Problem is leadership


Reaction score
Watching the game today, one thing jumped out at me.

The two emotional leaders on this offense are Romo and T.O.

When Romo lost the fumble on the 3rd down scramble, he sulked. His sulking resulted in poor passes, 3 and outs, and just a total loss of rhythm as an offense on a whole. It lasted until T.O. caught that TD pass. (He was still overtly pissed afterward, by the way...)

When Romo's confidence waned, this game turned from a potential blowout to the momentum shifting to a winless team ON THE ROAD about to knockoff the Super Bowl favorites. It was sad.

When T.O. is into it, the offense mores a lot better but that has been discussed ad nauseum over the past week so I'll leave that alone...

Also, how many times did you notice the defensive secondary not having a clue of what to do on big plays all throughout the game? It is a definite concern.

What kind of defensive play call could be that complicated that you have guys out there totally clueless of where to be and who to cover?

The secondary needs either better coaching or leadership and definitely more of an identity.

I've watched the Ravens play the past two weeks and that defense is SO nasty. Titans too. You could even throw Pittsburgh in that convo. I'm jealous because I'm sure the Cowboys are more talented than those teams at a few spots. Granted they all have been together for years now in generally the same system but my question is,

Why can't the Cowboys be even half as aggresive as they are?

I'm mean we have good pass rushers from outside and inside and good cover corners. What else do you need? Are they being mismanaged? Are they just not bright enough to know where to be and what to do? Is this as good as it gets and am I just expecting too much?

Back to the point. Romo needs to be more level headed for the offense to sustain drives and keep scoring when faced with adversity and someone needs to step up in the secondary to get everyone set so the coaches can have more confidence in them. Hopefully, that will lend itself to a more attacking style with more sacks, more short possessions and more mistakes and turnovers. It's what we were promised...

The End.