Question about Garrett

28 Joker

28 Joker
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There were three calls that I didn't like in this last game.

1. The pick to Bennett.

It was first down and 10 at the 20. A first down run to Jones could have netted some yards to get closer. I've looked at that play over and over, and I still can't say for sure if Bennett should have caught it. He did get his hands on it. Dallas lost points.

Bennett is a very good blocker, but I'd rather have the ball going towards Austin, Witten, Jones, Williams, or Bryant.

Get the ball in your best play makers hands during money time.

2. The pick to Bennett.

Doug Free missed a cut block, and the ball was tipped and intercepted deep in your own end of the field. This play gave the Titans a gift 7 points. A run call here may have been the safer call to give you some room. It was a short, quick throw, but the LT blew his assignment. Disaster.

3. The short pass to Felix on 3rd and goal. That wasn't the time to throw the football short of the end zone. If you don't make it, you will get second guessed.

Also, the false start on Doug Free on the Titans three was a killer. If Davis doesn't whiff on 2nd down, Jones has a TD. Dallas settled for 3.

Also, there were two times where Felix Jones was wide open and could have netted first downs, but the ball went to Witten incomplete. If the ball goes to Jones, on the last drive, it's an easy first down at the 50.

Felix Jones touched the football 19 times and ran great.

I'm very happy with that.


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stasheroo;3616093 said:
Were you referring to Mike Zimmer?

If so, Parcells chose to retain him, Zimmer was never forced on him, so the attempt at comparison isn't valid..


So when Parcells keeps a guy Jerry hired ..... it was a choice.

When Wade does it ,.... he is a puppet.

thanks for clearing that up.


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Chocolate Lab;3615313 said:
He was never hired. Wade wanted him in here to help Jason and Jerry sabotaged it at the last minute.

Jerry also balked when Norv told him Jason wasn't ready to call plays during his interview.

zrinkill;3615323 said:
Where did you get this info CL? I am genuinely curious.

Seconded. I hadn't heard either tidbit before.


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igtmfo;3615384 said:
Let's remember that in 2007 (our 13-3 season)

Sparano was the de facto offensive coordinator.

Sparano formulated the schemes (and coached up the OL too).

Sparano drew up the plays.

Sparano drew up the down-and-distance plays-to-call for Redball's card on the sideline. The card you consult for what the h--l play to run on a given down and distance.

Yes, Redball called the plays. But about everything on the card he looked at on the sidelines was courtesy of Sparano. I'm not making this up. I read this on DMN blog way back when or something.

Do I want to dis Redball? Yes. I think he's a Jerry family-scout Jim Garrett-let's hire the people I'm comfortable with-or their sons guy. ... If the funny great guy to drink with-but-lousy scout Larry Lacewell had a son in the game, he would be scouting coordinator by now under Jerry.

If there is a bad side to RW's success this season, it is that Jerry is confirmed in his decisions. (OK so the questionable one Garrett finally has RW run some patterns that he should have been running all along ... and RW is a beneficiary of Austin and maybe Dez too ...)

My point is that Garrett sucks.

It's actually worse. He swallows!


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skicat1898;3615386 said:
Some people cannot see the forest for the trees...

It is not that Wade has any influence over the offense as the design or plays that are called.... His influence is on the over all team, the players attitude, discipline and such... This team mirrors it's HC's personality.

Offensive numbers dropped every where Wade was a HC,,, because of his overall influence,,, "Aw shucks" attitude and approach.

Zimmer was here before Parcells was hire, so the circumstance is simular to Garrett being hired before Wade.

The forest is bigger than you see and its name is Jerry.


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ZeroClub;3616422 said:
The forest is bigger than you see and its name is Jerry.

Someone give me a link to a quote, article, video, interview, phone call, doodle, that gives credible evidence to the theory that Jerry runs everything to do with the team.


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wconn1979;3616424 said:
Someone give me a link to a quote, article, video, interview, phone call, doodle, that gives credible evidence to the theory that Jerry runs everything to do with the team.

I don't know but I think the words " The final decisions made about the Dallas Cowboys is mine" is clue enough for me. Not an exact quote but JJ has said it multiple times.


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Dave_in-NC;3616426 said:
I don't know but I think the words " The final decisions made about the Dallas Cowboys is mine" is clue enough for me. Not an exact quote but JJ has said it multiple times.

Is that not true with every owner out there?


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zrinkill;3616334 said:

So when Parcells keeps a guy Jerry hired ..... it was a choice.

When Wade does it ,.... he is a puppet.

thanks for clearing that up.

You have no freakin' clue what you're talking about.


Parcells made the call whether or not to keep Zimmer, if you have any doubts about that,

And Wade had no choice about Garrett being here.


If you can't see the difference, it's simply because you don't want to see it.


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Dave_in-NC;3616426 said:
I don't know but I think the words " The final decisions made about the Dallas Cowboys is mine" is clue enough for me. Not an exact quote but JJ has said it multiple times.

Thats the problem.

wconn1979;3616452 said:
Is that not true with every owner out there?


wee wee


jay cee

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casmith07;3616119 said:
Roy Williams is finally being used how he excels. Deep posts, slants, deep fades, etc.

Momentum-based, long-stride routes. He's a lanky guy that isn't that agile and can't make very crisp cuts. NOT a bad thing, but you have to understand the athletes you have.

great point. That's true in every aspect of sports. It's amazing how many professional coaches don't grasp that.


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wconn1979;3616424 said:
Someone give me a link to a quote, article, video, interview, phone call, doodle, that gives credible evidence to the theory that Jerry runs everything to do with the team.

I doubt Jerry checks whether the Valley Ranch restrooms are stocked with paper towels. So no, I do not believe Jerry is personally involved with every aspect of the operation.

Just the important ones.

As the owner, he set up the structure of the organization, and he hires, pays, and fires coaches at will. As GM he drafts, acquires, pays, trades, and cuts players. He's also involved in discussions pertaining to players' playing time.

jay cee

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41gy#;3616323 said:
3. The short pass to Felix on 3rd and goal. That wasn't the time to throw the football short of the end zone. If you don't make it, you will get second guessed.

I was complaining about that play also, with Williams, Austin and Bennett on the roster, you have to throw that ball into the endzone.
41gy#;3616323 said:
Also, the false start on Doug Free on the Titans three was a killer. If Davis doesn't whiff on 2nd down, Jones has a TD. Dallas settled for 3.

I'm not a big fan of pulling lineman on the goal line because the defense is in attack mode anyway. But if you are going to call for a pulling guard, I certainly don't think you want it to be Davis in that situation.

Pulling a big lumbering, stiff player who's weakness is blocking out in space is a recipe for disaster.

You can blame the player for missing the block, but you also should place some blame on the coach for asking the player to do something that most anyone on this forum could see that player would have trouble doing.

Like another poster just said, you have to know your players strengths.


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jay cee said:
I'm not a big fan of pulling lineman on the goal line because the defense is in attack mode anyway. But if you are going to call for a pulling guard, I certainly don't think you want it to be Davis in that situation.

Pulling a big lumbering, stiff player who's weakness is blocking out in space is a recipe for disaster.

You can blame the player for missing the block, but you also should place some blame on the coach for asking the player to do something that most anyone on this forum could see that player would have trouble doing.

Like another poster just said, you have to know your players strengths.

An excellent point, much like the team's past misuse of Roy Williams.

Davis is a phone booth mauler, pure and simple. And he's ill-suited to an offense that doesn't want to run the football.

I think he might still have some value to a team like the Bears who can use all the line help they can get, and I'd try to move him if the decision has been made to pass 70% of the time.

Chocolate Lab

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zrinkill;3615323 said:
Where did you get this info CL? I am genuinely curious.

The Reeves part was obvious from Dan making the rounds on all the radio stations the next day. He was crushed when Jerry put that clause in there at the last minute. inmanroshi has posted on this- I gotta keep it short posting from my phone.

And the Norv part is from his best bud Galloway, who has told that many times. Of course, he tells it to support his claim that Norv is a tough guy of principle who refused to be pushed around by Jerry. And for the record, Galloway is an RJ fan.

Yakuza Rich

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I can only hope that the organization isn't happy with Garrett. We are only on pace to throw the ball 724 times this season at a 70% clip.

I generally like Jerry and like him as an owner, but sometimes he takes too many gambles instead of calculated risks and sometimes he is too stubborn for my tastes.

But I just don't see Garrett as a good O-Coordinator nor do I have faith he'll be a good HC.

I understand not wanting to do the retread coach thing, but there's plenty of good, young coaches out there that will make a great HC...we just have to face the truth and have the guts to go out and look for one.


jay cee

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stasheroo;3616590 said:
An excellent point, much like the team's past misuse of Roy Williams.

Davis is a phone booth mauler, pure and simple. And he's ill-suited to an offense that doesn't want to run the football.

I think he might still have some value to a team like the Bears who can use all the line help they can get, and I'd try to move him if the decision has been made to pass 70% of the time.
I totally agree, I'll swear I have never seen an interior lineman set up to pass block and just totally whiff as much as Davis has this year.

Phone booth mauler,,,,;) That describes him to a T.

jay cee

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Yakuza Rich;3616628 said:
I can only hope that the organization isn't happy with Garrett. We are only on pace to throw the ball 724 times this season at a 70% clip.

I generally like Jerry and like him as an owner, but sometimes he takes too many gambles instead of calculated risks and sometimes he is too stubborn for my tastes.

But I just don't see Garrett as a good O-Coordinator nor do I have faith he'll be a good HC.

I understand not wanting to do the retread coach thing, but there's plenty of good, young coaches out there that will make a great HC...we just have to face the truth and have the guts to go out and look for one.

I totally agree. I don't like the idea of rewarding his inconsistent job (at best) as OC, with a promotion.

Yakuza Rich

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jay cee;3616636 said:
I totally agree. I don't like the idea of rewarding his inconsistent job (at best) as OC, with a promotion.

I'm afraid Jerry will think 'well, we don't want to let Garrett go because look at what happened to Sean Payton when we let him go.'

That stuff is going to happen. The key is to find other good coaches. Just because a good, young coach that you have leaves and has success elsewhere doesn't mean that you cannot find another good, young coach that has even more success.



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Yakuza Rich;3616628 said:
I can only hope that the organization isn't happy with Garrett. We are only on pace to throw the ball 724 times this season at a 70% clip.

I generally like Jerry and like him as an owner, but sometimes he takes too many gambles instead of calculated risks and sometimes he is too stubborn for my tastes.

But I just don't see Garrett as a good O-Coordinator nor do I have faith he'll be a good HC.

I don't either. He hasn't developed into a complete offensive coordinator so I don't see how you reward him by letting him sit in the big chair. He's in over his head now, how much worse would it be then?

I understand not wanting to do the retread coach thing, but there's plenty of good, young coaches out there that will make a great HC...we just have to face the truth and have the guts to go out and look for one.

In my opinion, there's one man who can get this thing fixed before the current window of opportunity closes - Bill Cowher.

Cowher assembled quality staffs of skilled coaches for years in Pittsburgh and I have every reason to believe that he would do the same in Dallas.

His 'coaching tree' is an impressive list of qualified coaches and I feel that the next staff he assembles could maximize what is currently a talented, but underachieveing roster.

He would maintain continuity with the current 3-4 defense, and would place a needed emphasis on the running game as well.

I think any other coach wouled likely experience growing pains and the team may take several steps back before they took the necessary steps forward. By that time, we likely won't be able to keep the current roster intact.