Question about Garrett


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If the team was so pleased about Garrett at OC, why was Reeves brought in as consultant in early 2009. This was after Garrett's first season as solo offensive coordinator (no Sparano that is). I think Reeves was Wade's suggestion.

Why was Reeves kicked out of his office after a few days (he had already moved in) over something dumb like punching the clock. And if Jerry has such a dumb clause in his coaches' contracts (I doubt it - he just wanted Reeves out), how can we expect to attract any great coach in?

Under Sparano, we were amongst the tops in points-to-yards gained on offense. Under Garrett, we have been amongst the last in points-to-yards gained on offense.

Why this stat? .. And why was Reeves fired?

Chocolate Lab

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He was never hired. Wade wanted him in here to help Jason and Jerry sabotaged it at the last minute.

Jerry also balked when Norv told him Jason wasn't ready to call plays during his interview.


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igtmfo;3615300 said:
If the team was so pleased about Garrett at OC, why was Reeves brought in as consultant in early 2009. This was after Garrett's first season as solo offensive coordinator (no Sparano that is). I think Reeves was Wade's suggestion.

Why was Reeves kicked out of his office after a few days (he had already moved in) over something dumb like punching the clock. And if Jerry has such a dumb clause in his coaches' contracts (I doubt it - he just wanted Reeves out), how can we expect to attract any great coach in?

Under Sparano, we were amongst the tops in points-to-yards gained on offense. Under Garrett, we have been amongst the last in points-to-yards gained on offense.

Why this stat? .. And why was Reeves fired?

While it is true that since Sparano departed Valley Ranch the offensive numbers( ranking in points and yards) have regressed. It is also true that during Wade's time in both Denver and in Buffalo the offensive unit also regressed. Is it Wade or is it Garrett? I think that for the same thing to happen in three different situations, there has to be a Wade connection.



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Chocolate Lab;3615313 said:
He was never hired. Wade wanted him in here to help Jason and Jerry sabotaged it at the last minute.

Jerry also balked when Norv told him Jason wasn't ready to call plays during his interview.

Where did you get this info CL? I am genuinely curious.


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craig71;3615321 said:
While it is true that since Sparano departed Valley Ranch the offensive numbers( ranking in points and yards) have regressed. It is also true that during Wade's time in both Denver and in Buffalo the offensive unit also regressed. Is it Wade or is it Garrett? I think that for the same thing to happen in three different situations, there has to be a Wade connection.


How much influence do you truly believe that Wade Phillips has over this team's offense?

Never forget that the guy who runs that side of the ball was hired before Wade himself was.

That tells you all you need to know about the dynamic of this team.

Wade coaches the defense and Garrett coaches the offense.

The only difference is they let Wade sit in front of the microphone and make excuses for what went wrong.


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stasheroo;3615331 said:
Never forget that the guy who runs that side of the ball was hired before Wade himself was.

So did Bill Parcells have no control over the defense?


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stasheroo;3615353 said:
Sorry, but I'm not following you?

Bill Parcells defensive coordinator was already on the staff when he was hired as head coach.


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zrinkill;3615355 said:
Bill Parcells defensive coordinator was already on the staff when he was hired as head coach.

Sorry, but I'm not understanding the point you're trying to make. I'll need you to elaborate before I can respond to it.


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Let's remember that in 2007 (our 13-3 season)

Sparano was the de facto offensive coordinator.

Sparano formulated the schemes (and coached up the OL too).

Sparano drew up the plays.

Sparano drew up the down-and-distance plays-to-call for Redball's card on the sideline. The card you consult for what the h--l play to run on a given down and distance.

Yes, Redball called the plays. But about everything on the card he looked at on the sidelines was courtesy of Sparano. I'm not making this up. I read this on DMN blog way back when or something.

Do I want to dis Redball? Yes. I think he's a Jerry family-scout Jim Garrett-let's hire the people I'm comfortable with-or their sons guy. ... If the funny great guy to drink with-but-lousy scout Larry Lacewell had a son in the game, he would be scouting coordinator by now under Jerry.

If there is a bad side to RW's success this season, it is that Jerry is confirmed in his decisions. (OK so the questionable one Garrett finally has RW run some patterns that he should have been running all along ... and RW is a beneficiary of Austin and maybe Dez too ...)

My point is that Garrett sucks.


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Some people cannot see the forest for the trees...

It is not that Wade has any influence over the offense as the design or plays that are called.... His influence is on the over all team, the players attitude, discipline and such... This team mirrors it's HC's personality.

Offensive numbers dropped every where Wade was a HC,,, because of his overall influence,,, "Aw shucks" attitude and approach.

Zimmer was here before Parcells was hire, so the circumstance is simular to Garrett being hired before Wade.


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I thought that Parcells decided to retain Zimmer. It is a different situation than bringing in a new OC before bringing in the HC.


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stasheroo;3615331 said:
How much influence do you truly believe that Wade Phillips has over this team's offense?

Never forget that the guy who runs that side of the ball was hired before Wade himself was.

That tells you all you need to know about the dynamic of this team.

Wade coaches the defense and Garrett coaches the offense.

The only difference is they let Wade sit in front of the microphone and make excuses for what went wrong.

Wade is the HC, nobody forced him into the job. If he was not sure about taking the job with Garrett on board he should have passed on Jerry's offer. As far as dynamics and who coaches what, how many days have you spent at Valley Ranch? But anyway, the numbers say that what we are seing has happened to other Wade Philips led teams. Is that not strange to you? Was Jerry behind the scenes in Denver or Buffalo undermining Wade somehow? In my opinion there is something fundamentally wrong with the daily routine that the HC (Wade) sets.



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igtmfo;3615384 said:
My point is that Garrett sucks.


I love it. I was focused and trying to read through to discern where u were going with it. That's a summation sentence that I respect.


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Boom;3615405 said:
I thought that Parcells decided to retain Zimmer. It is a different situation than bringing in a new OC before bringing in the HC.

It is my understanding that Jerry urged Parcells to interview Zimmer. After the interview Parcells was impressed enough with Zimmer to keep him on board. How big an influence Jerry was in the matter we will likely never know.



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craig71;3615422 said:
Wade is the HC, nobody forced him into the job. If he was not sure about taking the job with Garrett on board he should have passed on Jerry's offer. As far as dynamics and who coaches what, how many days have you spent at Valley Ranch? But anyway, the numbers say that what we are seing has happened to other Wade Philips led teams. Is that not strange to you? Was Jerry behind the scenes in Denver or Buffalo undermining Wade somehow? In my opinion there is something fundamentally wrong with the daily routine that the HC (Wade) sets.


What's 'strange' is that you actually think Phillips has any influence on what the offense is doing.

Too bad we can compare Garrett's prior offenses, but he never paid his dues to get this job, much less a prior gig.

I will agree with you on Wade's daily routine having an impact overall, but Garrett's solely responsible for the pass-happy, unbalanced offense.


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zrinkill;3615355 said:
Bill Parcells defensive coordinator was already on the staff when he was hired as head coach.

Were you referring to Mike Zimmer?

If so, Parcells chose to retain him, Zimmer was never forced on him, so the attempt at comparison isn't valid..


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igtmfo;3615384 said:
If there is a bad side to RW's success this season, it is that Jerry is confirmed in his decisions. (OK so the questionable one Garrett finally has RW run some patterns that he should have been running all along ... and RW is a beneficiary of Austin and maybe Dez too ...)

Roy Williams is finally being used how he excels. Deep posts, slants, deep fades, etc.

Momentum-based, long-stride routes. He's a lanky guy that isn't that agile and can't make very crisp cuts. NOT a bad thing, but you have to understand the athletes you have.


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stasheroo;3616088 said:
What's 'strange' is that you actually think Phillips has any influence on what the offense is doing.

Too bad we can compare Garrett's prior offenses, but he never paid his dues to get this job, much less a prior gig.

I will agree with you on Wade's daily routine having an impact overall, but Garrett's solely responsible for the pass-happy, unbalanced offense.

I would think that Wade has more input than you think when it comes to the offense. Think about it, Wade has everything to lose and nothing to gain by letting Garrett run the offense to his liking instead of Wade's. Wade surely has to realize that his job is on the line and has nothing to lose by instructing Garrett on what to do. To put it another way, if this was most likely your last head coaching job wouldn't you do everything in your power to make sure things are done to your liking?

I think Garrett has paid his dues to get where he is at. He played in the league longer than you or I and knows the game better than most realize. Exactly what did Kyle Shanahan do to get a job in the NFL? Like it or not, the NFL is a relatively small brotherhood where coaches sons and former players are put on the fast track if they are thought to have any coaching potential. You might not like the reality of the situation, but none the less that is just how it is.

Another thing for me to clarify. I don't think that Garrett is without blame, but I do think he would bring more to the table than Wade when it comes to being a head coach. I also agree that it would be nice to be able to compare Garrett's numbers at a previous stop, but there simply aren't any. But anyway, I still find it quite interesting to see the numbers in Denver and Buffalo mirror what is transpiring in Dallas.



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Boom;3615405 said:
I thought that Parcells decided to retain Zimmer. It is a different situation than bringing in a new OC before bringing in the HC.

True. Parcells interviewed Zimmer and decided to keep him as well as much of the defensive staff. They also kept the 4-3 defense because we did not have the linebackers to play 3-4 at the time.