Question For The Old-Timers


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It’s an interesting question, but unfortunately I can’t provide a good answer because there is a lot more than changes in the game that factors into how I view the game today relative to how I viewed it then. With age, and a family, my priorities and focuses have changed, and of course, it’s not possible to see the game with the same wide eyed wonder as a kid does. Staubach and Lilly were larger than life figures to me as a kid. I’m amazed at the skill of some players today, but I don’t see any through those same eyes.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still an avid Cowboy fan, and I watch every week, and my emotions can run high during the game, but at my age it’s more in perspective.


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If I thought it were equitable, I might agree with you....but, when teams from the SEC and other schools don't care if their kids go to classes and they can't even utter a legitimate sentence, it is insulting to me - did you ever notice the star of the game in the SEC getting on TV and actually, you know, talking? no, they won't let them...and, I have said this numerous times, have you ever noticed many Alabama players have a "star" NFL career? it's almost like they have different rules :rolleyes:, maybe things are "supplemented" differently when you can get away with things at the college level...I enjoy college football, but when you see all of the cheating from the SAME schools and nothing happens, it just leaves a stain to me

There was an LSU player about 15 or 20 years ago that they highlighted after a play; he was a senior (A SENIOR) and what was his major? General, I just imagined that he was likely very knowledgeable on generals like Grant, MacArthur, Custer.......insulting.....

Most, not all, young men today just want the money, the big car and the perks of playing football in the NFL once they spend a couple of years in college. They really don't care about going to classes, it's about making all that "quan".


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While I still follow the Cowboys, I have lost the passion for them that I had in the ‘70s to ‘90s. As you said, the rule changes and free agency began my decreasing interest; but Goodell has about finished me. It also seems like the players now speak of football as a business (which I can understand to some degree) as opposed to their love of the game. And, boy do I miss Tom.


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I remember watching my first cowboy game, we were playing the colts and Johnny U was QB. I believe it was a championship game, it was 1960 something but id have to google back to fill the details. I can say in a single word my answer to your question....NO


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With the ways the game has changed so dramatically, beginning decades ago with the "Bump & Run" rule, then moving on to free agency, Salary Cap and finally, hamstringing defenses, my question is this; How much do you enjoy today's game vs back in "The Day?"

Personally, although the modern players are bigger and faster, there's an attitude of check cashing and individualism that has eroded my enjoyment of the NFL. Even with the increased athleticism, I do not believe the game is as fierce and hard fought as it once was.

In answering this question, I'm not asking you to allow any of the political crap that has infected the league to enter in ... just the game on the field and how it's played ... and if you're a "Youngster", you really don't have anything to base your remarks on. ... So, help me out, Old Dudes ...
The biggest change over the years is it’s not really just a game anymore. It’s Sports Entertainment at the highest level.

It used to be a part time gig for players away from their regular jobs. My uncle in the early 60’s turned away a contract from Lombardi and the Packers because a $1,000 signing bonus and $10,000 a year wasn’t enough to move his family from Ft Worth.


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I remember watching my first cowboy game, we were playing the colts and Johnny U was QB. I believe it was a championship game, it was 1960 something but id have to google back to fill the details. I can say in a single word my answer to your question....NO
Unitas played us in Super Bowl V in 1970 season.


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For me College Football continues to present the spirit of the competition with Century old traditional rivalries in historic stadiums my father and grandfather attended.


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I hate expecting a flag after every big pass play, punt or kickoff.

Special teams back in the day made household names, now ST players are practically nameless.

I miss the snow and rain games, the larger than life players and teams. People the Packers, Steelers and Cowboys teams in 60s and 70s were really that great.

Most of all I miss dominant defenses and great running games.

I'll still root for my boys and maybe if they consistently get into the playoffs the passion will return....its been way too long .


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The advent of replay is a good one. I watch tons of old games and blown calls were very rare. The quality of officiating has gone down. I think there are so many “points of emphasis” each year that officials miss the basic stuff like “was that a fumble”, or “was that a catch”. They don’t focus much on that because they have a crutch in replay.
Blown calls were rare in the old pre-replay days. I remember often when there was a bad call, the refs would huddle and then correct the call. Now, it seems like they lean on replay far too much. Even with replay, they still get calls wrong. They replay a catch frame by frame, which forces the rules to be over complicated also to define a catch.


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With the ways the game has changed so dramatically, beginning decades ago with the "Bump & Run" rule, then moving on to free agency, Salary Cap and finally, hamstringing defenses, my question is this; How much do you enjoy today's game vs back in "The Day?"

Personally, although the modern players are bigger and faster, there's an attitude of check cashing and individualism that has eroded my enjoyment of the NFL. Even with the increased athleticism, I do not believe the game is as fierce and hard fought as it once was.

In answering this question, I'm not asking you to allow any of the political crap that has infected the league to enter in ... just the game on the field and how it's played ... and if you're a "Youngster", you really don't have anything to base your remarks on. ... So, help me out, Old Dudes ...
Probably the thing I despise the most is the salary cap. I hate it when we draft a player, they end up being a stud, and then we lose them solely based upon salary cap considerations.

When I was little , I couldn’t wait to get the TV guide to see who was the one non local game, which for me was always the raiders and niners..... so the Sunday ticket is easily the best improvement. When it first came out, I didn’t have direct tv and I went to a large local sports bar. I live in ca, and it was a total Dallas cowboys fan bar. I do miss those days as it was great fun in 1992 to watch the games and all the fans high fiving.... and you didn’t even know them. The cowboys brought us together.

Radio coverage...... in 80s and early 90s, we got stuck with local coverage..... the first time I was able to go online and get the local Dallas radio sports talk that was all cowboys was a thing of beauty. I could go listen to a radio show from Dallas? Holly ****, I had died and gone to heaven.

Cheap airfare....I am upper middle class, but I can now fly to multiple games a year do to Southwest Airlines and their really cheap air tickets. Life is good.

I despise all the new rules in the name of safety. I don’t expect them to allow defense to clothesline players ala the longest yard, but the latest round of safety rules is pushing me to the breaking point. Last weeks packer Vikings game is a perfect example. A ridiculous rule decided the outcome of the game.

I still think I love the game as much as ever, but I know my cowboys are going to lose a game on either a roughing the passer call, or some ridiculous hit on a wr, and then I will lose it. But then I will be right back the following week watching.

The commissioner and suspensions. I am a football fan. I don’t give a rip about off field crap. If a playe is not in jail, they should be playing football.i don’t need my o,Ayers to be role models and full of purity. If Aaron Hernandez was released on parole, I’d gladly put a uniform on him and cheer when he scores a td. Today, our players have to be good citizens , help old ladies cross streets, read to little kids, and feed the homeless. I couldn’t care less about anything these guys do on non game days. The total press coverage has hurt the game because the nfl is now so worried about sponsors and tv money. Ugh


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Lost the passion around 1998. I got it back a bit when Parcels was hired, but that slipped away when Jerry hired carrot top. Pretty much stopped caring about results after Garrett was able to keep his job after 3 straight 8-8 seasons. These days, because Garrett is still there, I rarely catch a game whether I'm working or not. I haven't seen either of the first 2 games and it doesn't bother me whatsoever.

Jerry, get rid of Garrett so I can enjoy football again.

Yes, I know this about the product on the field. To be frank, I like the college game more these days.
Blows me away that you spend time in here, and don’t watch games.


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How the game was played in the past to what it has became now is an embarrassment.
Its a slap in the face for the players of old and for the players of is ruining the game!
The Clay Mathews hit last week was 100% football...the penalty was a kick in the gut for me, and I didn't even care who won game.


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Blown calls were rare in the old pre-replay days. I remember often when there was a bad call, the refs would huddle and then correct the call. Now, it seems like they lean on replay far too much. Even with replay, they still get calls wrong. They replay a catch frame by frame, which forces the rules to be over complicated also to define a catch.
Back in the day they didn’t have 50 different camera angles that tore apart an official because they didn’t see that wr toe was 1/4 inch out of bounds. If you gonna have that many cameras.....


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I have been watching pro football for over 50 years so I guess I qualify as an old timer. I believe that some of the greats of the past would not be able to play their game today. Dick Butkus for example, would get flagged about 10 times a game for his style of play. But I get it. The players are so much bigger today. I remember when defensive linemen were 260 lbs. Offensive linemen we about the same size.

I don't like some of the rule changes. I don't like the way they protect QBs. Some blows to the head for example are just incidental and don't deserve flags. The low hits are usually the result of a tackler going to the ground because of contact of loss of balance. I don't like all the flagged contact down field, all the flags on punt and KO returns. I don't like the changes to the extra points or KOs. I hate all the stupid confusion over what is a catch and what is not.

I hate all the stupid orchestrated celebrations in the end zone. I hate when players on teams that are behind by two TDs celebrate a first down or a tackle for a loss. In the old days no coach would tolerate that nonsense. I remember the Gastineau rule. They implemented it because his celebrations after a sack were stupid at that time. It was a good rule and they should have kept it.

I liked that the games were shorter too. I liked more running less passing. It required more skill up front. It required more team and less dependence on one player, the QB. They made the QB so important now that they had to change the rules to protect him.

I hate free agency but I get it. I also hate the games in London and Mexico. I think they should work to make the NFL a better product here and forget about going to China and Germany.

I still love football but its getting getting close to becoming something I won't like.


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Oh there are many things to say on that but the thing that bugs me the most and REALLY bugs the bleep out of me is how brief it seems that you can enjoy players. Take D Lawrence, he just arrived, after drafting him and waiting for his development and then finally seeing him become a major player we are already subjected to discussions of "how could we afford to keep him" The Cowboys are the most valuable franchise in US sports and as soon as your DeMarco Murrays and your Tank Lawrences do well it seems like you have this tiny window to enjoy them. We already hear "how can afford this o line" I can remember all the linebacking corp and d-lines and o-lines of so many previous decades yet now its enjoy this guy while he lasts because he will be gone before you know it.
This is the biggest thing for me. As. A kid, I memorized our entire roster off of the TV guide. Now, I don’t even try... the roster changes so much every season. I hate that....roger, tony hill, Pearson, tony d, and on and on... those were OUR guys, they were Dallas Cowboys. Now.... they aren’t our guys, they are just ours until the next contract .


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I hate football in domes. I miss Texas Stadium, Metropolitan Stadium (Vikings being an indoor team is ridiculous), the Baltimore Colts, Tampa Bay's creamsicle uniforms, fullbacks who actually ran the ball and caught passes, QBs lining up under center (I remember when Landry brought the shotgun back, now it's almost all you see), Pat Patriot (old New England logo), dirty uniforms, and dudes getting blown up if their QB hung them out to dry.
I, too, miss the old TB and NE uniforms. Also miss the blue and yellow Rams uniforms instead of the blue/gold and blue/white combinations.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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With the ways the game has changed so dramatically, beginning decades ago with the "Bump & Run" rule, then moving on to free agency, Salary Cap and finally, hamstringing defenses, my question is this; How much do you enjoy today's game vs back in "The Day?"

Personally, although the modern players are bigger and faster, there's an attitude of check cashing and individualism that has eroded my enjoyment of the NFL. Even with the increased athleticism, I do not believe the game is as fierce and hard fought as it once was.

In answering this question, I'm not asking you to allow any of the political crap that has infected the league to enter in ... just the game on the field and how it's played ... and if you're a "Youngster", you really don't have anything to base your remarks on. ... So, help me out, Old Dudes ...
I miss the old smash mouth "get the heck back out there you're ok" brand of football. However, I am keenly aware of the long term effects of taking hit after hit after hit and what it truly does to the mind. There's a 30 for 30 coming out regarding Seau. Having played with Junior, my brother got an early screener of it which he passed along to me. It is one of the saddest stories to date imo and it just left me feeling pained for the children & family members left behind when CTE takes the life of a loved one... So, after watching it, my bro and I had some words about it. He's in it btw at around the 32 min mark talking about the time Junior went in to play TE. He only did that once and it was a memorable occasion. I then asked my brother about his health and his response was "bro, I'm all kinds of ****ed up". Which makes me sad because you enjoy the good times while they're playing with not a thought about the after effects... So, that being said, today's NFL does seem to portray a little less love for the game and a little more love for the money. That said, I am glad to see the steps the NFL is taking to protect the players. Better safe than sorry down the road. Most definitely...


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I was 12 years old when the Cowboys played the Packers for the championship in 1966. I remember thinking that somehow the Cowboys had become really good. The next year the Cowboys played the Packers again for the championship in the Ice Bowl. I was a huge Don Meredith fan back then. The Staubach/Drew Pearson era was really exciting to watch. Our family went to church on Sundays, and I remember sitting there the whole time really excited anticipating watching the Cowboys on TV afterwards. I wasn't happy when Jimmy Jonson replaced Tom Landry, but he proved fairly quickly that he was and probably still could be one of the best coaches in the league. The Aikman, Smith, and Irving era was great, but I think most of us here feel like there could have been even more championships. I blame Jerry for the lack of championships. He thought he was just as responsible for the Super Bowl wins as Jimmy Johnson, and clearly he wasn't. I'm not nearly as exited about the current Cowboys because of Jason Garrett. I think he should have been fired at the same time Wade Philips was because he was the assistant head coach and OC. For him to get promoted when the team tanked seemed totally wrong to me. I thought maybe he is a good coach, but I don't want him coaching my team. Well it turns out he is not a good coach, They only win now when the talent overcomes the coaching. I'm one of those who believe that JG wasted the potential of Romo and Witten and I hope he's gone soon. I want to feel the excitement again that I felt as a kid, and I think I will as soon as JG is replaced. Some say we could do worse with a new coach and my answer to that is maybe, but the next coach will be on a shorter leash and not be treated like a Jerry Jones son.


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I get the whole concussion thing and protecting the QB, etc, etc, but trust me, in a few more years, this will be a flag football sport. I miss the days of you had a coach nd players that lived or died by their own development and stuck together and there was true team unity. Those days are gone! It's individual first, team second or third. Also, the game is so specifically position coached, which progression took it that way, but players on the same team really don;t even know each other well, because they are isolated studying for only their specific job. Perfectionism it is, but the team element is lost in translation.

There was something great about football in the 70's up until maybe 1998 or so and it began to change. Not the same game. Has an arena football league feel to it now. But I still think it's the best sport ever created.