It's how they earn their living and reports about the Cowboys get viewers....which beget advertising revenue. In point of fact, ESPN has an incentive to spin the story in a particular way and therefore they can not be considered impartial. There are no "lies" here, but a phrase can easily be couched to blow something into a far bigger issue that it actually is.


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tomson75;2486688 said:
So in other words, you're going to put word in my mouth? ...and then you'll question other's worth? Genius!

Bye bye.
Thats not putting words in your mouth... That is what you said. lol You said if you throw out everything that he did before he came here that it's not worth reading anything else. So lets just tank and lets cut anyone who has ever had a bad season because it won't be long before they go back to their lossing ways. Lets lock up anyone who has ever been to prison before they get a chance to committ another crime. Even if they do have families and jobs and have turned their lives around it is all an act.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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VACowboy;2486691 said:
Be satisfied for a while and then moan and complain his way out of town. Have a conflict with the teams' quarterbacks. Is this coincidence? Is it a surprise that we're hearing allegations of the same type of behavior now in Dallas? Not in my book.

You heard about it so it must be true. Right?