Predicted 53 Man Roster and Analysis.. The Real Deal.. Book It..


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QB- Bledsoe, Henson, Romo
RB- Jones, Barber, Thompson
WR- Owens, Glenn, Crayton, Green, Copper
TE- Witten, Fasano, Hannam, Pierce
OL- Adams, Kosier, Johnson, Rivera, Fabini, Gurode, Peterman, Pettiti, Colombo
DL- Ellis, Ferguson, Spears, Canty, Hatcher, Stanley, Ratliff, Johnson
LB- Ware, Ayodele, James, Carpenter, Burnett, Boiman, Singleton, Parham
CB- Newman, Henry, Glenn, Reeves, Jones
S- Williams, Coleman, Watkins, Davis
K- Vanderjagt
P- McBriar
LS- Ladouceur
Kickoff Specialist

QB- Drew, Drew, and Tony are no brainers

RB- our top 3 RBs from last year make the squad.. with the switch to a 2 TE formation exclusively, Polite is a goner..

WR- Owens, Glenn, Crayton, and Green are locks.. the 5th spot will be close between Copper and Miles Austin, the undrafted rookie from Monmouth.. I think Copper wins based on experience, special teams play, and the fact that Parcells already likes him

TE- Witten, Fasano, and Hannam are locks.. the last spot will be very interesting.. Ryan was a mid round draft pick plagued by injuries and is more of a blocking specialist.. Curtis seems to have potential.. but I think that Pierce beats them both out..

OL- Adams, Kosier, Johnson, Rivera, Fabini, Gurode, and Pettiti are locks.. I think we keep 9, which leaves Colombo, Peterman, McQuistan, and Whitley.. experience wins out here.. the two 7th rounders are projects to say the least..

DL- Ferguson, Ellis (if he isnt traded), Spears, Canty, and Hatcher are locks.. I think that we will keep 8.. Stanley and Johnson make it because they are the only true DTs outside of Ferguson.. that leaves Coleman and Ratliff battling for that last spot.. this may be closer than some would think.. remember, Coleman started last year when Spears was hurt and Canty wasnt ready to start.. but I do think that Ratliff will get the nod and beat Coleman out..

LB- Ware, Ayodele, James, Carpenter, Boiman, and Burnett are locks.. I think we will keep 8, which leaves Singleton, Shanle, Parham, Hoyte, Fowler, and Thornton battling for 2 spots.. I think that Singleton makes it because Parcells knows that he is solid and knows what to expect from him.. a perfect backup.. I think that Parham wins that last spot.. just a gut feeling..

CB- Newman, Henry, Glenn, Reeves, and Jones make it.. we will keep 5, and these guys dont have any competition..

S- Roy, Davis, and Watkins are locks.. that leaves Coleman, Beriault, Pile, and Brooks fighting for 1 or maybe 2 spots.. I could actually see us keeping 5 safeties.. why? I think that we keep Coleman because of his experience and he is the only true FS that will be ready to play from day one.. Watkins will need time to learn.. and I think that Parcells wants to keep Beriault because of his potential and special teams play.. I think he will be tempted to keep him in fear that he will be snatched up if he is put on the practice squad.. in the end, I think that Parcells decides to go with a kickoff specialist instead..

Special Teams- Vanderjagt, McBriar, and Ladouceur are locks.. the only question is, do they spend a roster spot on a kickoff specialist? I thought no when we first signed Vanderjagt.. Parcells values roster spots too much.. but then again, he also values field position and special teams.. if he feels like he can get someone to boom it into the end zone and save 4 yards or so on every kickoff, that might be worth more to him than a backup safety or linebacker.. so I say they do get one.. but I keep changing my mind on this.. if I made this roster tomorrow, I might decide to keep a Beriault, Kenyon Coleman, Scott Shanle or Kalen Thornton instead..


5 outta 8 ain't bad
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Impressive run down. Nice work.

I do believe that Beriault will make the team though. Just don't know at whose cost.


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4 TEs no FB not gonna happen....Jones and Reeves are not locks, Parham nope...What I can say is that u got atleast 47 players right.... why u say because if all 53 made it it would get to ur head....LOL


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I hope we can do w/o B. Pierce.

I still have expectations for K. Thorton to be a contributor. Am I overestimating his ability?


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If we can get a TE to long snap, we can keep Beriault.

Otherwise, I think Parham goes to the practice squad and we keep Fowler. You used the experience reason with the backup OLine, and I will use that for Fowler. He knows the D. Another team would scoop him up in a heartbeat. NOBODY wanted Parham.


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QB- Bledsoe, Henson, Romo
RB- Jones, Barber, Thompson
WR- Owens, Glenn, Crayton, Green, Copper
TE- Witten, Fasano, Hannam, Pierce
OL- Adams, Kosier, Johnson, Rivera, Fabini, Gurode, Peterman, Pettiti, Colombo
DL- Ellis, Ferguson, Spears, Canty, Hatcher, Stanley, Ratliff, Johnson
LB- Ware, Ayodele, James, Carpenter, Burnett, Boiman, Singleton, Parham
CB- Newman, Henry, Glenn, Reeves, Jones
S- Williams, Coleman, Watkins, Davis
K- Vanderjagt
P- McBriar
LS- Ladouceur
Kickoff Specialist

Nice work, however I'm still not sold that we're finished this offseason. Could see a little more roster churning before opening day.
I'm not fully convinced that Romo AND Henson will both still be on our roster on opening day but its possible.
I love Tyson Thompson as KR but I think he'll be in trouble if he doesn't show some moves as a RB. Probably has one more year of opportunity though.
I think Copper is a goner. Don't care that he can play ST, I think two of our UDFA WRs have much more potential to actually develop and contribute as WRs.
I agree on 4 TEs. I like Pierce but obviously he's #4 on our squad. Probably couldn't afford to put him on the PS or someone would grab him.
I think Peterman is in some trouble on the OL. He's our only true G backup but I think its pretty clear that Gurode is much better as a back up G than Peterman. If one of the rookies steps up and flashes potential at G, I could see Peterman being the odd guy out. At a minimum, this is his make or break year and perhaps offseason. There's also still a chance we bring someone else in if anyone interested gets cut from another team or becomes trade bait.
I agree on the DL, I think Coleman is a goner, esp if Hatch is as good as Ireland seemed to think he was. I'm not sure we suit up 3x NTs. Johnson could find himself not suiting again this season for some games. Also not sure Ellis is still here come opening day.
Agree on the LB corps. I LOVE that corps too! Burnett may not make opening day due to injury but Boiman and Al S are shoe-ins as backups (however, I would love a good reason to get rid of Al). I agree that Parham makes it. I think Thorton could be an X factor also.
I agree on the CBs too, you have to have 5. Reeves is definitely there. I would like an upgrade on Jones but its probably his job to lose.
I agree on the S's. Williams, Coleman, and Watkins are shoe-ins and Davis is most likely there too. That's about all the S's you can afford to roster. Pile is a goner. Berault is the question mark....not sure he'll make it here. If we can stash him away for one more season, I don't expect Coleman to be here in '07.


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Yea i counted them too, that is 52 players.. god i hope i didnt count wrong I would feel pretty dumb. So who makes it between Thornton, Berriault and Whitley? I would have to say Berriault makes the team.


Arch Defender
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QB- Bledsoe, Henson, Romo
RB- Jones, Barber, Thompson
WR- Owens, Glenn, Crayton, Green, Copper
TE- Witten, Fasano, Hannam, Pierce
OL- Adams, Kosier, Johnson, Rivera, Fabini, Gurode, Peterman, Pettiti, Colombo
DL- Ellis, Ferguson, Spears, Canty, Hatcher, Stanley, Ratliff, Johnson
LB- Ware, Ayodele, James, Carpenter, Burnett, Boiman, Singleton, Parham
CB- Newman, Henry, Glenn, Reeves, Jones
S- Williams, Coleman, Watkins, Davis
K- Vanderjagt
P- McBriar
LS- Ladouceur
Kickoff Specialist


not bad...although I consider Columbo a long shot at best simply because he hasnt done anything in more than a couple of years...I highly doubt Kai Parham makes the team ahead of Ryan Fowler, in fact I would put money on it...not sure about Peterman...if Beriault is healthy they will find a spot for him, probably in place of Nate Jones



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to those who said it was only 52--- no, there is 53.. you probably werent counting "Kickoff Specialist".. i am leaving a roster spot open for one, but of course I dont have a name yet because we have no idea who that will be..


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No way will we go into the season with only one SS on the roster. I bet we don't have a kickoff specialist and we have 5 safeties on the list.

David Harrell - Pokes


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dbair1967 said:
I highly doubt Kai Parham makes the team ahead of Ryan Fowler, in fact I would put money on it

I definitely agree with you on this one. I don't believe that the potential that Parham flashes during training camp will equal the production that Fowler can provide. Saying all that, I believe that Kalen Thornton will make the team ahead of either guy. Although he does have a fight on his hand.

Also weren't the Cowboys pretty high on WR Jamaica Rector towards the end of the year? I believe they even considered adding him to the 53 man roster from the practice squad. (still a longshot I know)

Fred Smith

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I still like Ryan Fowler, and think he makes the team. He's everything but fast - big, smart, tough, motor, plays hard, team guy, etc.

Fred Smith

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Another offensive lineman in free agency or after the June 1st cuts wouldn't hurt, either. I'm not sold on Colombo and Pettitti as backup tackles. Maybe Whitley will show enough in camp to keep on the roster.


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I don't think Copper makes it this year. He's going to lose his ST spot to two rookies, Watkins and Green.


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It is easy to see the difficulties that coaches have when selecting the 'final' 53. do you want special teams? or safeties? or kickoff specialists? etc...


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Beriault will get every opportunity to prove he can do something, and if he blows people away, then the Newly acquired Coleman could be back on the street.

Especially if Watkins proves he can do some things early on. I could see Beriault on the PS until Watkins is ready, and then I see Coleman released and Beriault put on the 53, and remember Davis could always slip back over there incase Watkins or Beriault struggle.


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I don't think Copper makes it either. And if I were Crayton, I would come out firing on all cylinders because Green will be breathing down his neck.

I think Polite could be dismissed, depending on how many TE's Parcells decides to keep since he's running the "2 TE set" as he puts it.

I hope Parham makes the squad, because even though he's slow, he could be a real good asset in the inside of this monster defense. I myself didn't want him in the 3rd or 4th, but as an undrafted FA, I think it's a steal.

It's time to develope some more WR's, i.e. "Crayton" . One of those UDFA guys should be a 2nd to 3rd stringer in a couple of years. I do see us going heavily after WR/QB next year. But it would be nice if we would see something we've drafted or picked up as an UDFA actually become something like Crayton has.