PFT: Witten/Witten's Agent was Werders Source *Merge*


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VACowboy;2486691 said:
Do I really need to answer this?


Be satisfied for a while and then moan and complain his way out of town. Have a conflict with the teams' quarterbacks. Is this coincidence? Is it a surprise that we're hearing allegations of the same type of behavior now in Dallas? Not in my book.
Realy he is trying to get out of town? When did this happen? Has he thrown ROMO under the buss? I thought he just had a meeting with his coach? Is he doing situps on ESPN right now? thats funny because all I see is college basket ball.


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Primetime0201;2486608 said:
The motivation is that both players have had ALOT of success and both players have been NOTHING but team players since comming to Dallas. Yet people jump all over Owens when info that can't be backed up emerges through the media but when info about Witten comes up everyone says that it's BS and asks for proof.
Which player is the media jumping on?

A) Jason Witten. A player who has not been involved in on and off the field (nonviolent) incidents which have garnered negative public and/or media attention.


B) Terrell Owens. A player who has.

If Owens isn't guilty of anything and the media hounds him about nothing, that's unfair, but he put the target on his back. It'll never wash off. It is to be expected. He nor anyone will change how the media attempts to report the news. Love or hate it, that's life. However, there is a way to minimize the media's spotlight on oneself.

Don't draw attention to yourself. Doing a one-on-one interview with Deion Sanders was the catalyst for the media to sic the hounds on Owens this season. He may as well had thrown red meat into the midst of a pack of hungry dogs.

It's on and it will not stop. It'll eventually let up some, but it will never go away. Again it is unfair, but Owens made his bed with the media well before he made it to Dallas and he will lie in it for the rest of his life. Not playing career. Life.


Brain Dead Shill
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Primetime0201;2486707 said:
Thats not putting words in your mouth... That is what you said. lol You said if you throw out everything that he did before he came here that it's not worth reading anything else. So lets just tank and lets cut anyone who has ever had a bad season because it won't be long before they go back to their lossing ways. Lets lock up anyone who has ever been to prison before they get a chance to committ another crime. Even if they do have families and jobs and have turned their lives around it is all an act.

Please, do me a favor and point out to everyone where I said "people can't change and shouldn't be afforded the opportunities to show they've changed?"

....I'll wait.

I was referring to your, and the rest of the TO apologist's, inability to acknowledge that Owens has had a history of doing the types of things that he's currently doing now. I suggested nothing more.


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Here is an idea... How about everyone stops complaining about Owens and complain about oh I don't know...
1. Romo's horrible play...
2. Witten's big mouth.
3. Other players opening their mouths.
4. Barber noot playing because of his baby toe. lol
5. Wade giving players the day off when they obviously are not on the same page.
6. Garrett calling the same vanilla plays 39 times in a game.
7. The bad play by our offensive line.
8. The defense giving up in the 4th.

Nah lets just continue to complain about T.O HAVING A METTING WITH HIS COACH!! OH NO!!! WE ARE DOOMED! HE IS AT IT AGAIN!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Primetime0201;2486722 said:
Here is an idea... How about everyone stops complaining about Owens and complain about oh I don't know...
1. Romo's horrible play...
2. Witten's big mouth.
3. Other players opening their mouths.
4. Barber noot playing because of his baby toe. lol
5. Wade giving players the day off when they obviously are not on the same page.
6. Garrett calling the same vanilla plays 39 times in a game.
7. The bad play by our offensive line.
8. The defense giving up in the 4th.

Nah lets just continue to complain about T.O HAVING A METTING WITH HIS COACH!! OH NO!!! WE ARE DOOMED! HE IS AT IT AGAIN!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All they see is TO through bloodshot red hateful eyes. They can't see anything else. Visine, lasic surgery, removal of blinders.. it's all out of the question.


Brain Dead Shill
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Primetime0201;2486722 said:
Here is an idea... How about everyone stops complaining about Owens and complain about oh I don't know...
1. Romo's horrible play...
2. Witten's big mouth.
3. Other players opening their mouths.
4. Barber noot playing because of his baby toe. lol
5. Wade giving players the day off when they obviously are not on the same page.
6. Garrett calling the same vanilla plays 39 times in a game.
7. The bad play by our offensive line.
8. The defense giving up in the 4th.

Nah lets just continue to complain about T.O HAVING A METTING WITH HIS COACH!! OH NO!!! WE ARE DOOMED! HE IS AT IT AGAIN!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of those things have been discussed ad nauseam.

Your getting your panties wadded over TO, when its pretty obvious to everyone else that he's being treated with the same critical eye as the rest of the team. Get over it.


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Primetime0201;2486722 said:
Here is an idea... How about everyone stops complaining about Owens and complain about oh I don't know...
1. Romo's horrible play...
2. Witten's big mouth.
3. Other players opening their mouths.
4. Barber noot playing because of his baby toe. lol
5. Wade giving players the day off when they obviously are not on the same page.
6. Garrett calling the same vanilla plays 39 times in a game.
7. The bad play by our offensive line.
8. The defense giving up in the 4th.

Nah lets just continue to complain about T.O HAVING A METTING WITH HIS COACH!! OH NO!!! WE ARE DOOMED! HE IS AT IT AGAIN!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:mad:Leave MBIII out of this mess:mad:

But, overall you are right, there is enough blame to go around.


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tomson75;2486719 said:
Please, do me a favor and point out to everyone where I said "people can't change and shouldn't be afforded the opportunities to show they've changed?"

....I'll wait.

I was referring to your, and the rest of the TO apologist's, inability to acknowledge that Owens has had a history of doing the types of things that he's currently doing now. I suggested nothing more.
It'll never happen.


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tomson75;2486719 said:
Please, do me a favor and point out to everyone where I said "people can't change and shouldn't be afforded the opportunities to show they've changed?"

....I'll wait.

I was referring to your, and the rest of the TO apologist's, inability to acknowledge that Owens has had a history of doing the types of things that he's currently doing now. I suggested nothing more.
Please point out to me when T.O has tried to leave dallas? Or did situps in his drive way? Or publicly threw his team mate under a buss? You can't because he hasn't. He hasn't even been speaking to the media. All he did was had a meeting with his coach and you throw his past up and say well he is at it again. He has not done anything since ariving here for anyone to say he is at it again. All he has done since arriving here was trying to win and trying to be a good team mate.
I remember seeing videos of T.O in the Cowboys locker room chanting US US US NOT ME ME ME. I remember T.O crying to the media asking them not to throw Romo under the buss because they lost as a team. I don't remember him trying to leave Dallas or doing situps in his drive way since arriving. So point out where the problem is?
The problem is Witten and other Cowboys twisting and feeding info to the media for his own selfish reasons.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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tomson75;2486732 said:
Your getting your panties wadded over TO

One could venture to say the pantie wadding has been a universal achievement on this board over the past 4 days or so.


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Bleu Star;2486711 said:
You heard about it so it must be true. Right?

Knowing TO's history, yes, I absolutely believe he's doing some of what he's done in the past. Would it surprise you at all if he is?

Witten gets a lot more benefit of the doubt from me. He's done NOTHING but be a tough, model team player.

As I said, this is my opinion, and right now it's no more wrong than yours or anyone else's. I actually hope it is and the whole thing is media-generated crap. I'm for whatever's good for the Cowboys. I'm not going to ignore TO's past behavior and pretend I don't think it looks like same old same old to me, though.


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Primetime0201;2486737 said:
Please point out to me when T.O has tried to leave dallas? Or did situps in his drive way? Or publicly threw his team mate under a buss? You can't because he hasn't. He hasn't even been speaking to the media. All he did was had a meeting with his coach and you throw his past up and say well he is at it again. He has not done anything since ariving here for anyone to say he is at it again. All he has done since arriving here was trying to win and trying to be a good team mate.
I remember seeing videos of T.O in the Cowboys locker room chanting US US US NOT ME ME ME. I remember T.O crying to the media asking them not to throw Romo under the buss because they lost as a team. I don't remember him trying to leave Dallas or doing situps in his drive way since arriving. So point out where the problem is?
The problem is Witten and other Cowboys twisting and feeding info to the media for his own selfish reasons.
It's like the totally unnecessary Deion Sanders interview never happen for some people...

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Why does everyone have such an issue with him picking and choosing who he talks to? Are the BSPN folks upset because he isn't feeding into their attempts to drum up nonsense? Is it the fact that he's not helping them on their path to improve their ratings? What's the issue?

IMO, he's smart to pick and choose because the rest of them will twist and tug at his words until they all have one huge pretzel before they write it or report it.


Brain Dead Shill
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Primetime0201;2486737 said:
Please point out to me when T.O has tried to leave dallas? Or did situps in his drive way? Or publicly threw his team mate under a buss? You can't because he hasn't. He hasn't even been speaking to the media. All he did was had a meeting with his coach and you throw his past up and say well he is at it again. He has not done anything since ariving here for anyone to say he is at it again. All he has done since arriving here was trying to win and trying to be a good team mate.
I remember seeing videos of T.O in the Cowboys locker room chanting US US US NOT ME ME ME. I remember T.O crying to the media asking them not to throw Romo under the buss because they lost as a team. I don't remember him trying to leave Dallas or doing situps in his drive way since arriving. So point out where the problem is?
The problem is Witten and other Cowboys twisting and feeding info to the media for his own selfish reasons. can't possibly be this dense. Well maybe.

I can't what? Bring up the already forgotten the Dieon interview? Is that model teammate behavior in our eyes? This might be the dumbest discussion I've ever engaged in outside of the Draft Zone.



Brain Dead Shill
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Bleu Star;2486739 said:
One could venture to say the pantie wadding has been a universal achievement on this board over the past 4 days or so.

Which is why I've largely avoided it until now. I can see I was wrong to come back this early.


More than meets the eye.
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DallasEast;2486744 said:
It's like the totally unnecessary Deion Sanders interview never happen for some people...

...or his post-game comments following the Washington game.


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Got me there T.O didn't have to do that interview but hey did Romo and Witten have to go to Cobbo? Did Witten have to open his trap to the media? Besides you still haven't shown me where T.O is doing what he did in Philly and San Fran... So it's okay for Witten but not for T.O? I don't think so.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Bleu Star;2486746 said:
Why does everyone have such an issue with him picking and choosing who he talks to?
If you're referring to the Deion Sanders interview, the reason is two-fold. One, it was totally unnecessary. Games are won on the field, not during one-on-one interviews. Two, it double, tripled, etc., media coverage of Owens every real or fictional moves and/or comments.

He did so with full knowledge of the consequences. He's not Danny Amendola. Amendola doing a one-on-one interview with Deion Sanders is a one day event. One week tops. He's Terrell Owens. The media will be talking about this next year, five years from now, etc. Unfair? Maybe, but that's how it is.
Bleu Star;2486746 said:
Are the BSPN folks upset because he isn't feeding into their attempts to drum up nonsense?
It depends. Ed Werder's upset that Owens has put him on his you know what list. Keyshawn Johnson is upset that Owens displaced him on the team. It goes on and on, but the fact remains that ALL of this is being helped by Owens inability to simply show up for games and shut up both inside and outside the stadium.
Bleu Star;2486746 said:
Is it the fact that he's not helping them on their path to improve their ratings? What's the issue?
He is and the issue for ESPN is whether or not he will continue to improve their ratings.
Bleu Star;2486746 said:
IMO, he's smart to pick and choose because the rest of them will twist and tug at his words until they all have one huge pretzel before they write it or report it.
He cannot pick and choose with consequences. However, he can prevent himself from picking and choosing, thus lessening the media spotlight for both himself and the team. Still, as it has always been, it is Owen's choice to decide which.


More than meets the eye.
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Primetime0201;2486763 said:
Got me there T.O didn't have to do that interview but hey did Romo and Witten have to go to Cobbo? Did Witten have to open his trap to the media? Besides you still haven't shown me where T.O is doing what he did in Philly and San Fran... So it's okay for Witten but not for T.O? I don't think so.

TO paid for that particular trip, as I recall.